Brad Pitt On Max Brooks' World War Z book, ideas for the sequel

Total Film spent Sunday afternoon on the black carpet (a fairly bleak take on the red carpet, complete with grinning white skull) at the World War Z world premiere.

We were there with a horde of zombie movie fans, hungry for a glimpse of Brad Pitt and Angelina Joile. With one fan holding up a sign proclaiming she'd waited for three days to get a glimpse at the couple.

At one point, they got so desperate, they made do with an Australian female rapper named Iggy. No, us neither.

When Brad eventually arrived, we spoke to him about what they've got planned for the World War Z sequel.

"There's so much in that book, we've got plenty of ideas. If this one works, we've certainly got plenty of ideas."

The book Pitt mentions is - obviously - Max Brooks' World War Z and, as it turns out, he's a bit of a fan of the author.

"He took a genre then turned it on his head, relating it to the kind of pandemics we're worried about today, like when SARS first came out.

He approached it on such an international scale, and looked at it in terms of who's best prepared when that happens, he presents the blue collar to be more prepared than white collar, that closed societies would be better off than open societies. Interesting, thought provoking ideas. "

What we've done with it five years later is (we've made a) massive summer fun apolcaptyo relentless (blockbuster)."

You can read our review of World War Z here , and below you can find a selection of Tweets from our live-coverage of the event.

Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at 12DOVE.