Battlestar Galactica 3.06: Torn (Part I) review

US air date: 3/11/06

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AIR-DATE: 3/11/06

Written by: Anne Cofell Saunders

Directed by: Jean de Segoznac

Starring: Lucy Lawless, Rick Worthy, Callum Keith Rennie, Matthew Bennett


The One Where: There’s an
infected Cylon ship.

The Cylons have
decided that “Earth’s going to be
our new home”. Baltar points
them to a pulsar that may be the
“eye of a lion” in scripture.
Gaeta’s read Baltar’s notes, so
Galactica sends a ship there too.

Six tells Baltar that
“projection” is the basis of Cylon
psychology. Walking down a
corridor, she can simply imagine
it’s a forest. Handy.

A Cylon baseship’s been
infected. Baltar goes on board
and finds all the Cylons dead or
dying, the result of an ancient
beacon found floating in space.

Starbuck and Tigh have
become moaning malcontents.
Adama tells them to shape up.
Starbuck does. Tigh tells Adama
to stick it up his wazoo.

Sharon Agathon and Kat arrive
at the pulsar, which looks like a
lion’s head. They’re surrounded
by baseships. Uh-oh.

The stuff on the
Cylon baseship is embarrassing.
The other week it was gritty
verité. Now we’re on a spaceship
with a bridge like a flashy wine
bar, where the crew do naked Tai
Chi and the Cylon computer (a
“hybrid”, apparently) is a
nonsense-babbling rip-off of the
oracles from Minority Report. It’s
suddenly cheesy sci-fi !

What saves this episode is the
focus on the after-effects of
occupation, which has created
divisions that won’t easily heal. In
another show, when Adama told
Tigh to straighten up, he’d stand
and salute. Not on BSG. Bravo.

Hybrid poetry:
“Mists of dreams dribble on the
nascent echo and love no more.
End of line.”

Ian Berriman

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