Breaking news: Raiden hates on watermelon in new Metal Gear Solid: Rising video

Sod slicing and dicing an army of mini Metal Gears or stabbing a Romanian vampire through the chest. Raiden's biggest enemy is clearly the humble watermelon. Why else would he go postal on the seemingly innocuous fruit with a big-ass katana. MGS: Rising resurfaced this week at TGS, and to celebrate, Kojima was showing off the game's innovative cutting controls. And thanks to some enterprising person in the audience who was sporting a sneaky video camera, you can witness said melon-cutting below.

Pretty nifty, huh? Moving swiftly past our outdated 1950s lingo, it appears the katana system in Rising offers a level of precision we've never seen from swordplay in a game before. Wooh! There's little doubt it'll be comfortably better than the katana bits in MGS2, but to be honest, we're desperate to see something from Rising that doesn't involve slicing fruit, Dwarf Gekko or cans of juice. We've got a rough grip on how Raiden's weapon will work now (though we're not entirely sure how the game will incorporate Move/Kinect if it supports motion control). What we really want to know, though, is how the game fits into Metal Gear's existing timeline. What Raiden's overall objectives are. And why he's seemingly on a one man crusade to make the watermelon extinct.

Above: Just how does Rising fit in with Metal Gear Solid 4?

While the above video might not have been the new cinematic trailer we were hoping for, at least there's good news for MGS fans who are planning to buy a 3DS. Metal Gear Solid: The Snake Eater 3D, which was briefly seen at E3 in a semi interactive demo, is getting turned into a full game. And it should hit shelves in 2011. From my brief hands-on with the demo at a recent Nintendo event, I'd say there's a good chance the finished title could well be more exciting than Rising. Honestly, the 3D demo is probably the most impressive thing I've ever seen from Kojima, including the amazitron MGS2 trailer from E3 2000.

Above: Be excited. Be very afraid... eh, we mean excited

Source: CVG

Sep 16, 2010

David Meikleham
Google AMP Stories Editor

David has worked for Future under many guises, including for 12DOVE and the Official Xbox Magazine. He is currently the Google Stories Editor for GamesRadar and PC Gamer, which sees him making daily video Stories content for both websites. David also regularly writes features, guides, and reviews for both brands too.