Borderlands 3 Fl4K concept art finally reveals the robot behind the shroud

(Image credit: Gearbox)

A new piece of Borderlands 3 concept art has lifted the veil (literally) on one of the game's most beloved new characters, showcasing playable Vault Hunter FL4K in all their glossy metallic glory. 

The concept art, designed by Max Davenport, was revealed by developer Gearbox on the Borderlands Twitter account this week and, as seen below, it offers our best look yet at the robot beastmaster played in-game by voice actor SungWon Cho. 

Gearbox's tweet seems to suggest this concept art offers more insight into FL4K's origin but, other than the fact that yellow is his favourite colour, we can't ascertain anything of note from this... uh, "au naturel" profile just yet. 

FL4K's backstory has been a source of interest for some time amongst the Borderlands community. When first announced as one of the looter shooter's new Vault Hunters, many assumed FL4K would eventually be revealed as Loader Bot from Telltale's point-and-click adventure spin-off, Tales from the Borderlands, but that theory has firmly been debunked. 

An in-game Echo Log does, however, reveal that FL4K once served as an "Indexing Unit" for someone known as the "Grand Archivist", before developing consciousness and leaving to pursue their career as a full-time beastmaster. 

How this latest concept art provides any more clues in the character's history is yet to be seen, but one thing's for sure; this beefy yellow automaton has clearly never skipped leg day. 

Check out our full list of Borderlands 3 Shift codes, or watch our Borderlands story recap video to catch up on everything that's happened so far.

Alex Avard

I'm GamesRadar's Features Writer, which makes me responsible for gracing the internet with as many of my words as possible, including reviews, previews, interviews, and more. Lucky internet!