Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark side mission guide

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

This Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark guide will help you track down Deadshot as he terrorizes the other inmates. As Batman you'll have to find and investigate various crime scenes, find and put the evidence, and track him down before he gets to his his final targets. This guide will walk you through where and when you can find the crime scenes and chain of evidence that will seal the case shut.

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Crime Scene #1

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

This side mission becomes available after you leave the Steel Mill for the first time in the main storyline. Check your map for an S.O.S. signal coming from a rooftop in the Industrial District. Speak to the man there until...

Scan where the bullet hit to find its trajectory. Follow this south the location marked on the map, then turn on detective mode and search the floor of the cage for a casing.

Crime Scene #2

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

There won’t be crime scene #2 until you continue with the main game and explore Arkham City. Eventually, you’ll hear a gunshot and a large area will be isolated on your map that shows the relative location of the shot. To find the exact spot, see our map. The victim is located in the middle of the bridge at the northern part of Arkham City. Walk around him until Batman makes a comment, then scan the highway median to find where the bullet hit.

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

Follow the trajectory to a rooftop to the southeast and check the corner of the stone railing for a tripod. Scan it using detective mode.

Crime Scene #3

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

The third crime scene won’t trigger until you either enter the general Park Row area, or continue with the game, whether it be the main missions or side missions. We weren’t able to proceed until after we finished the main story. Eventually, you’ll hear another gunshot and another large area will be created on your map. See our map to find the exact location of the victim.

The victim is lying dead between a destroyed car and a gate. He’ll be surrounded by inmates, so be ready for a fight (we thoroughly de-thugged the area before taking that screen). Scan the bullet impact point on the gate, then follow the trajectory back to a metal shutter. The bullet ricocheted off of here, so scan that impact point and follow the new trajectory.

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

Follow the line up to the corner of a rooftop and look for where the sniper’s body heat melted the snow. Scan the area.

Deadshot’s Stash

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

Batman Arkham City Shot in the Dark

There are three locations where you could potentially find some more evidence. Check our map for the actual location, which is the building north of GCPD. Open the hatch seen above to find a PDA, which you must hack with your cryptographic sequencer. This adds a new location to your map: one which you must get to in under two minutes.

Defeating Deadshot

This is the least difficult part of the side mission. Just stay behind cover and move closer to Deadshot whenever he looks the other way. Crawl through the vent ahead of you and take him out from underneath.

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