Bethesda asks us to "please stand by" - something Fallout this way comes

On Tuesday morning, May 29, 2018, video game developer / publisher Bethesda sent out a simple tweet:

The internet immediately lost its mind. Fallout is one of the company's biggest properties, and fans of the '50s-flavored post-nuclear apocalypse setting have historically had to wait a long, long time between games. After all, it was seven years between 2008's Fallout 3 and 2015's Fallout 4 (Fallout: New Vegas arrived in 2010, it was developed by a different studio and so it 'doesn't count' in some fans' eyes).

But is that what we're seeing here? The tease of an entirely new entry? There are lots of theories floating around about what's about to be revealed - and to be clear, nobody really knows how long we need to "please stand by" - and Fallout 5 is just one of them. Other popular theories include:

Fallout 1 & 2 remaster: Fallout didn't always belong to Bethesda, nor was it always a first/third-person FPS/RPG hybrid. Once upon a time, it was a top-down, classic RPG. So could this be the time to redo those games, either by giving them a fresh coat of paint or modeling them in the new style?

Fallout 3 remaster: What do gamers like more than fresh, new games unique to this generation? Games they're nostalgic for from last generation! Upres the immensely popular Fallout 3 a la Skyrim: Special Edition and bam, instant money.

Fallout: New Vegas remaster: Look, there's a lot of remasters on this list because most people don't think a Fallout 5 is on the horizon. But among the most-hoped-for, Fallout: New Vegas is definitely up there. **UPDATE** Obsidian, developers of New Vegas, say they're not involved.

Fallout 3 / Fallout 4 for Switch: Doom came to Switch. Skyrim came to Switch. Why not Fallout? Mayhaps the most recent post-apocalypse game is too much for Nintendo's console to handle, but it could almost certainly run Fallout 3 without much hassle, and who doesn't want to take their Pip-Boy on the go?

Want to find out what all the hubbub is about together? The Bethesda Twitch stream is below:

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