All Baldur's Gate 3 Bernard commands and rewards

Bernard in Baldur's Gate 3
(Image credit: Larian Studios)

The Baldur's Gate 3 Bernard NPC is a robot at the Arcane Tower in the Underdark who can be given commands in the form of little couplets - but you need to find the couplets to know what to say and, even then, it's not clear what you're actually getting from each instruction. With five commands for Bernard across the tower in BG3, I'll explain where to find them all, what they do, and what the rewards are if you're willing to fight and destroy Bernard.

All commands and rewards for Bernard in Baldur's Gate 3

Giving Bernard instructions in Baldur's Gate 3

(Image credit: Larian Studios)

There are five commands you can give Bernard in Baldur's Gate 3, found throughout the Arcane Tower written on pieces of paper by its previous owner, Lenore.

  • 'Or art thou friend, a rescue from my lonely wake?' 
    • You must give this command first when dialogue begins. It makes him friendly and allows you to have dialogue with him.
  • 'The silence stretches on - I'm all alone. / Please, can I hold your hands, for just a while?' 
    • Bernard offers to give you a hug. There's no mechanical or gameplay benefit, though it might make you feel better on the inside.
  • 'How can I trust? How will I ever know? / How can I show myself, the darkest me?' 
    • Bernard walks over to a table and places the Guiding Light magic ring on it for you to take. This ring, when equipped, allows the wearer to cast the Light cantrip at any time.
  • 'These empty sheets are all that's left of you. / The last of all the thoughtless gifts you gave.' 
    • Bernard gives you a Scroll of Prayer of Healing.
  • 'There is a light in every living thing. / It's crawling t'wards the surface to survive.' 
    • Bernard and all nearby Animated Armor NPC constructs turn hostile. There is no way to pacify them again from that point on, it's a fight to the death.

Keep in mind that Bernard has to be given these specific instructions in Baldur's Gate 3 - the robot isn't sentient and doesn't understand anything except these commands, just responding blankly if you try to engage him in regular dialogue.

If killed, Bernard drops the Scroll and Ring mentioned above, if he hasn't given them to you already, as well as his weapon, the Light of Creation - a magic Glaive that does an extra 1D6 Lightning Damage on every hit, but has a chance to stun any wielder that isn't a construct for one round. Considering there are no characters you can control who are constructs, expect the occasional shock.

Where to find all command phrases for Bernard

Finding commands for Bernard in Baldur's Gate 3

(Image credit: Larian Studios)

The Arcane Tower is broken into five levels, assuming you include the open roof, and aggregate the basement with the generator and attached elevator platform into one. We've arranged them in descending order below, with what book/document you need to find at each level for a new command phrase.

  • Rooftop/Bernard (highest level): Patched Parchment on Eastern table (These empty sheets are all that's left of you./Scroll of Prayer of Healing command)
  • Bedroom: Torn Out paper on East side of elevator shaft (The silence stretches on - I'm all alone/Hug command) and The Roads to Darkness book in Southeast corner ('Or art thou friend, a rescue from my lonely wake?'/Bernard pacify command)
  • Entrance level/Turrets: Dusty Book on lectern against Northern wall (There is a light in every living thing/Bernard turns hostile command)
  • Lab/Mushroom Garden: Threadbare Book on shelf on Western wall (How can I trust? How will I ever know?/Guiding Light magic ring command)
  • Basement/Generator/Garden (lowest level): No command found at this level.

How to beat Bernard in Baldur's Gate 3

Fighting Bernard in Baldur's Gate 3

(Image credit: Larian Studios)

If you want to beat Bernard in combat, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Bernard is resistant to slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, fire, lightning, psychic and poison damage.
  • As a being of metal, he has a high AC, so try and use saving throw attacks to get him.
  • Pushing him (or any other construct) off the tower is a great way to do high damage - plus even if he doesn't die, you can finish him off later.
  • Powered by magic, Bernard can be incapacitated if you throw a Baldur's Gate 3 Sussur Bloom at his feet.
  • Bernard and the Armor constructs lack many powerful ranged attacks, so keep your distance where possible.
  • Lightning Damage is something the constructs use a lot, so any resistance to it you can summon will help immensely.

© 12DOVE. Not to be reproduced without permission

Joel Franey
Guides Writer

Joel Franey is a writer, journalist, podcaster and raconteur with a Masters from Sussex University, none of which has actually equipped him for anything in real life. As a result he chooses to spend most of his time playing video games, reading old books and ingesting chemically-risky levels of caffeine. He is a firm believer that the vast majority of games would be improved by adding a grappling hook, and if they already have one, they should probably add another just to be safe. You can find old work of his at USgamer, Gfinity, Eurogamer and more besides.