Blood Bowl review

Making a woeful transition to handheld

12DOVE Verdict


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    Turn-based strategery

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    appealing world

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    Certainly unique


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    Grainy graphics

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    Painful pauses

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    Shoddy touch-screen controls

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You know Blood Bowl, right? No, not that whole fake injury scandal that ‘rocked’ rugby union recently. That was ‘bloodgate.’ Blood Bowl is Games Workshop’s violent take on American football set in its Warhammer fantasy world. It was originally a pretty decent tabletop game. On DS, it’s a bit of a pig.

In essence, it’s a turn-based strategy affair rather than a sports title, with each side having eight turns during each half of a match to try and score a touchdown. The rules, positions and plays are essentially the same as in American football, but with the addition of lots of violence. It’s so complicated and convoluted that even the tutorial confused us, while the grainy graphics, painful pauses as moves take place and shoddy touch-screen controls render the whole thing massively frustrating. One for the sin bin.

Oct 5, 2009

More info

DescriptionIt’s so complicated and convoluted that even the tutorial confused us, while the grainy graphics, painful pauses as moves take place and shoddy touch-screen controls render the whole thing massively frustrating. One for the sin bin.
Platform"DS","Xbox 360","PC","PSP"
US censor rating"Teen","Teen","Teen","Teen"
UK censor rating"16+","16+","16+","16+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)