Barely Legal review

Raunchy but bland sex-com

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Riffing on the same premise as the recent (and much funnier) sex-com 18-Year-Old Virgin , a trio of college freshmen, all born on the same day, decide to lose their virginity on their 18th birthday.

The twist here is that instead of the expected gang of hopeless nerds, losers, and fatsos, all three are attractive girls (Melissa Johnston, Lisa Younger, Jeneta St Clair).

While it’s too blandly directed to have much impact, Barely Legal is at least fearless in its quest to out-raunch its competitors.

If John Waters was a hetero suburbanite raised on sitcoms, lads’ mags and heavy metal, he’d probably make this.

Freelance writer

Ken McIntyre is a freelance writer who has spent years covering music and film. You'll find Ken in the pages of Total Film and here on GamesRadar, using his experience and expertise to dive into the history of cinema and review the latest films. You'll also find him writing features and columns for other Future Plc brands, such as Metal Hammer and Classic Rock magazine.