Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box review

Not burning out, or fading away

12DOVE Verdict


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    solid and gloriously detailed graphics

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    Huge detailed city

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    violent action


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    Stupid "party" sounds

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    Still too much focus navigating

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    Annoying load times

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Burnout is growing. We have the first paid-for DLC – the Party Pack – plus a restart option and loads of tweaks to the handling (early cars are easier), graphics (brighter) and menus (better arranged). All aim, successfully, to make it easier to have fun. But it doesn’t go far enough. It’s telling that the greatest excitement was generated by the chance to restart races, while the best tweaks were shortcuts and jumps you can see when travelling at speed.

Almost every race we lost in Paradise City was because we got on the wrong road – or didn’t see the right road as it flashed past, or crashed into a nearby wall because at 200mph it looked like it was made of tarmac. It’s still a game about navigating rather than racing.

The Party Pack dodges this by offering quick challenges for bouts of seven-player pass-the-pad action. Nice, though the loading times and START HAVING FUN NOW party sounds can grate. It’s included in The Ultimate Box, but existing owners must shell out. The new cars (Legendary and Toy) and roads (Big Surf Island) downloads are more promising, making this a worthwhile investment for navigation fans but not necessarily for fans of pure racing.

Mar 23, 2009

More info

DescriptionThis is the enhanced version of Burnout Paradise including all previous free updates released online and the all new party mode, thus making it ultimate.
Franchise nameBurnout
UK franchise nameBurnout
Platform"PS3","Xbox 360"
US censor rating"",""
UK censor rating"7+","7+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)