Bee Movie Game review

A lack of cohesion stings in this average adaptation

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Bee Movie Game starts off in the hive (New Hive City), which is like a yellow-heavy miniature version of Grand Theft Auto. As Barry B. Benson, players can hover around (but not fly), take and drive any car in sight, and embark on jobs (minigames), such as catching falling honeycombs, driving a taxi, or racing cars.

But leaving the beehive for story missions offers mixed results, as there's no core, fleshed-out gameplay element that defines the experience. Between pollinating flowers, shooting down dragonflies, distracting humans, dodging cars or animals and navigating through stormy weather, there's no consistency to the gameplay, presentation, or quality of the missions. Despite high notes (avoiding rain drops in slow motion and dodging traffic), a hyper-reliance on timed button presses and a series of painful human interactions drain much of the fun from the experience.

Presentational issues appear across the board in all of the console versions, especially when transitioning between the in-game footage and CG clips that bookend the missions. On the PlayStation 2, we scoped fewer vehicles and NPCs hanging around the hive, though aside from the expected last-gen hallmarks (poor textures, inconsistent frame rate), the game pretty accurately replicates the feel of the Xbox 360 version. Additionally, Bee Movie Game does an admirable job of maintaining the atmosphere of the source material, including the occasional chuckle-inducing zinger.

More info

DescriptionIn real life bees will sting you, and nobody would buy a game about that. But in the upcoming animation from DreamWorks they'll do a bunch of other stuff that will make a fun game.
Platform"PC","Xbox 360","PS2","Wii"
US censor rating"Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone"
UK censor rating"","","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)
Andrew Hayward
Freelance writer for GamesRadar and several other gaming and tech publications, including Official Xbox Magazine, Nintendo Power, Mac|Life, @Gamer, and PlayStation: The Official Magazine. Visit my work blog at