The plot for the upcoming invasion thriller Battle: Los Angeles is screaming for a video game adaptation. We were actually wondering why no one had bothered to squeeze a licensed game out as part of the media blitz, when suddenly Konami stepped up and said it"jumped at the opportunity to team up with Columbia Pictures and publish the Battle: Los Angeles video game."
Konami has teamed with Saber Interactive, the company behind other sci-fi shooters like TimeShift and the upcoming Inversion, to bring the extraterrestrial assault on modern-day LA to XBLA, PSN and Steam. "We love the movie and it was a great experience working with Saber - there were some great ideas about how to expand the story into a game," said Konami Digital Entertainment VP Careen Yapp.
Konami has not announced a release date, but we assume it'll be somewhere near the film's March 11 release. Yes, that's one week from now, which doesn't bode well for the game's quality. Hey we'll wait until we play it to pass judgment, but waiting until the last minute to tell anyone about your game? Sounds fishy to us. But hey, the movie trailer still looks like a ton of fun!
[Source:Press Release]
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Mar 4, 2011
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