Beenox awarded primary developing duties on future Spider-Man games

Activision has awarded the keys to the Spider-Man kingdom to the Quebec-based game studio, Beenox. According to today's announcement, the publisher was so impressed by Beenox's latest take on the web slinging franchise, that it has earned its place as the primary developer on future Spider-Man video game iterations.

"Beenox's creative vision reinvigorated the Spider-Man gaming experience among critics and fans in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions," said Patrick Kelly, Senior Vice President of Activision Studios, in the official release. "We can't wait to see where this talented studio will take this franchise in the future."

Speaking on behalf of Beenox, Studio Head Dee Brown added, "We are thrilled with this opportunity to continue our close, collaborative relationship with Activision, Marvel and everyone's friendly, neighborhood hero, Spider-Man. Being able to map out Spider-Man's interactive future gives us the creative freedom to really craft the best gaming experience for the fans."

No official plans for a Spidey's next adventure have been made, but the creative director of Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions, Thomas Wilson, did hint at last year's New York Comic Con that a sequel to Shattered Dimensions isn't out of the question, saying, "I think our first date with Spider-Man went well, and we want to build it into a strong relationship."

How about it webheads? Up for another multi-dimensional romp?

Jan 13, 2011

[Source: Beenox]

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Matt Bradford wrote news and features here at 12DOVE until 2016. Since then he's gone on to work with the Guinness World Records, acting as writer and researcher for the annual Gamer's Edition series of books, and has worked as an editor, technical writer, and voice actor. Matt is now a freelance journalist and editor, generating copy across a multitude of industries.