NOW WITH ANSWERS – can you identify 10 bits of fantasy armour?
The pen may well be mightier than the sword, but we don’t think much of biro’s chances of making a dent in this lot.
The theme of the quiz this week is armour. And all you need to do is identify the films or TV shows which these metal overcoats came from.
Usual request: please don’t put answers in the comments section below (though feel free to use it to boast/bemoan how well/badly you’re doing) but the folks on this thread are quite happy for you to post and discuss answers if you follow the golden rule of only posting answers in invisible text (if you don’t know how ask somebody there – they’re very friendly).
Answers on the following page…
Armour 1
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Armour 2
Armour 3
Armour 4
Armour 5
Armour 6
Armour 7
Armour 8
Armour 9
Armour 10
Answers on the next page…
Armour 1
Armour 2
Armour 3
The Lord Of The Rings (Theodin)
Armour 4
The Chronicles Of Riddick
Armour 5
Merlin (BBC)
Armour 6
The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Armour 7
Game Of Thrones
Armour 8
Clash Of The Titans (remake)
Armour 9
Conan The Barbarian (1982)
Armour 10
Dave is a TV and film journalist who specializes in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He's written books about film posters and post-apocalypses, alongside writing for SFX Magazine for many years.