WATCH: Did Bradley Cooper just leak Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2?

Oh dear. It looks like Bradley Cooper is potentially in hot water with Marvel after apparently leaking some rather important details about the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel. The actor - who plays ass-kicking racoon Rocket in the franchise - was being interviewed (along with Sienna Miller) for his new film Burnt by MTV International when the topic naturally turned towards the superhero follow-up.

WARNING: If you want to avoid some big spoilers about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 run away now.

Everyone else can watch the interview below...

“Josh Brolin's the villain, no? Or he’s the main villain, no? He was in the first one, he played whatshisname’s Dad. You know who I’m talking about? The Dark-Lord… the main guy.” Errr, it's Star-Lord Bradley, you were only in the film! Well, it looks like we know who Peter Quill's alien father is then...

The spoiler is almost worth the look on Sienna Miller's face as she realises Cooper's let something slip. Bless her, she tries to get him to shut up, but he just keeps going and going and going... We reckon his agent's getting a pretty angry call from Marvel right about now. Starring Bradley, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista and Vin Diesel, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will hit UK cinemas on April 28 2017 before arriving in the US on May 5 2017.

Lauren O'Callaghan

Lauren O'Callaghan is the former Entertainment Editor of 12DOVE. You'd typically find Lauren writing features and reviews about the latest and greatest in pop culture and entertainment, and assisting the teams at Total Film and SFX to bring their excellent content onto 12DOVE. Lauren is now the digital marketing manager at the National Trust.