Bollywood Queen review

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Wishing life were more like a Bombay musical, teen dreamer Geena (Preeya Kalidas) has to settle for business studies and working in her traditionalist family's East End sari shop. Then into her world walks West Country boy Jay (James McAvoy), whose bigoted brother has found him work with a rival firm of rag traders.

A predictable tale of culture-crossed lovers? You bet. But what spices up Jeremy Wooding's debut pic is a generous helping of the rhythm and hues of Bollywood cinema. One moment we're watching a big-screen Britsoap; the next characters are singing Hindi ditties or floating off the ground in romantic rapture. The musical numbers aren't exactly well-staged, but at least they keep events lively and likeable.

Similarly, while Kalidas and McAvoy have little celluloid sizzle together, individually they make for appealing young leads. Mind you, anyone would look fresh-faced next to Ian McShane's grizzled guest appearance.

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