Bravely Default job guide
Nice work if you can get it
Job Stats and Abilities
List of Jobs:
- Freelancer
- Monk
- White Mage
- Black Mage
- Knight
- Thief
- Merchant
- Spell Fencer
- Time Mage
- Ranger
- Summoner
- Valkyrie
- Red Mage
- Salve-Maker
- Performer
- Pirate
- Ninja
- Swordmaster
- Arcanist
- Spiritmaster
- Templar
- Dark Knight
- Vampire
- Conjurer
This is the default starting job and as such, the stats and weapons and armour affinities are all firmly rooted in the average Joe vicinity. There are some worthwhile abilities to pick up before abandoning the class for something more glamorous with an outfit that doesn’t resemble something found on a peasant’s washing line, like Divining Rod and Dungeon Master. If you’re in for the long haul and are planning on doing some serious grinding, JP Up and Lure Enemy will most definitely come in handy.
HP | C | MP | C | DEX | C |
STR | C | INT | C | AGI | C |
VIT | C | MND | C | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | B | Rods | B | Bows | B |
Axes | B | Staves | B | Katana | B |
Spears | B | Daggers | B | Knuckles | B |
Shields | B | Helms | B | Armour | B |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Examine | Scan enemy and display info, including HP, elemental weakness and family. |
Job Level 2 | Treat | Restore ally HP by 20%, even when under the effect Silence. |
Job Level 3 | Divining Rod | The map screen will also display the no. of unopened treasure chests in a dungeon. |
Job Level 4 | Dungeon Master | Become impervious to negative status effects in a dungeon caused by traps, terrain etc. Effect extends to entire party. |
Job Level 5 | Mislead | Lowers your chance of being targeted by enemies to the lowest level possible. |
Job Level 6 | Prayer | When cast, any chance-based abilities are 1.5 times more likely to succeed. Effect lasts for 10 turns. |
Job Level 7 | MP 10% Up | Maximum MP raised by 10%. |
Job Level 8 | Endure | Physical and magic defence raised by 25% for 4 turns. Note: the upper limit of 150% for these stats cannot be exceeded. |
Job Level 9 | Poison Immunity | Grants poison immunity in battles. |
Job Level 10 | JP Up | Earn 1.2 times the normal amount of job points. |
Job Level 11 | Flee | Attempts to run from battle will always succeed (with the exception of certain battles/areas that do not allow fleeing). |
Job Level 12 | Lure Enemy | Doubles enemy encounter rate. |
Job Level 13 | Stand Ground | Grants a 75% chance to survive with 1 HP when suffering damage that would result in a KO (unless HP is already at 1). |
Job Level 14 | Mimic | Carry out the previous action (whether your own or an ally’s) at no expense to HP, MP, BP, pg or item consumption. |
Arguably one of the stronger classes in the game, Invigorate, Qigong Wave and Pressure Point are invaluable against bosses. The ability Natural talent trades the use of equipment for doubling the strength of physical attacks and as the Monk’s HP is so high, it’s an easy sacrifice to make. Inner Alchemy also comes in handy on occasion.
HP | A | MP | D | DEX | C |
STR | A | INT | E | AGI | B |
VIT | B | MND | D | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | E | Rods | E | Bows | E |
Axes | E | Staves | S | Katana | E |
Spears | E | Daggers | E | Knuckles | S |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Strong Strike | Deals double conventional damage to target. 50% chance attack will miss. |
Job Level 2 | Invigorate | Raise physical attack by 25% for 2 turns. 25% chance of failure which will result in you taking damage equal to 20% of your max HP. |
Job Level 3 | Inner Alchemy | Cure yourself of poison, blind, silence, dread and confuse. |
Job Level 4 | HP 10% Up | Raise max HP by 10%. |
Job Level 5 | Knuckle Lore | Raise arms aptitude for knuckles to S. Additionally, if no weapons are equipped a value equal to two times your level will be added to your physical attack. |
Job Level 6 | Hidden Dragon | Attack at the end of the turn, but deal 1.25 times the damage of a conventional attack to one target. |
Job Level 7 | Qigong Wave | Ignore damage reduction effect of Default and deal 1.25 times the damage of a conventional attack to one target. |
Job Level 8 | Blind Immunity | Grants immunity to blind in battle. |
Job Level 9 | P. Attack 10% Up | Raise physical attack by 10%. |
Job Level 10 | HP 20% Up | Raise max HP by 20%. |
Job Level 11 | Pressure Point | Ignore target’s P.DEF and deal 2 times the damage of a conventional attack. |
Job Level 12 | HP 30% Up | Raise max HP by 30%. |
Job Level 13 | Phoenix Flight | Reduce your HP to 1 and convert the amount sacrificed into damage applied to a single target. |
Job Level 14 | Natural Talent | Raise physical attack by 100% when nothing is equipped. |
White Mage
A staple of any JRPG, the White Mage’s healing and resurrection magic are essential throughout the adventure.
HP | C | MP | A | DEX | D |
STR | D | INT | B | AGI | C |
VIT | E | MND | A | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | E | Rods | B | Bows | E |
Axes | E | Staves | S | Katana | E |
Spears | E | Daggers | C | Knuckles | E |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | White Magic Lv.1 | Enables use of Lv.1 white magic: Cure, Poisona, Blindna.* |
Job Level 2 | M.DEF 10% Up | Raise Magic Defence by 10%. |
Job Level 3 | White Magic Lv.2 | Enables use of Lv.2 white magic: Protect, Shell, Aero.* |
Job Level 4 | Staff Lore | Raise arms aptitude for staves to S. |
Job Level 5 | Self-Healing | Recover from poison, blind and silence at the end of battle. |
Job Level 6 | White Magic Lv.3 | Enables use of Lv.3 white magic: Cura, Raise, Esuna.* |
Job Level 7 | Abate Water | Reduce damage taken from water attacks. Note that further reduction will not be applied if using items with similar effects. Water nullification effects take precedence over reduction effects. |
Job Level 8 | Angelic Ward | 50% chance to halve damage received (single or multiple target attack). Does not apply to poison damage effect. |
Job Level 9 | White Magic Lv.4 | Enables use of Lv.4 white magic: Reflect, Dispel, Aerora.* |
Job Level 10 | M.DEF 30% Up | Raise Magic Defence by 30%. |
Job Level 11 | White Magic Lv.5 | Enables use of Lv.5 white magic: Esunaga, Curada, Aeroga.* |
Job Level 12 | Epic Group-Cast | Damage dealt and amount of recovery do not decline when group-casting magic. Note that this effect can also be invoked from the Menu Screen. |
Job Level 13 | White Magic Lv.6 | Enables use of Lv.6 white magic: Curaga, Arise, Holy.* |
Job Level 14 | Conservation of Life | Revive all allies from K.O. and restore full HP when you suffer a K.O. Note that if multiple party members have this support ability the effect occurs once per battle for each of them, and it will occur even if everyone suffers K.O. simultaneously. |
*Note that you must possess the relevant magic scrolls.
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Black Mage
The Black Mage is a solid offensive magic user but you may find that damage dealt out by the more powerful physical classes can negate the need for this class amongst your party members. However there a number of enemies who are susceptible to the dark arts so a Black Mage is never truly redundant.
HP | C | MP | A | DEX | D |
STR | E | INT | A | AGI | C |
VIT | E | MND | B | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | E | Rods | S | Bows | E |
Axes | E | Staves | C | Katana | E |
Spears | E | Daggers | C | Knuckles | E |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Black Magic Lv.1 | Enables use of Lv.1 black magic: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder.* |
Job Level 2 | Rod Lore | Raise arms aptitude for rods to S. |
Job Level 3 | Black Magic Lv.2 | Enables use of Lv.2 black magic: Silence, Poison, Sleep.* |
Job Level 4 | Abate Fire | Reduce damage taken from fire attacks. Note that further reduction will not be applied if using items with similar effects. Fire nullification effects take precedence over reduction effects. |
Job Level 5 | Damage Dispersion | Disperse 15% of damage to each ally when hit by a single-target attack and sustain the remaining damage yourself. Does not apply to damage reflected by Reflect. |
Job Level 6 | Silence Immunity | Grants immunity to silence during battle. |
Job Level 7 | Black Magic Lv.3 | Enables use of Lv.3 black magic: Fire, Blizzara, Thundara.* |
Job Level 8 | Black Resonance | Black magic damage rises with each ally on which Black Resonance has been set (excluding yourself). 0 allies: no effect, 1 ally: damage x 1.1, 2 allies: damage x 1.15, 3 allies: damage x 1.2. |
Job Level 9 | Black Magic Lv.4 | Enables use of Lv.4 black magic: Drain, Aspir, Fear.* |
Job Level 10 | M.ATK 20% Up | Raise Magic Attack by 20%. |
Job Level 11 | Black Magic Lv.5 | Enables use of black magic Lv.5: Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga.* |
Job Level 12 | Pierce M.DEF | Ignore target’s Magic Defence when dealing magic damage. |
Job Level 13 | Black Magic Lv.6 | Enables use of black magic Lv.6: Dark, Kill, Death.* |
Job Level 14 | Group-Cast All | Enable group-casting for normally non-group-cast magic. Does not apply to magic targeting yourself. |
*Note that you must possess the relevant magic scrolls.
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A defensive tank class that can dual wield shields to enhance defence further. The abilities Protect Ally and Full Cover can be useful in a pinch.
HP | B | MP | D | DEX | D |
STR | B | INT | D | AGI | D |
VIT | S | MND | B | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | S | Rods | E | Bows | D |
Axes | A | Staves | E | Katana | D |
Spears | A | Daggers | B | Knuckles | E |
Shields | S | Helms | A | Armour | A |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Stomp | Deal damage 1.25 times that of a conventional attack. Your physical and magic defence will decrease by 25% for 2 turns. |
Job Level 2 | Two-Handed | Double a weapon’s P.ATK when swords/axes/spears/staves/katanas are held in both hands. Note that one hand must be free before this takes effect. |
Job Level 3 | P.DEF 10% Up | Raise P.DEF by 10% |
Job Level 4 | Ironclad | Start at the beginning of the turn to raise you physical defence to the max level for the entire turn. |
Job Level 5 | Protect Ally | If an ally with less than 20% HP left takes a single-target attack, you will take the damage instead. |
Job Level 6 | Shield Strike | Deal the same amount of damage as a conventional attack and for two turns, raise physical defence by 25%. Only available when a shield is equipped. |
Job Level 7 | Shield Lore | Raise armour aptitude for shields to S. |
Job Level 8 | Vengeance | Unleash a physical attack on enemies that grows more powerful the more of your allies are in a K.O. state. 0 K.O. allies: 0.75 x conventional attack, 1 K.O. ally: 1.5 x conventional attack, 2 K.O. allies: 2 x conventional attack, 3 K.O. allies: 2.5 x conventional attack. |
Job Level 9 | Sword Lore | Raise arms aptitude for swords to S. |
Job Level 10 | Full Cover | During the entire turn this is used, when the selected ally takes a single-target attack, you’ll take the hit instead, but only take half damage. |
Job Level 11 | Dual Shields | Equip a shield in both hands. |
Job Level 12 | P.DEF 30% Up | Raise P.DEF by 30%. |
Job Level 13 | Chivalrous Spirit | Raise P.DEF by 25% for 5 turns each time Protect Ally, Full Cover or White Knight is used. |
Job Level 14 | Super Charge | A physical attack that converts double the amount of P.DEF into attack power. |
A nifty class to utilise as soon as you get the asterisk start stealing items from monsters while you give your purse a break.
HP | C | MP | C | DEX | S |
STR | C | INT | E | AGI | S |
VIT | C | MND | E | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | C | Rods | E | Bows | A |
Axes | E | Staves | E | Katana | C |
Spears | E | Daggers | S | Knuckles | C |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Steal | 25% chance to steal an item from an enemy. |
Job Level 2 | Abate Wind | Reduce damage take from wind attacks. Note that further reduction will not be applied if using items with similar effects. Wind nullification effects take precedence over reduction effects. |
Job Level 3 | Speed 10% Up | Raise speed by 10%. |
Job Level 4 | Life Thief | Deal the same amount of damage as conventional attack to one target. 75% chance to restore your own HP by the amount of damage dealt. |
Job Level 5 | Speed 20% Up | Raise speed by 20%. |
Job Level 6 | Mug | Deal the same amount of damage as conventional attack. 25% chance to steal an item from target. |
Job Level 7 | Raid | Raise all allies’ BP by 1 when party gets first strike or gains a +1 BP bonus at the start of battle. |
Job Level 8 | Dagger Lore | Raise arms aptitude for daggers to S. |
Job Level 9 | Godspeed Strike | An attack that substitutes speed for physical attack and ignores enemies’ physical defence. |
Job Level 10 | Master Thief | Doubles success rate of stealing abilities. Note that effect does not stack with similar effects from items. |
Job Level 11 | Rob Blind | Take 2 items when stealing instead of 1. |
Job Level 12 | Shake Down | Steal an item from all enemies with a 25% success rate for each. |
Job Level 13 | Speed 30% Up | Raise speed by 30%. |
Job Level 14 | Burgle and Buff | Raise P.ATK by 25% when stealing an item from an enemy or recovering HP with Life Thief. |
An interesting class that ideally needs sacks brimming with pg to make the most of. This class will probably be more relevant towards the latter part of the game after you’ve bought all of the items and equipment you’ve had your eye on since you wandered into a shop with a measly 100 pg in your pocket. The Millionaire ability is a nice touch when interacting with friends.
HP | C | MP | C | DEX | C |
STR | C | INT | B | AGI | C |
VIT | D | MND | C | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | D | Rods | E | Bows | C |
Axes | E | Staves | S | Katana | E |
Spears | S | Daggers | S | Knuckles | E |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Pay to Play | Spend your level times 50 pg to raise target’s Critical Rate by 300% for 4 turns. |
Job Level 2 | Salesman | Make an enemy buy a recovery item from you at 2.4 times the selling price. Success rate depends on item. |
Job Level 3 | White Knight | Ally with most HP protects you when you suffer a single-target physical attack while your HP is below 20%. |
Job Level 4 | Pharmacy | Purchase a recovery item and use it on target. |
Job Level 5 | Hedge Risk | Halve the damage you suffer for 5 turns by spending money equal to half the damage. |
Job Level 6 | Takeover | Spend your level times 50 pg to deal damage to one target that is equal to the money you spent. |
Job Level 7 | BP Drink | Purchase a BP recovery item and use it on one target. Small BP drink (restores 1 BP): 1,000 pg, Medium BP drink (restores 2 BP): 10,000 pg, Large BP drink (restores 3 BP): 100,000 pg. |
Job Level 8 | Speculate | 50% chance to deal double damage and 50% chance to deal none. |
Job Level 9 | More Money | Earn 1.5 times more money than normal after a battle. Note that this effect does not stack with similar effects from items, but the bonus from multiple characters using this ability does stack. |
Job Level 10 | Millionaire | Use with Send command to gift an amount equal to your level times 25 pg to a friend who summons this action using Summon Friend. |
Job Level 11 | Big Pharma | Restore one enemy’s HP and make the target pay pg equal to the number of HP recovered. |
Job Level 12 | Full Leverage | For 5 turns, damage, recovery and the HP/MP/BP required for actions will be double the usual for all allies and enemies. |
Job Level 13 | Low Leverage | For 5 turns, damage, recovery and the HP/MP/BP required for actions will be half the usual for all allies and enemies. |
Job Level 14 | Payoff | Spend money to buy off the enemy to end the battle. Note that you will still get the usual pg, EXP, JP and items. |
Spell Fencer
The Sword Magic ability is invaluable when used as a secondary class, boosting attacks by exploiting elemental weaknesses of enemies. Employing this method provides a decent substitute for a Black Mage. Plus there’s the snazzy outfit to consider…
HP | B | MP | B | DEX | C |
STR | B | INT | B | AGI | C |
VIT | B | MND | B | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | S | Rods | E | Bows | E |
Axes | E | Staves | E | Katana | B |
Spears | D | Daggers | C | Knuckles | E |
Shields | A | Helms | A | Armour | A |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Sword Magic Lv.1 | Enables use of Lv.1 sword magic: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder.* |
Job Level 2 | Sword Magic Lv.2 | Enables use of Lv.2 sword magic: Silence, Poison, Sleep.* |
Job Level 3 | Firewall | 50% chance to counterattack with fire damage when hit with a single-target physical attack. |
Job Level 4 | Sword Magic Lv.3 | Enables use of Lv.3 sword magic: Fira, Blizzara, Thundara.* |
Job Level 5 | Auto-Aspir Blade | Imbue a weapon with MP absorb effect for 10 turns, starting from beginning of battle. An attack with this weapon absorbs target’s MP. Note that this can be overwritten by other sword magics. |
Job Level 6 | Magic Armour | When using elemental sword magic, damage from the element in use is reduced for 4 turns. |
Job Level 7 | Sword Magic Lv.4 | Enables use of Lv.4 sword magic: Drain, Aspir, Fear.* |
Job Level 8 | Memento | Restore 50% of MP for all allies except yourself when you suffer K.O. Note that allies in K.O. state do not recover MP. |
Job Level 9 | Sword Magic Lv.5 | Enables use of Lv.5 sword magic: Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga.* |
Job Level 10 | Anti-Magic | Raise M.DEF by 50% for 4 turns when hit by a magic attack. |
Job Level 11 | Sword Magic Amp | MP cost of sword magic double, but damage dealt while the ability is in effect is 1.25 times greater no matter which sword magic is used. |
Job Level 12 | Sword Magic Lv.6 | Enables use of Lv.6 sword magic: Holy, Dark, Death.* |
Job Level 13 | M.DEF specialise | Lower P.DEF by 25% and raise M.DEF by 50%. |
Job Level 14 | Phantom Weapon | Damage from currently equipped weapon is added to damage of magic attacks. |
*Note that you must possess the relevant magic scrolls.
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Time Mage
The Time Mage is a fairly complicated class to master, but abilities like Time Slip and the use of earth magic and reraise may tempt you over to the class.
HP | C | MP | A | DEX | D |
STR | E | INT | A | AGI | C |
VIT | E | MND | B | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | D | Rods | D | Bows | E |
Axes | E | Staves | S | Katana | E |
Spears | E | Daggers | D | Knuckles | E |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Time Magic Lv.1 | Enables use of Lv.1 time magic: Slow, Regen, Quake.* |
Job Level 2 | M.ATK 10% Up | Raise magic attack by 10%. |
Job Level 3 | Slow Parry | 50% chance to apply slow to your attacker when taking a single-target physical attack. |
Job Level 4 | Time Magic Lv.2 | Enables use of Lv.2 time magic: Haste, Teleport, Quara.* |
Job Level 5 | Time Slip | If entire party is wiped out, return to start of battle. Note that even if multiple party members have this support ability, the effect only occurs once per battle. |
Job Level 6 | Time Magic Lv.3 | Enables use of Lv.3 time magic: Gravity, Veil, Slowga.* |
Job Level 7 | Stop Immunity | Grants immunity to stop in battle. |
Job Level 8 | Time Magic Lv.4 | Enables use of Lv.4 time magic: Hastega, Veilga, Comet.* |
Job Level 9 | Save TM MP | Lower MP cost of time magic by 25%. |
Job Level 10 | Time Magic Lv.5 | Enables use of Lv.5 time magic: Quick, Stop, Quaga.* |
Job Level 11 | Slow World | Lower BP of all allies and enemies by 1 every 2 turns. This works even if the character with this support ability is in K.O. state. |
Job Level 12 | Time Magic Lv.6 | Enables use of Lv.6 time magic: Graviga, Reraise, Meteor.* |
Job Level 13 | M.ATK 30% Up | Raise M.ATK by 30%. |
Job Level 14 | Hasten World | Raise BP of all allies and enemies by 1 at the end of each turn. This works even if the character with this support ability is in K.O. state. |
*Note that you must possess the relevant magic scrolls.
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The Ranger is a good class to pick up near the first part of the game where you’ll make the most of the slayer abilities. After you unlock the more powerful classes, these abilities become rather useless.
HP | C | MP | C | DEX | B |
STR | B | INT | D | AGI | B |
VIT | C | MND | D | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | D | Rods | D | Bows | S |
Axes | E | Staves | D | Katana | D |
Spears | D | Daggers | S | Knuckles | D |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Targeting | Deal 1.25 times the damage of a conventional attack. |
Job Level 2 | Bug Slayer | Deal 1.5 times damage of conventional attack to bugs. |
Job Level 3 | Plant Slayer | Deal 1.5 times damage of conventional attack to plants. |
Job Level 4 | Beast Slayer | Deal 1.5 times damage of conventional attack to beasts. |
Job Level 5 | Paralyze Immunity | Grant immunity to paralyze in battle. |
Job Level 6 | Aerial Slayer | Deal 1.5 times damage of conventional attack to flying enemies. |
Job Level 7 | Aquatic Slayer | Deal 1.5 times damage of conventional attack to aquatic enemies. |
Job Level 8 | Bow Lore | Raise arms aptitude for bows to S. |
Job Level 9 | Dragon Slayer | Deal 1.5 times damage of conventional attack to dragons. |
Job Level 10 | Undead Slayer | Deal 1.5 times damage of conventional attack to undead. |
Job Level 11 | Demon Slayer | Deal 1.5 times damage of conventional attack to demonkind. |
Job Level 12 | Hawkeye | Raise accuracy by 100%. |
Job Level 13 | Precision | When conventional attacks hit, damage will rise according to number of attacks. Specifically, damage is increased by 3% for each attack. |
Job Level 14 | Multiburst | Unleash 4 physical attacks that randomly target enemies, dealing 0.6 times damage of a conventional attack. |
The Summoner is essentially a limited Black Mage, dealing group elemental damage (providing you have found the appropriate Summons). This is a good secondary class to use when grinding as the powerful group-cast of the Summons will, in most cases, bestow the Sweeper set of combat bonuses, bumping up the amount of pg earned after battle.
HP | C | MP | S | DEX | C |
STR | E | INT | A | AGI | D |
VIT | D | MND | B | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | D | Rods | S | Bows | E |
Axes | E | Staves | C | Katana | E |
Spears | E | Daggers | C | Knuckles | E |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Summoning Lv.1 | Enables use of Lv.1 Summon: Girtablulu.* |
Job Level 2 | Abate Lightning | Reduce damage taken from lightning attacks. Note that further reduction will not be applied if using items with similar effects. Lightning nullification effects take precedence over reduction effects. |
Job Level 3 | Summoning Lv.2 | Enables use of Lv.2 Summon: Hresvelgr.* |
Job Level 4 | Summoning Lv.3 | Enables use of Lv.3 Summon: Ziusudra’s Sin.* |
Job Level 5 | Friendship | The amount that affinity goes up with one Summon Friend doubles. |
Job Level 6 | Summoning Amp | Raise MP cost of summon magic by 1.25 times and raise damage by 1.25 times. This can be set at same time as Max Summoning. |
Job Level 7 | Summoning Lv.4 | Enables use of Lv.4 Summon: Promethean Fire.* |
Job Level 8 | Summoning Lv.5 | Enables use of Lv.5 Summon: Deus Ex.* |
Job Level 9 | Summon Substitute | When you suffer a K.O., a random summon magic is invoked without consuming MP. Note that this effect will not occur during reraise or in the case of K.O. from poison damage.* |
Job Level 10 | Summoning Lv.6 | Enables use of Lv.6 Summon: Susano-o.* |
Job Level 11 | Convert MP | Restore MP equal to 1% of damage sustained. This effect is not triggered by damage from poison. |
Job Level 12 | Summoning Surge | Each time summon magic is used in combat, the damage it does rises by 10%. Note that the same summon magic does not have to be used for this to take effect. |
Job Level 13 | Summon in Pinch | When your HP falls below 20%, summon magic that you have learned is randomly invoked without consuming MP. This effect is not triggered by poison damage. |
Job Level 14 | Amp Friends | Boost damage, recovery amount, chance of inflicting status ailment and no. of turns amping/weakening lasts when using Summon Friend. |
*Must have found the appropriate Summon.
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Another strong starting class for the first portion of the game with powerful attacks. The jump abilities are particularly useful for causing a lot of damage while simultaneously keeping the party member out of harm’s way on the battlefield. However the BP consumption is too great for this to be a viable class for the duration of the game.
HP | B | MP | C | DEX | C |
STR | B | INT | D | AGI | B |
VIT | B | MND | D | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | C | Rods | E | Bows | D |
Axes | E | Staves | C | Katana | E |
Spears | S | Daggers | D | Knuckles | E |
Shields | A | Helms | A | Armour | A |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Crescent Moon | Physical attack on all enemies that deals the same damage as a conventional attack. |
Job Level 2 | Jump | Jump out of the screen at the end of the turn and come flying down in the next turn, dealing double the damage of a conventional attack. Damage is tripled if a spear is equipped. |
Job Level 3 | Spear Lore | Raise arms aptitude for spears to S. |
Job Level 4 | Judgement | Deals triple the damage of a conventional attack to one target. |
Job Level 5 | Spirit Barrier | Become impervious to damage for 10 turns by sacrificing MP equal to 10% of the damage you have suffered. |
Job Level 6 | Soul Crush | Reduce 1 enemy’s MP by 10% of the damage dealt by a conventional attack. |
Job Level 7 | BP Skill Amp | BP cost of abilities activated by BP use rises by 1, but the damage they deal increases by 1.5 times. |
Job Level 8 | Decimate | Allies and enemies with 10% or less HP left will each suffer damage equal to their own remaining HP. |
Job Level 9 | High Jump | Jump out of the screen at the end of the turn and come flying down in the next turn, dealing triple the damage of a conventional attack. Damage is increased 4.5 times if a spear is equipped. |
Job Level 10 | Pierce Default | Your attack’s damage will not be reduced by the target’s Default state. |
Job Level 11 | Soul Mates | Physical attack and magic attack each rise by 25% for 5 turns each time an ally suffers a K.O. |
Job Level 12 | Aerials | The no. of turns in the air during jump-type abilities increases by 1 turn and the amount of damage dealt rises by 1.5 times. The BP cost also rises by 1, with the exception of Sky High. |
Job Level 13 | Sky High | Begin the battle in the air and come hurtling down to attack on the first turn, dealing double the damage of a conventional attack to 1 enemy. Damage is tripled if a spear is equipped. |
Job Level 14 | Super Jump | Jump out of the screen and come diving down 2 turns later, dealing double the damage of a conventional attack to all enemies. Damage is tripled if a spear is equipped. |
Red Mage
Another good class for the earlier chapters as the Red Mage can use both black and white magic. However this only extends as far as the level 4 magic, making the class fairly pointless once you’ve unlocked the higher magic levels in the Black and White Mage classes. This class does have some decent support abilities though, like BP Recovery and Turn Tables.
HP | B | MP | B | DEX | C |
STR | C | INT | B | AGI | B |
VIT | C | MND | B | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | A | Rods | B | Bows | C |
Axes | B | Staves | B | Katana | B |
Spears | B | Daggers | B | Knuckles | D |
Shields | C | Helms | C | Armour | C |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | B/W Magic Lv.1 | Enables use of Lv.1 white magic: Cure, Poisona, Blinda, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder.* |
Job Level 2 | MP 20% Up | Raise max MP by 20%. |
Job Level 3 | B/W Magic Lv.2 | Enables use of Lv.2 white magic: Protect, Shell, Aero, Silence, Poison, Sleep.* |
Job Level 4 | Turn Tables | Raise BP by 1 when evading an enemy attack. |
Job Level 5 | MP Free in a Pinch | MP cost falls to 0 when your HP is below 20%. |
Job Level 6 | B/W Magic Lv.3 | Enables use of Lv.3 white magic: Cura, Raise, Esuna, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara.* |
Job Level 7 | Adrenaline | BP rises by 1 when your attack defeats an enemy. If you simultaneously defeat multiple enemies, your BP rises by the no. of enemies defeated. |
Job Level 8 | Save Magic MP | Lower MP cost of black, white, time and summon magic by 25%. |
Job Level 9 | BP Recovery | Raise BP by 2 when sustaining a status ailment. |
Job Level 10 | B/W Magic Lv.4 | Enables use of Lv.4 white magic: Reflect, Dispel, Aerora, Drain, Aspir, Fear.* |
Job Level 11 | Revenge | 25% chance to increase BP by 1 when taking damage. Poison damage does not trigger this ability. |
Job Level 12 | Revival | 75% chance to raise BP by 2 when HP falls below 20%. Using abilities that consume your on HP does not trigger this ability. |
Job Level 13 | An Eye for an Eye | When your HP falls below 20%, chances of scoring a critical hit will rise by 900% for 5 turns. |
Job Level 14 | In the Red | Raise M.ATK damage when you have negative BP. 0 BP or more: no effect, -1 BP: x 1.2 damage, -2 BP: x 1.3 damage, -3 BP: x 1.4 damage, -4 BP: x 1.5 damage. |
*Note that you must possess the relevant magic scrolls.
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The Compounding ability makes this class worth investing in, as all of those item drops from monsters can be mixed together into glorious concoctions that bestow buffs and deal huge quantities of damage as well as healing huge chunks of missing HP.
HP | C | MP | C | DEX | C |
STR | C | INT | B | AGI | C |
VIT | C | MND | B | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | D | Rods | D | Bows | B |
Axes | E | Staves | S | Katana | E |
Spears | D | Daggers | S | Knuckles | B |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Compounding | Combine 2 items for a special effect. |
Job Level 2 | First Aid | Restore HP to the ally with the lowest HP at the end of the turn. This ability can even be used in the silence state. |
Job Level 3 | Experiment | Transform a consumable item into an attack item. |
Job Level 4 | Attack Item Amp | Raise damage dealt by attack items by 1.5 times normal. |
Job Level 5 | Inoculate | Use a consumable item that cures a status ailment on 1 target to confer immunity to that status ailment for 6 turns. This ability can even be used in the silence state. |
Job Level 6 | Auto-Potion | Automatically use a potion on yourself when you take damage. Note that you must have a potion for this to occur. |
Job Level 7 | Shorten Ailment | The chance of status ailments sleep, paralyze, dread, confuse, charm and stop being naturally cured at the start of each turn rises to 50% higher than normal. |
Job Level 8 | Widen Area | Use an item and apply its effects to all targets. |
Job Level 9 | Healing Lore | Double the effectiveness of recovery effects when you use magic, abilities or items to restore HP or MP. |
Job Level 10 | Turn Toxic | Inflict poison and deal damage to 1 target equal to the recovery amount of a recovery item. |
Job Level 11 | Auto-Phoenix | Automatically use a phoenix feather if an ally is in the K.O. state during the last command in your turn. Note that you must have a phoenix feather for this to occur. |
Job Level 12 | Collect | Get an item during a battle. Items will differ by location. |
Job Level 13 | Resurrect | Resurrect all K.O. allies and restore 25% of their max HP. This ability can even be used in the silence state. |
Job Level 14 | Feel No Pain | HP will not fall for 2 turns after the start of a battle, even when taking damage. But at the end of the second turn, any damage taken will be subtracted from HP all at once. Damage in this instance cannot be reduced. |
A support class through and through, the Performer can grant all kinds of useful buffs on your party from raising BP to increasing various stats.
HP | C | MP | C | DEX | C |
STR | D | INT | B | AGI | B |
VIT | D | MND | C | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | A | Rods | S | Bows | E |
Axes | E | Staves | S | Katana | E |
Spears | E | Daggers | S | Knuckles | C |
Shields | D | Helms | D | Armour | D |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Love Power | Raise all targets’ P.ATK by 25% for 4 turns. |
Job Level 2 | Love Rush | Raise all targets’ speed by 25% for 4 turns. |
Job Level 3 | One More for You | Raise 1 target’s BP by 1. |
Job Level 4 | Got Your Back | Raise all targets’ P.DEF by 25% for 4 turns. |
Job Level 5 | Key to Your Heart | Raise all targets’ M.DEF by 25% for 4 turns. |
Job Level 6 | Support Amp | Add 10% to the stat-raising effects you receive, and subtract 10% from the stat-lowering effects. |
Job Level 7 | Little Devil | Raise all targets’ M.ATK by 25% for 4 turns. |
Job Level 8 | Catch Me | Raise your chances of being targeted by enemies to the highest level possible for 5 turns. |
Job Level 9 | Buff Up | Your P.ATK, M.ATK, P.DEF and M.DEF each rise 5% for 5 turns at end of each turn. |
Job Level 10 | Prolong Support | Double no. of turns that stat-raising effects on yourself last. |
Job Level 11 | Charm Immunity | Grants immunity to charm during battle. |
Job Level 12 | Save Singing MP | Lower MP cost of Singing by 50%. |
Job Level 13 | Zero Sum | Reduce BP to 0 for either all enemies or all allies who have one or more BP. |
Job Level 14 | My Hero | Raise all allies’ BP by 1. |
The Pirate is a strong class to carry you through the game with very powerful physical attacks and the eminently useful Defang ability. If dishing out beat downs floats your boat, this is the class for you.
HP | B | MP | D | DEX | E |
STR | S | INT | E | AGI | C |
VIT | B | MND | E | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | A | Rods | E | Bows | E |
Axes | S | Staves | E | Katana | E |
Spears | C | Daggers | D | Knuckles | D |
Shields | A | Helms | D | Armour | D |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Double Damage | Deal double damage to 1 target. |
Job Level 2 | Provoke | Raise your chances of being targeted by enemies to the highest level possible. |
Job Level 3 | Shell Split | Deal the same damage as a conventional attack to 1 target and for 4 turns lower the target’s P.DEF by 25%. |
Job Level 4 | Scale Strip | Deal the same damage as a conventional attack to 1 target and for 4 turns lower the target’s M.DEF by 25%. |
Job Level 5 | Shin Smash | Deal the same damage as a conventional attack to 1 target and for 4 turns lower the target’s speed by 25%. |
Job Level 6 | Mass Attack | Allies with less than 20% of their HP left attack at the same time you do. Note that this does not end the turn for the allies that join in the attack. They can still perform an action during that turn. |
Job Level 7 | Berserk | Raise P.ATK by 50% and continue making conventional attacks for 6 turns. Note Berserk’s P.ATK increase does not stack with other P.ATK boost effects. |
Job Level 8 | Adrenaline Rush | P.ATK and P.DEF each rise by 50% for 5 turns when your HP falls below 20%. |
Job Level 9 | P.ATK 20% Up | Raise P.ATK by 20%. |
Job Level 10 | Defang | Deal the same damage as a conventional attack to 1 target and for 4 turns lower the target’s P.ATK by 25%. |
Job Level 11 | Skull Bash | Deal the same damage as a conventional attack to 1 target and for 4 turns lower the target’s M.ATK by 25%. |
Job Level 12 | Axe Lore | Raise arms aptitude for axes to S. |
Job Level 13 | Torrent | Unleash physical water attacks dealing 0.3 times the damage of a conventional attack up to 16 times on 1 target. |
Job Level 14 | Amped Strike | Deal 4 times the damage of a conventional attack to 1 target. |
The Ninja is another strong class to use throughout the game with great speed stats and the killer combo of Utsusemi and Transience. When equipping the Ninja, focus on items that increase speed and chances of evading to make the most of the abilities that capitalise on this. The Dual Wield ability is another boon as it allows you to equip a weapon in both hands without losing any of the power by doing so.
HP | C | MP | C | DEX | A |
STR | B | INT | C | AGI | S |
VIT | D | MND | C | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | C | Rods | E | Bows | D |
Axes | E | Staves | D | Katana | B |
Spears | D | Daggers | S | Knuckles | D |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Shippûjinrai | Attack at the start of the turn and deal the same damage as a conventional attack. |
Job Level 2 | Transience | Evade an attack and counterattack, dealing the same damage as a conventional attack. |
Job Level 3 | Evade 10% Up | Raise Evasion by 10%. |
Job Level 4 | Utsusemi | Evade a physical attack one time. |
Job Level 5 | Comeback Kid | M.ATK and P.ATK each rise 25% for 3 turns with each physical attack evaded. |
Job Level 6 | Ikkikasei | Raise the no. of attacks by 100% for that turn only. |
Job Level 7 | Cleave | Has a chance to perform an additional attack after defeating a target with a conventional attack. The chance increases the more damage you deal in relation to the defeated target’s remaining HP. |
Job Level 8 | Evade 20% Up | Raise Evasion by 20%. |
Job Level 9 | Shunshin | Raise evasion to maximum for 6 turns. |
Job Level 10 | Kairai | The target of the enemy’s single-target attack will be the ally you select, but only for the turn in which the ability is used. |
Job Level 11 | Dual Wield | When equipping a weapon in each hand, normally only 50% of the weapons’ P.ATK is applied to the character’s P.ATK. This support ability allows 100% to be applied. |
Job Level 12 | Kakuremi | Lower your chances of being targeted by enemies to the lowest possible level for 5 turns. |
Job Level 13 | Evade 30% Up | Raise Evasion by 30%. |
Job Level 14 | Frenetic Fighting | The limit on the number of attacks rises from 16 to 32. |
The Swordmaster can be another class that proves difficult to master, with the reliance on counterattacks forming a huge part of the repertoire.
HP | B | MP | C | DEX | B |
STR | B | INT | D | AGI | S |
VIT | B | MND | D | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | B | Rods | E | Bows | E |
Axes | D | Staves | D | Katana | S |
Spears | D | Daggers | B | Knuckles | D |
Shields | A | Helms | A | Armour | A |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Nothing Ventured | Halve the damage you sustain if hit by a magic attack during the turn this ability is used and counterattack with 2 times the damage of a conventional attack. |
Job Level 2 | Abate Earth | Reduce damage taken from earth attacks. Note that further reduction will not be applied if using items with similar effects. Earth nullification effects take precedence over reduction effects. |
Job Level 3 | Katana Lore | Raise arms aptitude for katanas to S. |
Job Level 4 | Squeaky Wheel | Reduce the target’s BP by 1. For bosses and some enemies, the success rate falls to 30%. |
Job Level 5 | Multitask | 25% chance to follow up with an additional attack when making a conventional attack. |
Job Level 6 | Counter | 60% chance to counterattack when taking a single-target physical attack and deal the same damage as a conventional attack. |
Job Level 7 | Confuse Immunity | Grants immunity to confuse during battle. |
Job Level 8 | Before Swine | Halve the damage you sustain if hit by a magic attack during the turn this ability is used and counterattack with 3 times the damage of a conventional attack. Does not apply to reflected magic. |
Job Level 9 | Counter Amp | Raise the damage dealt by counterattacks to 1.5 times normal. This is effective even for counterattacks other than the swordmaster’s. |
Job Level 10 | Know Thine Enemy | Counterattack with 4 times the damage of a conventional attack if hit by a single-target attack from the selected enemy during the turn this ability is used. |
Job Level 11 | Redoubled Effort | The higher your BP, the more the power of your P.ATK rises. 0 P or less: no effect, 1 BP: x 1.1, 2 BP: x 1.21, 3 BP: x 1.33, 4 BP: x 1.46. |
Job Level 12 | The Worm Turns | Counterattack with 7.5 times the damage of a conventional attack if hit by an enemy attack when your HP is below 20% during the turn this ability is used. Does not apply to reflected magic damage. |
Job Level 13 | Slow and Steady | Raise Speed to maximum for 2 turns when using Default. |
Job Level 14 | Free Lunch | Set MP cost to 0 for 2 turns. |
This class depends on inflicting status ailments in order to cause some real damage and they are fairly difficult to cast on regular monsters, let alone bosses, so it’s not worth investing a huge amount of time in this class.
HP | C | MP | S | DEX | C |
STR | E | INT | S | AGI | B |
VIT | E | MND | A | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | E | Rods | S | Bows | E |
Axes | E | Staves | C | Katana | E |
Spears | E | Daggers | E | Knuckles | E |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Corpse | 75% to place 1 target in doom state. |
Job Level 2 | Black Magic Amp | Raise MP cost of black magic by 1.5 times and raise its damage by 1.25 times. This can be set at the same time as Max Black Magic. |
Job Level 3 | Exterminate | Deal a tremendous amount of dark damage to all allies and enemies who are in the poison state. |
Job Level 4 | Absorb M. Damage | Recover HP equal to 25% of the damage taken from a magic attack. This effect is not triggered by damage from poison nor damage that results in K.O. |
Job Level 5 | Twilight | Instantly slay allies and enemies who are in the sleep state. This won’t work on certain enemies, like bosses. |
Job Level 6 | Save BM MP | Lower MP cost of black magic by 25%. |
Job Level 7 | Sacrifice | Sacrifice 25% of your max HP to raise M.ATK by 50% for 3 turns. |
Job Level 8 | Zero | Raise damage of magic attacks to 1.5 times normal when the last digit of your current MP is 0. |
Job Level 9 | Convergence | Increase damage of magic that can only be group-cast to 1.5 times normal by narrowing its focus to a single target. |
Job Level 10 | Annihilation | Unleash dark-based magic attack on all allies and enemies with -1 BP or less. Note that the lower the target’s BP, the more damage will be dealt. |
Job Level 11 | Status Ailment Amp | Raise chances of imparting a status ailment. |
Job Level 12 | Iniquity | Unleash dark-based magic attack on all allies and enemies with 1 BP or more. Note that the higher the target’s BP, the more damage will be dealt. |
Job Level 13 | Max Black Magic | MP cost of black magic doubles but it also does 1.5 times more damage. This can be set at the same time as Black Magic Amp. |
Job Level 14 | Interment | Deal high dark damage to all enemies. |
A great second job to use in conjunction with a White Mage and worth investing in to unlock the highest tier abilities.
HP | C | MP | S | DEX | C |
STR | E | INT | A | AGI | B |
VIT | E | MND | S | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | E | Rods | C | Bows | E |
Axes | E | Staves | S | Katana | E |
Spears | E | Daggers | E | Knuckles | E |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Spirit Ward | All elemental damage to the selected ally is nullified for 4 turns. |
Job Level 2 | Auto-Shell | Invoke Shell on yourself for 10 turns at the start of battle. |
Job Level 3 | M.DEF 20% Up | Raise M.DEF by 20% |
Job Level 4 | Fairy’s Aid | Boost target’s elemental attacks to deal 1.5 times normal damage for 5 turns. |
Job Level 5 | Convert BP | Sacrifice 25% of max MP to raise BP by 2. |
Job Level 6 | Save WM MP | Lower MP cost of white magic by 25%. |
Job Level 7 | Adaptation | The selected ally absorbs all elemental damage for 4 turns. |
Job Level 8 | Stillness | Damage to all allies and enemies will be nullified for 2 turns. |
Job Level 9 | Holy One | Lower P.ATK by 25% but boost effectiveness of recovery magic by 2.5 times. |
Job Level 10 | Greater Spirit Ward | All elemental damage to all allies is halved for 4 turns. |
Job Level 11 | Fairy Ward | Render all allies immune to poison, blind, silence, sleep, paralyze, dread, berserk, confuse, charm, doom, death and stop for 5 turns. |
Job Level 12 | Moderation | For all allies and enemies with 1 BP or more, reduce BP by 1, and for those with -1 BP or less, raise BP by 1. |
Job Level 13 | Enigma | All elemental damage to all allies is nullified for 4 turns. |
Job Level 14 | Maximise HP | Maximum HP doubles only during battle. |
A solid tank class with the fabulous Rampart ability that will prove invaluable in the many boss fights throughout the game.
HP | B | MP | D | DEX | C |
STR | B | INT | E | AGI | D |
VIT | A | MND | B | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | S | Rods | E | Bows | E |
Axes | B | Staves | E | Katana | C |
Spears | A | Daggers | E | Knuckles | C |
Shields | A | Helms | A | Armour | S |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Heart Strike | Guaranteed critical hit that deals double the damage of a conventional attack. |
Job Level 2 | Abate Light | Reduce damage taken from light attacks. Note that further reduction will not be applied if using items with similar effects. Light nullification effects take precedence over reduction effects. |
Job Level 3 | P.DEF 20% Up | Raise P.DEF by 20%. |
Job Level 4 | Giant Slayer | Deals 1.5 times damage of a conventional attack to 1 opponent with more HP than you. |
Job Level 5 | Magic Critical | 15% chance of a critical hit when using magic. A critical hit will double the amount of damage or recovery. |
Job Level 6 | Default Guard | Reduce the amount of damage received during Default by 75%. |
Job Level 7 | Rampart | Form a shield around all allies that prevents 1 physical attack. |
Job Level 8 | Item Critical | 15% chance of a critical hit when using an item. A critical hit will double the amount of damage or recovery. |
Job Level 9 | Radiant Blast | Light-based physical attack on 1 target that ignores Default’s damage reduction effect and deals 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack. |
Job Level 10 | Critical Amp | The damage dealt from critical hits will be 2.5 times normal. Note that this effect applies to magic and item critical hits as well. |
Job Level 11 | BP Limit Up | Raise BP limit by 1, up to a max of 4. |
Job Level 12 | Desperation | Attack by adding the value of your physical defence to your physical attack. P.DEF will be reduced to min for that turn. |
Job Level 13 | Armour Lore | Raise aptitude for armour to S. |
Job Level 14 | Heaven’s Gate | Unleash light attacks that increase in number according to your BP and strike random enemies. |
Dark Knight
The Dark Knight class relies heavily on the sacrifice of HP to facilitate heavy damage attacks. If you’re willing to take a riskier path, then it can be a class worth investing in, however with the multitude of other classes that deal out high damage at no cost to their HP, the Dark Knight isn’t one of the top pick classes.
HP | B | MP | C | DEX | C |
STR | A | INT | D | AGI | A |
VIT | C | MND | E | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | S | Rods | E | Bows | E |
Axes | C | Staves | E | Katana | S |
Spears | A | Daggers | D | Knuckles | E |
Shields | A | Helms | S | Armour | A |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Dark Bane | Sacrifice 20% of your max HP to unleash a dark physical attack on 1 target that deals 1.25 times the damage of a conventional attack. |
Job Level 2 | Abate Dark | Reduce damage taken from dark attacks. Note that further reduction will not be applied if using items with similar effects. Dark nullification effects take precedence over reduction effects. |
Job Level 3 | Adversity | P.ATK, M.ATK, P.DEF and M.DEF each rise by 10% for 3 turns each time you accumulate damage equal to 25% of your max HP. |
Job Level 4 | Demon Master | Charm 1 target of the demonkind family. |
Job Level 5 | See You in Hell | Deal 4 times the damage of a conventional attack to all enemies when you suffer a K.O. Note that this will not activate while reraise is in effect. |
Job Level 6 | Minus Strike | Damage 1 target by an amount equal to the number of HP you have lost. |
Job Level 7 | Helm Lore | Raise armour aptitude for helms to S. |
Job Level 8 | Black Bane | Sacrifice 30% of your max HP to unleash a dark physical attack on all enemies that deals 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack. |
Job Level 9 | Gloom | The damage dealt by dark attacks rises 1.25 times, regardless of whether it is from a weapon, magic, or an ability. |
Job Level 10 | Absorb Magic | Start at the beginning of a turn to nullify damage from magic attacks during that turn and restore your MP by the amount of MP used to attack you. Does not apply to reflected magic damage. |
Job Level 11 | Dark Nebula | Sacrifice 20% of your max HP to unleash a dark physical attack on all allies and enemies that deals 4 times the damage of a conventional attack. |
Job Level 12 | P.ATK 30% Up | Raise P.ATK by 30%. |
Job Level 13 | Life or Death | P.ATK, M.ATK, P.DEF and M.DEF each rise by 50% for 4 turns, but you enter the doomed state. |
Job Level 14 | Rage | Dark Bane continues for a random target up to 5 times or until your HP falls to 1. |
Like Quina in FF9, the Vampire can learn certain attacks from various monsters found across the world with the ability Genome Drain. If you’re prepared to put the time in and track down all of the Genome abilities, this class can pay off nicely.
HP | B | MP | B | DEX | C |
STR | B | INT | B | AGI | B |
VIT | C | MND | C | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | A | Rods | S | Bows | D |
Axes | B | Staves | S | Katana | E |
Spears | B | Daggers | S | Knuckles | C |
Shields | A | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Genome Ability | Use a monster’s ability. |
Job Level 2 | Absorb P. Damage | Restore HP equal to 30% of the damage taken from physical attacks. However, damage resulting in K.O. will not be healed. |
Job Level 3 | Blood Thirst | Absorb from 1 target an amount of HP equal to the damage dealt by a conventional attack. |
Job Level 4 | Bloodlust | P.ATK, M.ATK, P.DEF and M.DEF rise by 25% for 5 turns each time you defeat an enemy with your own attack. |
Job Level 5 | Charm | 75% chance to place 1 target in the charm state. |
Job Level 6 | Magic Thirst | Absorb from 1 target an amount of MP equal to 10% of the damage dealt by a conventional attack. |
Job Level 7 | Monster Ability Up | Raise the damage dealt by genome abilities to 1.25 times normal. |
Job Level 8 | Battle Thirst | Absorb 1 BP from target. |
Job Level 9 | Subvert | 50% chance to place all enemies in the charm state. |
Job Level 10 | Self-Restore | Fully restore your HP at the end of battle. |
Job Level 11 | Absorb Stats | Absorb the selected stat from 1 target. |
Job Level 12 | Drain Attack Up | Raise the damage dealt by drain attacks to 1.5 times normal. The BP drained by Battle Thirst will be doubled. |
Job Level 13 | Genome Drain | Learn certain enemy abilities when targeted by them. |
Job Level 14 | Rise From Dead | 50% to recover from K.O. at the end of the turn. Your HP will also recover an amount equal to 25% of your max HP. |
There isn’t a great deal about this class to recommend as it the Black Mage offers better magical offence and there are a number of support classes that fulfill that role much more efficiently than this one. The Conjurer is another run of the mill class that you probably won’t want to spend too much time on.
HP | C | MP | S | DEX | C |
STR | C | INT | S | AGI | C |
VIT | C | MND | B | Row 2 - Cell 4 | Row 2 - Cell 5 |
Weapons and Armour Compatibility:
Swords | A | Rods | A | Bows | A |
Axes | A | Staves | A | Katana | A |
Spears | A | Daggers | A | Knuckles | A |
Shields | E | Helms | E | Armour | E |
Ability List:
Job Level 1 | Invocation Lv.1 | Enables the use of Lv.1 invocation: Girtablulu.* |
Job Level 2 | Steady MP Recover | Recover 30 MP at the end of each turn. |
Job Level 3 | Invocation Lv.2 | Enables the use of Lv.2 invocation: Hresvelgr.* |
Job Level 4 | Critical MP Recover | Recover 200 MP when your HP falls below 20%. |
Job Level 5 | Invocation Lv.3 | Enables the use of Lv.3 invocation: Ziusudra’s Sin.* |
Job Level 6 | Save SM MP | Lower the MP cost of summon magic by 25%. |
Job Level 7 | Post-Battle MP | Recover 25% of your max MP at the end of battle. |
Job Level 8 | Invocation Lv.4 | Enables the use of Lv.4 invocation: Promethean Fire.* |
Job Level 9 | Obliterate | Cause instant death at the start of battle to targets 20 or more levels lower than you. Note that you will still get the usual pg, EXP, JP and items at the end of the battle. This won’t work on certain enemies, like bosses. |
Job Level 10 | Invocation Lv.5 | Enables the use of Lv.5 invocation: Deus Ex.* |
Job Level 11 | Max Summoning | MP cost of summon magic doubles, but it also does 1.5 times more damage. This can be set at the same time as Summoning Amp. |
Job Level 12 | MP 30% Up | Raise max MP by 30%. |
Job Level 13 | Invocation Lv.6 | Enables the use of Lv.6 invocation: Susano-o.* |
Job Level 14 | Experience Up | Earn 1.5 times more exp. Than normal. This effect does not stack with similar effects from items. |
*Cannot be used without finding the appropriate Summon
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- Storyline Encounter - Monk and White Mage Asterisks
- Storyline Encounter - Black Mage Asterisk
- Storyline Encounter - Knight Asterisk
- Storyline Encounter - Arcanist and Spiritmaster Asterisks
- Storyline Encounter - Templar Asterisk
- Storyline Encounter - Dark Knight Asterisk
- Sub Quest 1 - Thief and Merchant Asterisks
- Sub Quest 2 - Time Mage and Spell Fencer Asterisks
- Sub Quest 3 - Summoner Asterisk
- Sub Quest 4 - Ranger Asterisk
- Sub Quest 5 - Red Mage Asterisk
- Sub Quest 6 - Valkyrie Asterisk
- Sub Quest 7 - Pirate Asterisk
- Sub Quest 8 - Performer Asterisk
- Sub Quest 9 - Salve-Maker Asterisk
- Sub Quest 10 - Swordmaster Asterisk
- Sub Quest 11 - Ninja Asterisk
- Sub Quest 12 - Vampire Asterisk
- Sub Quest 13 - Conjurer Asterisk
- Job Stats and Abilities
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