Bulletstorm devs playing with PS3 fans this Saturday

Want to work with Epic Games? Good luck with that. Want to kill with Epic Games? That's a little more doable. This weekend, the Bulletstorm developers at People Can Fly and Epic Games are inviting PS3 fans to join them online for a little co-operative Anarchy Mode action.

The North America event will be hosted by Epic Games and takes place from 12pm until 3pm Pacific Time this Saturday, March 12th. That's 3pm until 6pm for your easterners. To join, fans are asked add the developers' PSN IDs (bsdev13, bsdev14, bsdec15, etc.) which will be listed in full on the Bulletstorm website closer to the event.

For those unfamiliar with Bulletstorm's Anarchy Mode, think of it as your average horde mode experience with the added challenge of killing said horde as creatively as possible. Teams of up to four are tasked with working together to survive wave after wave of baddies while also racking up a requisite amount of points by pulling off 'Skillshots'.

For example, Arcade Berg with People Can Fly explains that he expects, “One player will slide into an enemy making him airborne, I will Flail him, someone else will set him on fire, and then you will use the Boneduster shotgun to send his sorry ass into the spikes of cactus! Deal?”

Deal. I think. Can you go over that spikes of cactus part again?

Above: Sharpen your skills before playing with the developers tomorrow by checking out ourBulletstorm skillshot video guidetoday! We’ll be updating the guide later this afternoon with more details and videos

[Source:US PlayStation Blog]

March 11, 2011

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Matt Bradford wrote news and features here at 12DOVE until 2016. Since then he's gone on to work with the Guinness World Records, acting as writer and researcher for the annual Gamer's Edition series of books, and has worked as an editor, technical writer, and voice actor. Matt is now a freelance journalist and editor, generating copy across a multitude of industries.