Call of Duty Black Ops Easter eggs


PC | Submitted by 49ers1712

Mason And Woods Mailboxes

nuke town

thereare two mailboxes left look on the right of them it shows MASON and WOODS .

NOTE: they're seperate

Xbox 360 | Submitted by crazybitch

Song On Call Of The Dead

says in the text

You have to activate 3 Metroids to play the song. You have have to press square in front of them to activate them.

1. To the left on the Spawn, on a Barrel.

2. To the left of a table in the Restaurant in the ship.

3. On a small table in the room where PhD Flopper perk is located at.

PS3 | Submitted by crazybitch

Story Of The Zombies

The story starts with Der Riese (which is 'The Giant' in English) where German scientists are developing teleportation devices to help win World War 2. The scientists tested the teleporteres on SS Honor Guard soldiers, however, they didn't appear at that other end and some DID appear where they were supposed to, but were reverted to a zombie-like state. Some scientists at Der Riese got their hands on some zombies to test on. The scientists at Der Riese including Ludvig Maxis and Edward Richtofen were trying to find out what had happened to their test subjects. At the time Richtofen was developing the Wunderwaffe DG-2, the Ray-Gun(possibly the DG1), the Random Weapon Box and the Monkey Bomb. Maxis was testing the zombies behavior; all tests failed. Maxis had a daughter called Samantha Maxis. Ludvig bought her a puppy named Fluffy, secretly intending to use the dog and it's offspring (Fluffy was pregnant) as new test subjects for the teleporters. Fluffy then had numerous babies which were all used in the teleporters, including Fluffy. The dogs appeared at the teleporters as Hellhounds. Ludvig and Richtofen were doing experiments on Fluffy when Samantha entered the room. Whilst Ludvig and Samantha were arguing Edward slowly backed out of the room. He then went insane and sealed the two of them in the room and released the zombified Fluffy. It then proceeded to tear apart the two and soon they were both dead. Samantha came back as a kind of ghost zombie with two forms. One is the innocent girl (giggles when you receive her teddy from the random box where she moves it to another location) or as her zombie form (the voice that comes up when you get droppables from zombies eg. 'insta-kill, double-points etc). The Wunderwaffe runs on a very dangerous much sought after element called element 115 - I don't know who made the pack-a-punch, probably Richtofen as well. In real life a meteorite fell to Earth and broke off into pieces, the pieces fell to Earth. People believed it brought the dead to life. Energy from the meteorites interfered with the teleporters at Der Riese and re-directed them. One meteorite all the humans went to and one all the dogs. The human one was about a mile away from Nacht Der Untoten, the dogs went to the meteorite just outside Shi No Numa. The dogs could teleport at-will the humans would only go every month or so to an area of unusual electric activity (all the power from Verruckt and Der Riese and the other meteorite at Shi No Numa). In Nacht Der Untoten a team of United States of America Marine Company soldiers are sent out to investigate Der Reise, but they were shot down over Natch Der Untoten, (where the zombies mentioned above had teleported to. The crash wasn't to bad and everyone survived. The pilot tried to repair the ship while the other four explored a nearby bunker. The pilot is killed by zombies as you see in the cut-scene before the game beginning. After fighting hordes of zombies they escape and warn the American government. Verruckt is where the research at Der Riese was moved to and where an American spy named Peter is working. Richtofen finishes making the Wunderwaffe and decides to take it with him when he is transferred to Shi No Numa to continue researching. Back at Verruckt zombies break out killing everyone working there. Only Peter escapes with his life. A short while later four expert soldiers, lead by Tank Demsey are sent to deal with the zombies but American intelligence misjudged how bad it was and eventually they all die apart from Dempsey who escaped. Peter is sent to Shi No Numa to assist Richtofen but he goes crazy and commits suicide, Peter is the hanging body in the spawn room. If you look at it you may be wondering why he is missing an arm that's because it's stuck to the power switch on Verruckt. Three more super elite soldiers are sent in to Shi No Numa, Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo. The co-ordinates on the Easter egg are first to Area 51, the probable location of Nazi Zombies in the final Map Pack. The second is where the meteorite broke up in space before the fragments landed on Earth. The four are then sent to Der Riese where a lot has changed. 1. it is deserted 2. there is a pack-a-punch machine and three the teleports actually work. You are sent in as a specialist recon to find how to use the pack-a-punch, check out the teleports and find whether there is any information on getting to some element - 115 which is running low at the moment. In Black Ops it is revealed that the other three named characters survived the events at Der Riese and time-traveled to a Nazi Theater, where they continue to fight zombies. In the intro to Kino der Toten, Richtofen reveals that he knows much more about the energy created by 115, and that he was excited to learn that it was also capable of time travel. He seems unconcerned that him and his partners have been teleported to Nazi Germany in an unknown year. In another radio message in Der Riese, Dr. Maxis is contacting higher command. He states that he needs more 115 for his experiments and that the "Nevada Base" has some. The "Nevada Base" is obviously Area 51.

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Pippin1775

Hudson The Zombie

Interrogation room.

On the main menu, select Zombies and wait. Look up where Hudson stands in the control room. He turns into a zombie and bangs on the glass.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by Boomer06

Dead Ops: Room Of Fate Bonuses

Room of Fate

when you reach the Room of Fate in Dead Ops Arcade, if you look in the center of the screen you will see the path arrows appear one by one. go to one of these arrows to get the bonus.

1st arrow will give you the gift of fortitude (extra points and point multiplyer)

2nd arrow will give you the gift of firepower (permanent machinegun upgrade until game over)

3rd arrow will give you the gift of friendship (permanent chicken until game over)

4th arrow will give you the gift of furious feet (permanent movement speed upgrade until game over and one speed boost)

PS3 | Submitted by derek227

Masons Email

computer in interrogation room

If you go to the computer in the interrogation room you can view alex masons email. Type in "login". User: mason and his password is "password"

PS3 | Submitted by derek227

JFK Email Login

computer in interrogation room

When you go to the computer you are logged in as mason but you can change users by putting in "login". If you put in jfkennedy as a username and his password is "lancer". This will bring you to a series of emails read his emails and there is some "classified" stuff.

PS3 | Submitted by xXcutie90Xx

Hidden Movie In Zombie Mode

Kino Der Toten

When you teleport and you go in that little room with the teddy bear when you're teleporting back, there will be a round flat disc lying somewhere in that room. Walk up to it and hold x/square to pick it up. Now you will see it at the bottom of your screen. The next time you teleport and you're where the pack-a-punch machine is, walk up to the front of the projector thingy on the left and hold x/square and then a tape will play.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by xXcutie90Xx


Kino Der Toten

When you teleport and you go in that little room with the teddy bear when you're teleporting back, there will be a round flat disc lying somewhere in that room. Walk up to it and hold x/square to pick it up. Now you will see it at the bottom of your screen. The next time you teleport and you're where the pack-a-punch machine is, walk up to the front of the projector thingy on the left and hold x/square and then a tape will play.

PS3 | Submitted by bens6942

Thunder Gun In Numbers/Kowloon Mission


This Easter Egg is more callengeing than the WAW ray gun on Peleliu. At the beginning of numbers, The Kowloon level throw 2 grenades behind the gas tanks where the russians are coming from. Next, shoot the two gas tanks by the nova 6 canisters. Then, where you would find the 1st intel press action by the tape recorder once you've held it down long enough the screen will shake. When you get to the weapon cache behind the refrigerator, press action by the tape recorder on the table and hold it down. You should see it close then you will hear numbers and a thunder gun will appear. It's very powerful weapon this doesn't happen, you have done it wrong. Good luck.

PS3 | Submitted by Voodoo Tha Wicked 666

Kino Der Toten 2 Player Strategy

Kino Der Toten

To get far in the Nazi Zombie map Kino Der Toten, you need to know the entire map. Because you cant expect to get far if its your first time playing. So, after you've passed a few rounds and you have things opened, you are gonna want some guns. Do NOT buy any guns in the first room where you spawn! Wait until you get to the machine guns. Now, one step in survival, you always want to keep one gun off the wall, and one from the Mystery Box. NEVER take 2 weapons from the box, you always need one from a wall because if you run out of ammo you can simply go back to the wall and buy more (I reccomend you buy the MP40 because it doesnt run out of ammo as fast as any other gun off the wall). And, only hit the box once or twice a round to save points and to keep it in one place as long as possible. When your gun from the Mystery Box is out of ammo, its time to upgrade it. When your in the room to upgrade, have your partner throw grenades out of the window so you can kill zombies while your in the room. When your done upgrading, help him until it teleports you out. If you run out of grenades and your not done killing, buy more on the wall next to the window. Also, you need perks. The only perks you should buy are Juggernaug and Quick Revive. Not the other 2 because those to just make you run out of ammo much faster, and you obviously want ammo. After you've been playing for a while and your hands are sweaty and hurting a bit, take a 5 - 10 minute break. If you keep playing while your hands are sort of in pain and sweaty you are more likely to mess up and die. And now, the last thing Im going to tell you. You cannot camp in Kino Der Toten because thats basically a suicide, theres only horrible places to camp. So, you just run around the entire map. MAKE SURE YOU STAY WITH YOUR TEAMMATE THE ENTIRE TIME! If he dies, you stick around a bit so you can revive him unless he gives you the OK to go without him. That is all, have fun zombie slaughtering!

PS3 | Submitted by xXcuite90Xx

Zombie Mode Films/Tapes

Kindo Der Toten

When you teleport and you go in that little room with the teddy bear when you're teleporting back, there will be a round flat disc lying somewhere in that room. Walk up to it and hold x/square to pick it up. Now you will see it at the bottom of your screen. The next time you teleport and you're where the pack-a-punch machine is, walk up to the front of the projector thingy on the left and hold x/square and then a tape will play.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by DorfVader

Play Secret Song In Kino Der Toten Zombies Map

There is a secret song in every Zombies Map. For Kino Der Toten, you have to find the 3 Meteor rocks.

1.The first is on a pedestal in the main lobby, in a corner behind the sofa.

2.The second one is in the dressing room near some Dummies also on a pedestal.

3.The final one is the room upstairs near the ally way. The rock is on a dresser type thing sharing some space with black marquee letters. These rocks while small are easily distinguishable as they have red veins. You must hold the USE button on your controller on these rocks until your character says something or the veins glow red. The song is called 115 by Elena Siegman.

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Nuketown Secret Music

Shoot all of the mannequin heads in Nuketown and The Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil" will play over the loudspeakers.

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by destructor58

Music Easter Eggs In Zombies

In both Kino Der Toten and Five

In Kino Der Toten, hold X over the three glowing rocks (your character will say something like, "I found a rock") located in a glass egg behind a sofa in the starting room, on a pedistal next to some mannequins in the room with the Mp5k, and on a shelf to the right of the stairs in the room after the alley; the song "115" by Elena Siegman, will then start to play. In Five, hold X over the red telephones (the phone will go from ringing to a dial tone) located in the hallway next to the main room, in the pack-a-punch room, and in the room containing the power switch; the song "Won't Back Down" by Enimen, will then start to play.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Hidden User Passwords And Logins

User: amason - Password: PASSWORD Unlock account of Alex Mason, already logged in when you first use the terminal.

User: bharris - Password: GOSKINS Unlock the account of Bruce Harris

User: dking - Password: MFK The user account of D. King.

User: asmith - Password: ROXY Unlock the account of Dr. Adrienne Smith.

User: vbush - Password: MANHATTAN Unlock the account of Dr. Vannevar Bush.

User: fwoods - Password: PHILLY Unlock the account of Frank Woods.

User: gweaver - Password: GEDEON Unlock the account of Grigori "Greg" Weaver.

User: jturner - Password CONDOR75 Unlock the account of J. Turner.

User: jhudson - Password: BRYANT1950 Unlock the account of Jason Hudson.

User: jmccone - Password: BERKLEY22 Unlock the account of John McCone, Director of Central Intelligence 1961-1965.

User: jbowman - Password: UWD Unlock the account of Joseph Bowman.

User: jfkennedy - Password: LANCER Unlock the account of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

User: lbjohnson - Password: LADYBIRD Unlock the account of President Lyndon Baines Johnson.

User: rnixon - password CHECKERS Unlock the account of President Richard Nixon

User: rhelms - Password: LEROSEY Unlock the account of Richard Helms, Director of the CIA from 1966 to 1973.

User: rkain - Password: SUNWU Unlock the account of Richard Kain.

User: rjackson - . Password: SAINTBRIDGET Unlock the account of Ryan Jackson

User: twalker - Password: RADI0 Unlock the account of T. Walker.

User: tbrooks - Password: LAUREN Unlock the account of Terrance Brooks.

User: wraborn - Password: BROMLOW Unlock the account of William Raborn, Director of Central Intelligence from 1965-

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Double Rainbow

On the NukeTown map there's a conspicuous Double Rainbow on the horizion emerging from the clouds, referencing the popular YouTube video.


PC | Submitted by UnknownCheater

Ascension Glitch

First launch pad outside

*You will need the sickle, a crawler, and two players minimum because one player won't be able to get up without the crawler being where it needs to be*

*Recommendations: Get everything you need including perks. (2 perks is recommended)*

The person(s) that are doing it will need to go into crawl mode and press Y and then Knife almost at the same time to recharge your sickle's grapple.

*Note: If you fail trying the glitch you will need to do it again because it requires the sickle to grapple.*

Then make a person keep a crawler busy.

*Note: The crawler will die and turn into a running zombie so try to make it a crawler again without killing it.*

Next, the person doing the glitch will go on the top stairs where the broken rail is. Facing the wall behind you, the rail on your right, try your best to get behind it without falling. You need to get behind the rail so far, that you NEED TO AND LITERALLY cover up the light under you with the TOP rail bar. Then have a person being up the crawler as FAR to the LEFT as possible. Then, when the crawler is 3/4 of the way up, aim on him and knife him. You should be grappled on top of the tires below you. (Floating)

* Note: If you don't grapple him you will need to start from step one. Y and Knife him crawling.*

* Survival Note: DO NOT go past the tires below you or you will fall and die INSTANTLY. Just, go crawl mode and stay there.*

* Survival Note: On monkey rounds you will need to get off and protect your perk ( Take as many perks as there are players, but make sure you all have the same perks)*

* Saving Ammo and Gaining more money: On the glitch, wait for the hoard to stack up and then shoot at the HEAD.*

* Tip for players NOT in the glitch: Go to the far left corner of the Launch pad and crouch. Some WILL go and get you, but about 7/8 will go and hoard up at the glitch. ( Depending his far to the right the glitcher is at)*

PC | Submitted by Someone in Beaumont CA

Locked Menu

Main Menu

Before anything else, make sure your profile has no Xbox live unless it is expired. Hit both left trigger and left bummer while the white bar is on zombies. Simultaneously press A while hitting the left buttons. You should be standing up. Press A to sit down. If successful, it should say "Current Profile Is Not Allowed to Play on Xbox Live." Press A to dismiss. The white bar should be gone and you will not be able to get out of the chair. To actually play the game, go back to the dashboard and reset the game.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by Kieranmferry

Black Ops Zombie Out Of 5 Map (Solo Only)

second level in the pentagon room

Firstly, i take all credit for finding this, as this is a first.

Now, ill get straight to the point. you need to get the mystery box to move to the pentagon room where the panic room is. once you've done that, you need to get jugger-nog and quick revive.

purchase a gun from the mystery box but dont take it, then stand in the left hand corner of the box (so your touching the railing and the box)

then, let the zombies swarm you until you get downed, whilst your being revived you must push up against the box and the railing whilst facing the panic room door, when you get revived you will fall through the floor until you cannot use your gun or anything

the beauty of this glitch is, the zombies will all die slowly, so in essence, you are camping :)

PS3 | Submitted by jesse cruz

Silent Gun

crash site

while u drive down the river before you get off, shoot any of the three guys three times (I recommend the one in the middle) pick up his gun then you got a silent wepon.good luck (;

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by CoDslayer14

Get Under The Map In Der Riese

Der Riese

From the start, to the right of the pack-a-punch is a door, open it and open the door in the front of the barrier and walk till you see an opening where you can get the Trench gun. Open that door and on the right wall of the teleporter layer down. You will need to have Juggernaut so when you fall you don't die. Wait till a zombie comes and hits you and you will be pushed under the map.

PS3 | Submitted by Zombieslaya5414

Ho To Get As Far As You Want On CoD Black Ops


Oce you enter "Five" turn around to the window beside the door that leads to the elevator when opened, then when you get to that window you smash the window twice on the bottom part then add two boards. It's best to guard that window by making sure that no zombies tear your window and rack up some points the get the olympia and the riffle and some money to open that door leading to the hallway to rack up more points. Then once you are finish, jump on the first peice of wood then to the second and jump on to the door frame, after on the door frame jump on to that table then run and jump on to the big table once on the big table no zombies can catch you. I always let the zombies line up then start unloading with the olympia. if you shoot zombies when away from the table you cannot get at the max ammo, nuke, insta-kill etc.

PS3 | Submitted by brifri626

No Weapon

Split Screen Local

This is a cheat to have no weapon when playing split screen local. First go to multiplayer. Then press local. add another player by pressing the playstation button and then X. Customize game then start match. Click auto assign for player two then find the custom classes and there should be circles with crosses then press X to choose class and you only have a knife.


PC | Submitted by InsertDisc

All Weapons All Camo All Perks Hint.

If You are desperate/just want to play with all unlocked against other players follow this method:

Go to Multiplayer and select Local then click Split screen - 1 person can play, after go on TDM/DM and click what ever map you would like to play on then go on game settings and either click on number of friends (players on your team) or for the DM click on number of enemies. Then create any class you like.

Thanks :D

PS3 | Submitted by goldenbofo

Faster Points In Zombies

all zombie maps

in between round 1 and 3 shoot the zombies foot with your starter gun 8 times and knife them to rack up more points.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by connor-howe

Easy Money

On round 1, knife all of the zombies. Round 2, you can knife 2 times or shoot 4 times and knife, by then you should have 2000 or more.

PS3 | Submitted by Kratos1937

More Zombie Points Per Bullet

Kino Der Toten

In zombies, right when you enter Kino Der Toten, use your pistol. You can buy whatever but you need the PISTOL for this to work! You let all of the zombies come out on the 1st level. When all of the zombies are out you need to line up the zombies and shoot them. Insted of getting just 10 points you should get atleast 20 or 30 point for just 1 bullet. This usually gives you atleast 5000 points by the 5th level if you use this technique correctly.

PC | Submitted by darksky13

RC-XD Flip On Jungle Multiplayer Map

Jungle multiplayer map

With the RC-XD killstreak award, when going across the bridge in the middle of the multiplayer map Jungle, hit boost (LB on xbox) and the car will launch into the air doing a flip and land safely across the gap in the middle.

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by ADZOPL91

Easy Zombie Points

During Zombie Gameplay

NOTE: This can be used on any map except DOA, (Dead Ops Arcade).

When you start the zombie game, you start off with a rubbish pistol, but it can be useful. Take atleast three to four shots on a zombie, then finish with a knife attack.

NOTE: Do not do this when surrounded, or else you will die.

PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii | Submitted by CheatPlanet


Perk List



Move Faster

Pro: Take no fall damage


Resupply ammo for main and secondary weapons from dead bodies

Pro: Doubles your maximum ammo with extra magazines, replenishes tactical grenades.


Undetectable by Spy Plane and Blackbird

Pro: Undetectable by all planes, turrets, dogs and sentries. In addition, enemies will not see your name or get red crosshairs when targeting you.

Flak Jacket

Take less damage from explosives

Pro: Take less damage from fire and enemy grenade timers reset when you toss them back.


Killstreaks require one less kill

Pro: The player can choose to randomly change the results of a dropped care package.



Bullet penetrate cover more effectively

Pro: Bullets to additional damage to aircraft and turrets. The player flinches less when shot.


Player may hold breath longer for increased accuracy when using sniper rifles

Pro: The player switches between weapons more quickly

Steady Aim

The player receives additional accuracy when hip firing their weapon

Pro: The player can aim more quickly after sprinting and the recovery time on their knife attack is reduced.

Sleight of Hand

The player reloads faster

Pro: The player aims more quickly down the sites of non scoped weapons


The player may use two attachments on their primary weapon

Pro: The player starts each round with an additional lethal and tactical grenade.



The player is awarded additional sprinting ability

Pro: The player can sprint endlessly


The player's footsteps cannot be heard

Pro: Enemy's footsteps are louder and the player becomes completely silent

Second Chance

Player pulls out their pistol before dying and can shoot at enemies

Pro: Player survives longer on the ground after being shot and can be revived by any teammate


Player can detect explosives, mines and other enemy equipment

Pro: Player can booby trap enemy care packages and allow their team to capture enemy equipment

Tactical Mask

Reduces the effect of flash and concussion grenades

Pro: Reduces the effect of gas and concussion grenades, reveals flashed and stunned enemies on the map.

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet



# of Kills: Killstreak Name: Effect (Price to Unlock)

3: Spy Plane: Shows enemies on the mini-map (Free)

3: RC-XD: Remote Control car with Explosives, piloted by killstreak user. (1200CoD Points)

4: Counter-Spy Plane: Temporarily disables the enemy's minimap. (1600 CoD Points)

4: SAM Turret: Airdrop a turret that destroys aircraft. (1600 CoD Points)

5: Care Package: Airdrops a crate that contains a random killstreak, ammo crate or special weapon. (Free)

5: Napalm Strike: Airstrike drops fire over an area of the user's choosing which burns and damages enemies for a while. (2400 CoD Points)

6: Sentry Gun: Airdrops an anti personnel sentry gun. (3200 CoD Points)

6. Mortar Team: User targets three locations to be shelled by mortars. (3200 CoD Points)

7: Attack Helicopter: Calls in an automated attack helicopter to a location chosen by the user. (Free)

7: Valkyrie Rockets: User receives two remote controlled rockets. (4000 CoD Points)

8: Blackbird: An advanced version of the Spy Plane that explicitly indicates enemies on the map and the direction they're facing. (4500 CoD Points)

8: Rolling Thunder: Summons a B-52 bomber, to bomb a selected location. (4500 CoD Points)

9: Chopper Gunner: Control a door mounted minigun from a helicopter that circles the map. Enemies (without the Ghost perk) are indicated with red dots. (5000 CoD Points)

11: Attack Dogs: Calls in a group of attack dogs. (6000 CoD Points)

11: Gunship: Pilot a helicopter with rockets and machine guns. Helicopter can be destroyed. (6000 CoD Points)

PS3 | Submitted by bluester4729

Wager Match Weapons

Gun Game Wager match weapons

The following is a list of all 20 guns in the Gun Game wager match:

1. Python with multiple attachments

2. Makarov dual wield

3. Spas

4. Ithica

5. MP5K

6. Skorpion dual wield

7. AK74u

8. M14

9. M16


11. AUG

12. Hk21

13. M60

14. L96A1

15. WA2000

16. Grim Reaper

17. M72 Law

18. China Lake

19. Crossbow explosive tip

20. Ballistic knife


Wii | Submitted by GamesRadar

CIA Logins And Passwords

Main Menu

Break out of the chair by pressing B and Z continuously. Go to the CIA Data System computer and login with the following to access the respective data files and e-mail

Adrienne Smith

Username: asmith

Password: roxy

Bruce Harris

Username: bharris

Password: goskins

D. King

Username: dking

Password: mfk

Frank Woods

Username: fwoods

Password: philly

Grigori 'Greg' Weaver

Username: gweaver

Password: gedeon

J. Turner

Username: Jturner

Password: condor75

Jason Hudson

Username: jhudson

Password: bryant1950

John F. Kennedy

Username: jfkennedy

Password: lancer

John McCone

Username: jmccone

Password: berkley22

Vannevar Bush

Username: vbush

Password: manhattan

PS3 | Submitted by Kratos1937

Bowie Knife

Kino Der Toten (Zombies)

In Kino Der Toten, you need to turn the power on to get the Bowie knife. The Bowie knife is located next to the Jugernog. It usually kills anything with the first swipe. It just replaces the original knife you use.

PS3 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Rezurrection Trophies

Trophy list

Cryogenic Slumber Party (Silver)

In Moon, complete Richtofen's grand scheme.

One Small Hack for a Man... (Bronze)

In Moon, hack something.

One Giant Leap (Bronze)

In Moon, become trapped in the Receiving Area and free yourself through resurrection in co-op.

Perks in Spaaaaace! (Bronze)

In Moon, purchase every perk in one game.

Fully Armed and Operational (Bronze)

In Moon, acquire 3 pack-a-punched weapons at the same time.

Ground Control (Bronze)

In Moon, prevent each excavator from breaching the base in one game.

PC, Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Rezurrection Achievements

Achievement list

Cryogenic Slumber Party (75 points)

In Moon, complete Richtofen's grand scheme.

One Small Hack for a Man... (5 points)

In Moon, hack something.

One Giant Leap (5 points)

In Moon, become trapped in the Receiving Area and free yourself through resurrection in co-op.

Perks in Spaaaaace! (30 points)

In Moon, purchase every perk in one game.

Fully Armed and Operational (25 points)

In Moon, acquire 3 pack-a-punched weapons at the same time.

Ground Control (10 points)

In Moon, prevent each excavator from breaching the base in one game.

Big Bang Theory (100 points)

In Moon, gain sweet, sweet, revenge.

PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Escalation Trophies

Escalation DLC Trophy List

Stand-in: In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op.

Ensemble Cast: In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op.

Stuntman: In Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11.

Shooting on Location: In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away.

Quiet on the Set: In Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director.

PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

First Strike Achievements

Achievement List

The eagle has landers: In Ascension, escape on all 3 lunar landers.

They are going THROUGH!: In Ascension, kill at least 5 zombies with 1 Gersh Device.

Space Race: In Ascension, Pack-a-Punch a weapon by round 8.

Chimp on the barbie: In Ascension, kill a space monkey with a fire trap.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

First Strike Achievements

First Strike DLC Achievements

The eagle has landers (35): In Ascension, escape on all 3 lunar landers.

They are going THROUGH! (35): In Ascension, kill at least 5 zombies with 1 Gersh Device.

Space Race (45): In Ascension, Pack-a-Punch a weapon by round 8.

Chimp on the barbie (35): In Ascension, kill a space monkey with a fire trap.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Escalation Achievements

Escalation DLC Achievements

Stand-in (35): In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op.

Ensemble Cast (45): In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op.

Stuntman (20): In Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11.

Shooting on Location (20): In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away.

Quiet on the Set (30): In Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Unlock Jason Hudson Gamerpic

Unlock Jason Hudson Gamerpic: Login as Jason Hudson on the computer. User: jhudson - Password: BRYANT1950

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Unlock Bonus Extras

Computer terminal in the Interrogation Room

Enter the following code into the computer terminal in the interrogation room:


Shows what other command prompts are possible. You can read letters from Mason's family, look at concept art, listen to soundtrack music and attempt to break into other government agencies' databases.

PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Unlock Zork

The computer terminal in the interrogation room

Enter the following code at the computer terminal in the interrogation room:


Play a 30 year-old text adventure game! No, really, the whole thing! We'd recommend plugging in a USB keyboard if you're serious about doing this.

PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Trophy List


Death to Dictators: Take down Castro with a headshot.

Sacrifice: Ensure your squad escapes safely from Cuba.

Vehicular Slaughter: Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break.

Slingshot Kid: Destroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts.

Give me liberty: Escape Vorkuta.

VIP: Receive orders from Lancer.

A safer place: Sabotage the Soviet space program.

Tough Economy: Use no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh.

Looks don't count: Break the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh.

Raining Pain: Rack up a body count of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City.

The Dragon Within: Kill 10 NVA with Dragon's Breath rounds.

SOG Rules: Retrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City.

Heavy Hand: Use the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement.

Up close and personal: Silently take out 3 VC.

Double Trouble: Use only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon.

Broken English: Escape Kowloon.

Lord Nelson: Destroy all targets and structures while making your way up the river.

Never get off the boat: Find the Soviet connection in Laos.

Pathfinder: Guide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed.

Mr. Black OP: Enter the Soviet relay station undetected.

With extreme prejudice: Get to the POW compound in the Hind using only rockets.

Russian bar-b-q: Incinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment in the POW compound.

Light Foot: Escape the ship with 2:15 left on the timer in Veteran.

Some wounds never heal: Escape the Past.

I hate monkeys: Kill 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the Rebirth labs.

No Leaks: Make it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island.

Clarity: Crack the code.

Double Whammy: Destroy both helicopters with one Valkyrie rocket from the deck of the ship.

Stand Down: Complete the campaign on any difficulty.

BLACK OP MASTER: Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.

Frag Master: Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade in the campaign.

Sally Likes Blood: Demonstrate killer economic sensibilities by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet.

Unconventional Warfare: Use the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies in the campaign.

Cold Warrior: Complete "Operation 40," "Vorkuta," and "Executive Order" on Veteran difficulty.

Down and Dirty: Complete "SOG" and "The Defector" on Veteran difficulty.

It's your funeral: Complete "Numbers," "Project Nova," and "Victor Charlie" on Veteran difficulty.

Not Today: Complete "Crash Site," "WMD," and "Payback" on Veteran difficulty.

Burn Notice: Complete "Rebirth" and "Redemption" on Veteran difficulty.

Closer Analysis: Find all the hidden intel.

Date Night: Watch a film or clip with a friend.

In The Money: Finish 5 Wager Matches "in the money."

Ready For Deployment: Reach rank 10 in Combat Training.

The Collector: Buy every weapon off the walls in a single Zombies game.

Hands Off the Merchandise: Kill the Pentagon thief before it can steal your load-out.

Sacrificial Lamb: Shoot at or be shot by an ally with a Pack-a-Punch crossbow and kill six zombies with the explosion.

"Insert Coin": Access the terminal and battle the forces of the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade.

Easy Rhino: In Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to blast through 20 or more enemies at one time.

3 Additional Secret Achievements

Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet


Achievement List

Death to Dictators (15 points): Take down Castro with a headshot.

Sacrifice (10 points): Ensure your squad escapes safely from Cuba.

Vehicular Slaughter (25 points): Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break.

Slingshot Kid (15 points): Destroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts.

Give me liberty (10 points): Escape Vorkuta.

VIP (10 points): Receive orders from Lancer.

A safer place (10 points): Sabotage the Soviet space program.

Tough Economy (15 points): Use no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh.

Looks don't count (10 points): Break the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh.

Raining Pain (15 points): Rack up a body count of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City.

The Dragon Within (15 points): Kill 10 NVA with Dragon's Breath rounds.

SOG Rules (10 points): Retrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City.

Heavy Hand (15 points): Use the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement.

Up close and personal (15 points): Silently take out 3 VC.

Double Trouble (10 points): Use only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon.

Broken English (10 points): Escape Kowloon.

Lord Nelson (25 points): Destroy all targets and structures while making your way up the river.

Never get off the boat (10 points): Find the Soviet connection in Laos.

Pathfinder (50 points): Guide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed.

Mr. Black OP (50 points): Enter the Soviet relay station undetected.

With extreme prejudice (25 points): Get to the POW compound in the Hind using only rockets.

Russian bar-b-q (15 points): Incinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment in the POW compound.

Light Foot (30 points): Escape the ship with 2:15 left on the timer in Veteran.

Some wounds never heal (10 points): Escape the Past.

I hate monkeys (15 points): Kill 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the Rebirth labs.

No Leaks (50 points): Make it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island.

Clarity (10 points): Crack the code.

Double Whammy (15 points): Destroy both helicopters with one Valkyrie rocket from the deck of the ship.

Stand Down (35 points): Complete the campaign on any difficulty.

BLACK OP MASTER (100 points): Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.

Frag Master (15 points): Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade in the campaign.

Sally Likes Blood (15 points): Demonstrate killer economic sensibilities by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet.

Unconventional Warfare (15 points): Use the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies in the campaign.

Cold Warrior (25 points): Complete "Operation 40," "Vorkuta," and "Executive Order" on Veteran difficulty.

Down and Dirty (25 points): Complete "SOG" and "The Defector" on Veteran difficulty.

It's your funeral (25 points): Complete "Numbers," "Project Nova," and "Victor Charlie" on Veteran difficulty.

Not Today (25 points): Complete "Crash Site," "WMD," and "Payback" on Veteran difficulty.

Burn Notice (25 points): Complete "Rebirth" and "Redemption" on Veteran difficulty.

Closer Analysis (15 points): Find all the hidden intel.

Date Night (15 points): Watch a film or clip with a friend.

In The Money (20 points): Finish 5 Wager Matches "in the money."

Ready For Deployment (15 points): Reach rank 10 in Combat Training.

The Collector (20 points): Buy every weapon off the walls in a single Zombies game.

Hands Off the Merchandise (20 points): Kill the Pentagon thief before it can steal your load-out.

Sacrificial Lamb (15 points): Shoot at or be shot by an ally with a Pack-a-Punch crossbow and kill six zombies with the explosion.

"Insert Coin" (5 points): Access the terminal and battle the forces of the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade.

Easy Rhino (10 points): In Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to blast through 20 or more enemies at one time.

Secret Achievements

See Me, Stab Me, Heal Me (15 points)

Fire a Pack-a-Punched Ballistic Knife at a downed ally to revive them from a distance.

Just ask me nicely (15 points)

Break free from the torture chair.

Eaten by a Grue (15 points)

Play Zork on the terminal.


PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by destructor58

Unlock Zombies Map

Interrogation Room

Rather than rushing through the campaign just to unlock the zombies map "Five", go to the computer in the interrogation room and type in "3arc unlock". It will say on the screen "Cheat Activated" and the map will appear in the zombies menu.

PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Escape The Interrogation Room

Main Menu

In the main menu, don't just sit there. Alternately pull the Left and Right controller triggers, as quickly as possible – LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT, etc – to break free from your restraints, earn an Achievement / Trophy, and explore the interrogation room at will.

PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Unlock Dead Ops Aracde

Main Menu

After Breaking free from the restraints in the Interrogation room, head to the back of the room and find the interactive computer terminal in the corner. Access it, then enter "DOA" at the prompt to unlock Dead Ops Arcade, a retro top-down, two-stick shooter reminiscent of Smash TV and brimming with old-school zombies and rabid monkeys. You can now play this mode anytime – solo or co-op – by looking under the Zombies menu.

PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Unlock All Intel

Computer terminal in Interrogation Room

Enter the following code at the computer terminal in the interrogation room:

3arc Intel

Provides instant access to all of the censored information under the Intel menu, normally obtained by locating the 42 intel items scattered throughout the missions. Warning: This shortcut will void your chance at earning the intel Achievement / Trophy.

Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website. 

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