Bee Movie Game review

An unexpected argument for shovelware

12DOVE Verdict


  • +

    Occasionally amusing quips

  • +

    Waiting for Super Mario Galaxy

  • +

    Watching Seinfeld DVDs instead


  • -

    Terrible presentation

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    Gimped campaign

  • -

    Feeling ripped off

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Nov 5, 2007

For all of the hubbub over shovelware and uninspired Wii ports of last-gen games, it's somewhat refreshing to see a Wii-specific version of a multiplatform release that significantly pales in comparison to the other iterations. Wait, did we say refreshing? We meant baffling.

Indeed, the Wii version of Bee Movie Game, developed by Smart Bomb Interactive (the other console versions came from Beenox), is a different game than its brethren, though the difference comes not in the concept but the execution. You'll still navigate rainy streets, pollinate flowers, annoy humans, and avoid becoming windshield fodder, but each mission follows a noticeably different structure, and all are almost uniformly easier than in the Beenox game. You get the sense that both companies followed the same basic template, but Smart Bomb opted for a simpler interpretation of the material.

More info

DescriptionIn real life bees will sting you, and nobody would buy a game about that. But in the upcoming animation from DreamWorks they'll do a bunch of other stuff that will make a fun game.
Platform"PC","Xbox 360","PS2","Wii"
US censor rating"Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone"
UK censor rating"","","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)
Andrew Hayward
Freelance writer for GamesRadar and several other gaming and tech publications, including Official Xbox Magazine, Nintendo Power, Mac|Life, @Gamer, and PlayStation: The Official Magazine. Visit my work blog at