Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 intel locations guide

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
(Image credit: Activision)

As you're playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 you'll find hidden Intelligence Items scattered around each of the missions to collect. While they don’t actually add any new information to the game, they do allow you to complete one of the ten challenges that each mission has and nab you an achievement and/or trophy for your troubles. 

Each of the eleven missions has three intel items to collect (none in the Strikeforce missions have intel items to collect) and most can be a little tricky to spot. To lend you a helping hand on any that you may have missed throughout the campaign, we have put a description below of where each and everyone can be found.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 intel locations 

Mission 1: Pyrrhic Victory

Intel Item 1

At the start of the mission, you will ride on the side of a truck for a minute or so. When you get off, go forward and then to the truck that allows you to open the back door to access mortar shells. To the right of it, a mortar will blow a hole in the ground and reveal the intel.

Intel Item 2

When you and Hudson arrive on the gunboat, climb the ladder to reach to upper deck. Take the left path and on the right side, and across from the gun emplacement will be the intel sitting on the ground.

Intel Item 3

After your encounter with Menendez at the radio hut, you and Hudson will carry Woods through the forest, stopping twice to defend your position. At the second time, check the sniper perch on the left side—facing the approaching enemies—and you will find the intel resting up there.

Mission 2: Celerium

Intel Item 1

When you reach the helipad and destroy the helicopter, you can find this piece of intel in a small room directly to the left of the pad. Enter the room there and it will be sitting on the desk,

Intel Item 2

Once inside the underground lab, fight through the enemies until you come to large room with a large staircase at the far end in the center with two yellow stripes running up along each side of it. When you see it, go to the left side and there will be an open office there where you can find the intel sitting on a desk.

Intel Item 3

When you reach the small room where you are shown the Celerium, you will soon exit as a rush of enemies appear. Deal with them and then go to the far, opposite end, of where the Celerium chamber was to find the intel sitting on a desk.

Mission 3: Old Wounds

Intel Item 1

Near the beginning of the mission, you will enter a cave and have a cutscene briefing. Once the scene is over and you are back in control, look to the end you will see it on a crate against the wall.

Intel Item 2

When you leave the first cave after the cut scene and grabbing the first intel item, you will hop on a horse and need to ride out into the desert to the next objective. Instead, ride straight out from the base until you come to a large set of rocks with a red flag at the base standing in some tires. The intel will be on the ground beside the flag. Look well though, as it can be tough to spot.

Intel Item 3

Once you are riding out to the weapons caches, you will come to the second one that is on a Cliffside with a few wooden bridges to the left and right of it. Walk along the path from the cache to the right and cross the wooden bridge. Once on the other side, go to the right and you will find the intel on the ground, leaning up against the wall.

Mission 4: Time and Fate

Intel Item 1

When you are in control of Raul, there will be a time that you will enter a large barn on your rampage. When you enter it, make your way to the far end and there will be a wagon on the right side near the exit. Hop up on the wagon and the intel item will be at the rear of it.

Intel Item 2

When playing as Mason and Woods, you’ll approach a large building where Woods will mention snipers in the archways. When you are in the courtyard in front of the building, go to the right side and there will be a doorway next to a red set of scaffolding. Climb the ladder that leads to the top of the bell tower inside the doorway and at the second level the intel will be there.

Intel Item 3

Once inside the building, Woods and Mason will enter a trap door to go down to the cocaine facility. Once you enter the large room with workers and guards, clear it out and then head to the far left side and in a small room there will be the intel sitting on a bench to the right side

Mission 5: Fallen Angel

Intel Item 1

Near the start of the mission, when you and Harper get the CLAW named Maximus moving, look to the right of the room you are in and the intel item will be on the shelf.

Intel Item 2

After you and Harper jump down the alleyway to avoid the bus that comes floating down the street, duck into the small opening on the right and the intel will be on the ground right next to the entrance.

Intel Item 3

Once you pass the two spotlight drones, you will finally get to dry land at the end of the street. Before going through the opening in the wall to the right, go forward a couple steps to find the intel on the ground there in the dark.

Jeff McAllister is a freelance journalist who has contributed to 12DOVE over the years. You'll typically find his byline associated with deep-dive guides that are designed to help you scoop up collectibles and find hidden treasures in some of the biggest action and RPG games out there. Be sure to give Jeff a thanks in the comments while you're completing all of those tricky Achievements and Trophies.