Bronson helmer fancies Wonder Woman

Cannes 2010 - Director Nicolas Winding Refn has stated he'd like to direct Wonder Woman .

The Pusher and Bronson helmer was in Cannes this week to sell upcoming Ryan Gosling thriller Drive , and took the opportunity to share his current dream project.

"I want to make Wonder Woman," Winding Refn said, quite unambiguously. "They haven't asked me yet, but I really want to do it."

Studios, are you listening?

The live-action Wonder Woman project has been in development hell for years on end, with every vaguely exotic looking actress from Angelina to Megan having been linked to the role at some point.

Cannes 2010

Cult TV deity Joss Whedon was attached to write and direct for a period, but left the project in 2007 citing "creative differences" with the studio.

Which is a bugger, as if there's one thing Whedon does well it is writing beautiful, kick-ass women who are surprising and complex and flawed, and there isn't nearly enough of that going around in Hollywood.

Who would you like to see take the Wonder Woman reigns?


Emma Didbin is a writer and journalist who has contributed to 12DOVE, The New York Times, Elle, Esquire, The Hollywood Reporter, Vulture, and more. Emma can currently be found in Los Angeles where she is pursuing a career in TV writing. Emma has also penned two novels, and somehow finds the time to write scripts for Parcast – the Spotify-owned network that creates thrilling true crime and mystery podcasts.