BLASTERMIND Presidents & Prime Ministers
NOW WITH ANSWERS A rogues gallery of Heads of State to identify
When we call this lot heads of state, the state we’re usually referring to is a state of emergency. They’re all sci-fi or fantasy presidents and prime ministers. Your job is to identify which film, TV or book they’re from and for extra points can you actually name them? (The fictional name, that is – you don’t get any points for recognising Jack Nicholson!) That’s 25 points in total, ’cos one of the pics has a bit of political summit going on, with both a president and a prime minister
Usual request: please don’t put answers in the comments section below (though feel free to use it to boast/bemoan how well/badly you’re doing) but the folks on this thread are quite happy for you to post and discuss answers if you follow the golden rule of only posting answers in invisible text (if you don’t know how ask somebody there – they’re very friendly).
Answers on the next page …
Answers on the next page…
President Elias Martinez, The Event
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President Lancelot R Gilligrass, Charlie And The Great Glass Elevator
President John Harker*, Escape From New York
(*only named in the novelisation, so we’ll let you get away with “not named”)
President Robert Kinsey, Stargate SG-1
President James Dale, Mars Attacks!
President Hathaway, Monsters Vs Aliens
President Tom Beck, Deep Impact
Acting Prime Minister Joseph Green, Doctor Who (“Aliens Of London”/“World War III”)
President Baxter Harris, Scary Movie 3 , Scary Movie 4
(Although, to be fair, we could accept President Harrison Ford, Scary Movie 3 for bobnus points)
High Chancellor Adam Sutler, V For Vendetta
(Okay, he’s only technically Prime Minister in the original graphic novel where he’s called Adam Susan, so we’ll accpet that name)
President Johnny Cyclops and Prime Minister Kevin Pork, Whoops Apocalypse
President Lindberg, The Fifth Element
Dave is a TV and film journalist who specializes in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He's written books about film posters and post-apocalypses, alongside writing for SFX Magazine for many years.