Next week is going to be GamesRadar's "Best Week Ever"

It's a Saturday night, and you have two options. Option A, watch a bunch of videos on YouTube of cats being crazy. Option B, invite your friends over and argue about some video games. Actually, who are we kidding--you'll likely do both. And while we most certainly can't help you with that first task, we here at GamesRadar pride ourselves in helping you with the latter.

And once your argument hits a wall, you're going to eventually look to settle the debate by going to Google and typing in "Best [GAME CONSOLE] games," because it's 2014 and when you want to shut someone down, you just Google it. That's where we come in.

We here at GamesRadar have articles listing the best games for every console, and we'd like to think we've gotten pretty good at it. They have a few useful functions: they're helpful for settling arguments with your dumb friends, they're great for reminding you of all of the old games you played, and they're useful for informing you on new things to buy.

Not to toot our own horns, but we like to think that we have the best best lists on the web. But with that great power comes the great responsibility to make sure that they're all accurate--or as accurate as an opinion-driven, ordered lists of usually dissimilar video games can be. Oh, shut up, you know you love reading them.

So, once a year we give them a refresh, making sure they're up-to-date and correct. Sometimes we find that we need to swap a few games out or add a few more--this year we're expanding some of our lists and rewriting others, making sure that they reflect the views of GamesRadar's expert staff (we're totally experts, you guys).

Each day we'll focus on a different company, posting about their best games and writing about their interesting histories. Like, did you know that the PlayStation was originally going to be an add-on for the SNES? Oh, you did? Well, there's other stuff you didn't know, know-it-all.

Monday: Microsoft

Tuesday: Sony

Wednesday: Nintendo

Thursday: Sega

Friday: Best Games Ever

Of course we'll still have plenty of reviews, previews, editorials, and other stuff going up, but the focus of next week will be on the best games ever--that's why we're calling it the Best Week Ever. So study up on debate tactics, look through your game library, slap on your nostalgia goggles, and let's enjoy a full week of retrospective. Oh, and what the hell, here's a funny cat video, too.

12DOVE was first founded in 1999, and since then has been dedicated to delivering video game-related news, reviews, previews, features, and more. Since late 2014, the website has been the online home of Total Film, SFX, Edge, and PLAY magazines, with comics site Newsarama joining the fold in 2020. Our aim as the global GamesRadar Staff team is to take you closer to the games, movies, TV shows, and comics that you love. We want to upgrade your downtime, and help you make the most of your time, money, and skills. We always aim to entertain, inform, and inspire through our mix of content - which includes news, reviews, features, tips, buying guides, and videos.