Features archive
August 2015
139 articles
- August 31
- August 28
- Trophy data exposes fighting games' motivation problem
- Why I Love: Metal Gear Solid's cardboard box
- The sweet sorrow of leaving your old loot behind for Destiny: The Taken King
- Hitman stars Zachary Quinto and Rupert Friend on the bad, the bald and the NES
- Brand new Warhammer 40k short stories released
- Just why are video game bathrooms so uniquely terrifying?
- Is it just me?... Or are biopics a waste of time?
- August 27
- Hurry up, because these games won't wait for you
- Movies to watch this week at the cinema: Straight Outta Compton, 45 Years, more...
- How It's Done: Enter the Gungeon, baby!
- Black Ops 3's 'Hunted' map is the best I've ever played
- 10 best TV crossover episodes
- Supercharge game development with Imagination Technologies' free PowerVR tools
- Nostalgia, arch nemesis of the long-awaited video game sequel
- The deceptively complex art of just standing around
- Rooney Mara stars in new Trash trailer
- Edge 284: How Bungie has rebuilt Destiny with The Taken King
- August 26
- August 25
- August 24
- August 23
- August 22
- August 21
- RadioRadar+ Podcast 16: Felicia Day on Memoirs and Grimoires
- The real champions of Black Ops 3
- Why I Love: being on fire in Alien Isolation
- Cutthroat diplomacy and cute critters in Armello on PS4
- It's time for the world to rediscover the magic of Final Fantasy 12
- Quiz: How much do you really know about gaming's (many) space marines?
- Win Tickets To The Sci-fi Weekender
- August 20
- Movies to watch this week at the cinema: Vacation, Paper Towns, more...
- Here's what critics disliked about Resident Evil 2 in 1998
- How It's Done: Galak-Z creator 17-Bit teaches us how to be space aces
- How to enjoy Everybody's Gone to the Rapture: a real Englishman explains
- 10 much-hyped, wannabe franchises that were dead after one game
- The Walking Dead horror spin-off shows you how the world ends
- Exclusive AfterDeath Prequel Comic
- August 19
- Departure Lounge: Naut is naut your average space game
- Who's who in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
- That Console Feeling: What defines console gaming in 2015?
- Destiny's year two trailer: levelling, Exotics, and 11 more reveals you missed
- How aggressive spanking helped make God Hand a gaming classic
- The 50 greatest X-Men movie moments
- BioShock developers new horror game, Perception, is "going to f**k with you"
- Forget the shooting - Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is pretty much a stealth game
- August 18
- Look like a million bucks by spending a few thousand on DLC
- Playing the COD Black Ops 3 Beta on PS4? Heres what you need to know
- I Got Next: Avengers SNESemble live with the director of REM by MTV
- Unearthing the forgotten secrets of Super Mario World
- 6 console games that would be better on iPhone
- Funny how? The changing art of creating comedy in modern video games
- With Independence Day set to resurge in 2016, it's time to revisit the original
- What's Happening: Gunning through the OTHER Resident Evil 2 remake
- August 17
- Remember the Microbots from Big Hero 6? You can own them!
- Why would you want to shoot things when it's more fun to run away from them?
- So, how do you make the perfect Call of Duty multiplayer map?
- 9 important things I learned about Street Fighter 5 by playing its new guys
- How a haircut changed the path of DmC: Devil May Cry
- August 15
- August 14
- Super Mario Maker should let go and learn from Lego
- Video game fan films that outshine Hollywood
- Why I Love: Climbing towers in video games
- Is it time for the Dark Souls universe to burn itself out?
- Kratos, Amaterasu, Asura... How do game gods compare to their real inspirations?
- 9 comics that should be TV shows
- 20 greatest TV-to-movie adaptations
- Everything we know about the man behind the Final Fantasy 7 remake
- Scalebound is a totally unknown quantity - and thats why its so exciting
- Movies to watch this week at the cinema: Trainwreck, Absolutely Anything, more...
- August 13
- Fallout 4's biggest upgrade isn't visuals or scale. It's a real sense of 'being there'
- "It certainly wasn't an easy shoot": The story of Alien 3's tortured gestation, as told by its cast and creators
- 20 actors who tragically died mid-film
- Mario Maker is all about running infinite death gauntlets
- J.J. Abrams wont direct Star Wars: Episode IX
- August 12
- August 11
- August 10
- Backstabs are slowly killing my enjoyment of Dark Souls combat
- Final Fantasy XV: how you make a very new game in a very old series
- Mordors orcs are slain, its time to chase some chickens in the Shire
- 8 fantastic, fresh concepts that should have made for much better games
- I don't want to save the world, I just want to sit in my underwear
- Make old games feel new again by ruining everything
- How WipEout captured the mood of a generation
- August 8
- August 7
- Why I Love: Getting swallowed whole in games
- 32-bit graphics are the new retro
- Quantum Break is putting the 'time travel' back into 'time travel'
- Rise of the Tomb Raider mixes old-school archaeology with wince-inducing death
- Make your own Marvel stories with these custom Fantastic Four minifigures
- NBA 2K16 doubles down on customisation and Spike Lee
- Xbox One's secret weapon is finally firing live rounds
- The 10 best BFF duos in comic book history
- 10 things we learned on set of Hitman: Agent 47
- Total Film to present Nina Forever at Film4 FrightFest 2015
- New Dooms ferocious intelligence just shows how clever old Doom really was
- Movies to watch this week at the cinema: Fantastic Four, Manglehorn, more...
- August 6
- Every Guitar Hero Live song in the game
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 feels heavier, shinier, FOXier
- Homefront: The Revolution plays like an urban Far Cry
- Crackdown 3 is basically two games, and I want to play them both
- Guardians isnt a traditional Halo game, but thats just fine
- Unravel ties together some delightful ideas, making it more than a cute platformer
- Game characters who look exactly like each other
- Gollancz Festival 2015 line-ups revealed
- Win an arcade cabinet worth 1000 with Pixels
- The Leftovers S2 trailer
- Sony sets dates for Bad Boys sequels, The Dark Tower and Jumanji
- August 5
- In Hitman, everybody's gunning for a sharp-dressed man
- Taken King brings new subclasses and a touch of horror to Destiny
- Dark Souls 3's expanded combat will add more moves to your PvP bag of tricks
- Mafia 3 - a heady mix of violence, 60s rock, and feeding foes to the gators
- Fallout 4 turns you into the most versatile murderer in the Wasteland
- You can play Evie just like her brother in AC Syndicate, but you probably shouldn't
- August 4
- August 3