Ritual Spells in Baldur's Gate 3 explained

BG3 Bard class
(Image credit: Larian Studios)

Baldur's Gate 3 ritual spells and the Ritual Caster feat can let you cast certain spells for free, assuming you cast them in the right way. Not losing a spell slot can be a major advantage, especially if you're a combat mage, and it gives you free reign on a lot of fun spells like Speak With Dead, Longstrider, Speak with Animals and more besides.

Most of the playable classes in cast some ritual spells, but what can be cast differs between each of the various Baldur's Gate 3 classes and subclasses. So Baldur's Gate 3 spells like Longstrider and Disguise Self can be cast by a wide range of characters, while Speak with Dead is the reserve of Clerics and Bards. You should have a wide range of options however, with a well balanced Baldur's Gate 3 party

How to cast Ritual Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

baldur's gate 3 ritual spells

(Image credit: Larian)

There are six Baldur's Gate 3 ritual spells you can make use of, depending on what classes you have with you: 

  • Longstrider - This increases the targets movement by 3m and lasts until a long rest. 
  • Speak with Dead - Allows any corpse with a mouth to answer five questions. 
  • Find Familiar - Summon a creature as a familiar that can fight enemies. 
  • Enhance Leap - Triple your jumping distance for 10 turns
  • Disguise Self - Change your appearance to any race and gender until a long rest
  • Speak with Animals - Lets you communicate with animals until a long rest

Each character can have two ritual spells equipped once they have the Ritual Caster Feat, the options depending their class. Being able to freely cast them in Baldur's Gate 3 means some of these can offer big advantages in the right situation - using Longstrider, Enhance Leap and Find Familiar before even starting a battle can give you a big head start before anyone so much as looks at a dice roll. Most of the effects are long lasting too, mostly until a long and short rest in Baldur's Gate 3, meaning you can almost have them passively running in the background 'just in case'.

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Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

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