Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Intel collectibles location guide

Mission 1: Induction 

Intel #1: Right after you man the turret, you and you squad will enter a hotel. Follow the stairs up halfway and you will come to a restaurant on the right with large white lettering. Go to the far rear-right corner to find this laptop on the table.

Intel #2: Once you exit the subway car and meet up will some more soldiers on the other side of a gate, step out to the street and directly in front of you will be a restaurant called Sakura. Make your way to the third floor and at the far end will be this intel sitting on the ground.

Intel # 3: Just after the previous Intel, you will need to drop down and grab the charges from the demo team. Do so, and to the right will be a waterfall. Like any good waterfall in videogames, there will be a room behind it that has the final laptop of this mission.

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Jeff McAllister is a freelance journalist who has contributed to 12DOVE over the years. You'll typically find his byline associated with deep-dive guides that are designed to help you scoop up collectibles and find hidden treasures in some of the biggest action and RPG games out there. Be sure to give Jeff a thanks in the comments while you're completing all of those tricky Achievements and Trophies.