The best gravity defying moments on PlayStation

Not coming down
The upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 might let you catch some decent airtime with thrust jumps, but sooner or later you'll come crashing back down to earth... But what if you didn't? Give two fingers to Sir Isaac Newton with eight of PlayStations best gravity defying moments.
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1. Gravity Rush
As much as we all love pictures of cats that resemble Z-list celebrities, none of them can touch the tabby in this Vita gem. Gravity Rushs feline gives Kat (the games hero, not another kitty) the power to control gravity. Cue floating fun using the handhelds gyroscope.

2. BioShock Infinite
Buck, buck, Bucking Bronco-aroo. Who needs a kids game about a rebellious horsey when you can control an emotionally conflicted dude with the power to fling men into the sky before bringing them down with an oh-so-satisfying crunch?

3. Quantum Conundrum
When youre hanging with Professor Fitz Quadwrangle, the rules of the inverse-square law on universal gravitation (ooooh!) can go do one. After the madcap scientist gets trapped, its up to his nephew to brave the Reverse Gravity dimension and save him.

4. Limbo
Giant spiders, natives who spit poison darts, and mind-controlling worms that steer their victims into pits: Limbo really hates children. Its small, silhouetted boy also has to contend with a factory full of switch puzzles that kibosh gravity.

5. Half-life 2
Ah, the distinctly non-humble Gravity Gun. Has the great videogame overlord in the sky ever blessed us with a finer weapon? Capable of turning Headcrab zombies into undead sushi, the physics-powered mutilator makes floating and firing buzz saws in the spooky Ravenholm a slicey delight.

6. Dead Space 2
Isaac Clarke is a man of many talents. Hes a space engineer, he can fillet a Necromorph like a Michelin starred chef, and hes able to punch physics square in the face. His second game contains several zero-grav puzzles involving floating mechanical parts. Hey, it cant all be alien murderising.

7. Inversion
Vertical, horizontal really, whats the difference? In Vanguard City, black is white, up is down and hamburgers eat people (probably). Due to pockets of zero gravity, Davis Russel spends more time walking up skyscrapers than he does on terra firma. Take that, physics.

8. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Youre not the boss of me, gravitation. Especially when Im a badass Sith capable of fiddling with physics through my magic Force fingers. While levitating Wookies around on Kashyyyk would make Chewie cry, yanking a Star Destroyer from the sky is a gravity-assaulting treat.

9. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Were going down! No, wait, were headed up. Arent the laws of the universe at 36,000ft a cad? Early in MW3s campaign, terrorist mastermind Makarov hijacks the Russian prezs plane, resulting in some levitating, stomach-churning firefights.
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