Bionic Woman 1.05 The Education of Jaime Sommers review

Original US airdate: 24/10/07

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Written by: Elizabeth Heldens

Directed by: Jonas Pate


The One Where: Jaime goes undercover at a University (posing as a British student) to investigate the theft of neural implants that can turn people into remote-controlled killers. She suspects teaching assistant Tom, but he’s really a CIA agent (who suspects her!)

Verdict: A gooey, chick-flicky episode concentrating on the budding romance between Tom (who looks like a slightly-more-buff Nicholas Brendon) and Jaime (who’s got over her fiancé’s murder in record time...). There’s face-sucking aplenty. Still, the A-plot’s cobblers, so maybe it’s for the best. It’s good to see Michelle get a chance to use her native accent, although it does make you wish she could use it all the time.

Highlight: When Jaime knocks out the bad guy using bionic melon tossing. That should be an olympic sport.

It’s Wossisname: Jordan Bridges (Tom) is the son of Beau Bridges, and the grandson of Lloyd Bridges.

Nitpick: A University neurobiology department has developed a brain implant that allows you to order someone to do anything. That’s one of the biggest technological breakthroughs in history, and it’s not headline news? They’re even demonstrating it to students! We can accept this kind of thing in Sarah Jane Adventures, but it’s difficult to swallow in an “adult” show.

LMAO: Do people really still hide things inside hollowed-out books?

Best Line:
Jaime: "So, I’m a glorified fax machine?"
Nathan: "Don’t sell yourself short – you can also open cans."

Richard Edwards

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