Baldur's Gate 3 fan creates their own character builder tool ahead of the game's full release

Baldur's Gate 3
(Image credit: Larian Studios)

A Baldur's Gate 3 fan has created their own character builder tool, allowing future players to plan their character ahead of the game's full release. 

As spotted over on the Baldur's Gate subreddit, user SmokkeHearb has taken it upon themselves to create an online Baldur's Gate 3 character builder. Here, players will be able to plan their character ahead of the game's full launch on August 3 (PC) and September 6 (PS5). You can try out the tool here, and share your creations with other players. 

If you head into the Baldur's Gate 3 Builder, you'll be given the option to first select the race of your character - everything from Elf to Gnome, Human, Dragonborn, and more. The tool includes every single feature found in the early access version of Baldur's Gate 3, as well as anything that's been changed or confirmed for its full launch. 

Beyond the character's race, future players can also choose their future character's background (find the best Baldur's Gate 3 Background with our guide), class, subclass, abilities, skills, and more. At the end, you get a full summary of your character which you can use to quickly create your character once August/September rolls around. There's no limit to the number of times you can use the tool either, so you can always try a few combinations out before deciding on the final version before launch. 

The even better news is that the tool's developer has promised to develop it even further if it gets a positive reaction, which by the looks of the comments underneath the fan's post, it already has. "Been looking for something like this. Great work!", another Baldur's Gate fan replied, while others offered suggestions on how to improve the character builder. 

Get yourself even more prepared for launch day with our Baldur's Gate 3 difficulty options guide. 

Hope Bellingham
News Writer

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