BBC turns to videogames

Monday 6 August 2007
The BBC will unveil its plans to move into videogame development at this month's Edinburgh Interactive Festival, pushing beyond browser games and into creating titles which will be "taken more seriously in the gaming community," according to The Scotsman newspaper.

Right now, TV execs have the bejeesus scared out of them as larger numbers of youngsters and adults avoid TV and radio in favour of videogames. But which of the Beeb's top-rated shows would work as good games? We have a few ideas...

Life on Mars... the adventure game
As a point'n'click adventure, a Life on Mars videogame could mix the show's plot-driven mystery with exploration and action - inspired by the depth of the 90s Blade Runner game. Use flares on legs to enter Go-Go-Dancer club? Champion.

Animal Hospital... the DS touch-screen game
Think Trauma Centre, but instead of doctors, it's got vets! Perform the old sniperoo on over-amorous canines, help deliver mini-moo cows, examine wounded pets and diagnose their problems... All while attempting to prevent Rolf Harris from bursting into tears. We'd play it now.

Strictly Come Dancing... the rhythm action game
One, two, three, cha-cha-cha. Strictly Come Dancing would make a perfect co-op rhythm action nuisance, complete with Brucie's chattering and the mindless squabbling of the four judges. Though we warn any male readers that you'll be forever dragged into "just one more waltz".

Eastenders... the FPS
Whooping through Walford with a locally bought shootah. Phil Mitchell makes a suitably meat-headed boss character, with pre-programmed violent impulses and weakspots (tomato-red face gives it away). And what a satisfying way to finally be rid of Ian 'dull-brain' Beale. Are you listening, BBC?

Ben Richardson is a former Staff Writer for Official PlayStation 2 magazine and a former Content Editor of 12DOVE. In the years since Ben left GR, he has worked as a columnist, communications officer, charity coach, and podcast host – but we still look back to his news stories from time to time, they are a window into a different era of video games.