Bullet Witch review

For one low, low price, you too can have arousing genocidal witchcraft in your home

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Sadly, you’ll toil through much mediocrity to unveil the awesome. Awesome like summoning a tornado to rip clusters of buildings from the earth and whisking them into the sky. And battling skyscraper ogres till their hearts explode. And telepathically whipping dumpsters, cars, benches, and streetlights at foes, while gigantic-brained floating devils mind-throw all that shit back at you. And a guy named Maxwell Cougar. It’s stunning. But gunning down eternal waves of brain-dead grunts is not, and that’s how most of the game is spent.

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DescriptionSadly, you'll toil through much mediocrity to unveil the awesome.
Platform"Xbox 360"
US censor rating"Mature"
UK censor rating""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)