All content archive
January 2014
317 articles
- January 31
- Christopher Eccleston Talks Thor: The Dark World
- Watch Captain America / Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl teasers online now
- I, Frankenstein review
- 12 steps to a video game release
- David O. Russell to make Joy Mangano biopic starring Jennifer Lawrence?
- What if video game characters had their fortunes told?
- Back to the Future - The Musical Coming to London
- Crackdown on dodgy F2P practice might drive the bandits out of gaming's Wild West
- Bill Hader to star in Judd Apatows Trainwreck
- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition map locations guide
- Around The Network: 31 January 2014
- 100 Greatest Simpsons Movie References
- 25 Surprisingly Awesome Movie Train Scenes
- What Nintendo said about its future (and what it really means)
- January 30
- The first 8 DS Virtual Console games that should be added to Wii U
- Arthur C Clarke Award receives record number of submissions
- New Noah footage revealed in Super Bowl TV spot
- 8 video game characters that are totally based on celebrities
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch review
- Marvel sets writers in place for Thor 3
- Forest Whitaker in talks for Taken 3
- Best Song Oscar nominee disqualified
- Shyamalan reteams with Bruce Willis for Labor of Love
- Joss Whedon says Avengers 2 is inspired by the Godfather trilogy
- Does the white Xbox One indicate a crisis of confidence at Microsoft?
- Watch Tom Hiddleston audition to play Thor
- Successful game franchises are doomed to be run into the ground
- January 29
- When is it okay to walk away from a game?
- Feel The Force Day prepares to land in Peterborough
- 14 Pokemon that are basically just ordinary objects with googly eyes
- The Doctor, The Regeneration And The Wardrobe
- Benedict Cumberbatch signs up to climb Blood Mountain
- The Month In Comics February 2014
- War of the Vikings lets you earn beards, cloaks, and legendary axes
- Anthony and Joe Russo set to direct Captain America 3
- 50 Comic Panels That Should Be Movie Scenes
- Stan Lee Answers Your Questions!
- OlliOlli review
- January 28
- 9 game characters that got screwed over in their sequels
- New Star Wars Rebels Droid Revealed
- The pros and cons of porting to mobile
- Bravely Default review
- How well did Metal Gear Solid predict the future of warfare?
- Josh Gad to play the Thing in Fantastic Four reboot?
- Watch the first official trailer for The Zero Theorem
- Guy Ritchie in talks for six-film series about King Arthur
- Elizabeth Banks to direct Pitch Perfect 2
- The indie gaming revolution: Brave new world, or just a reboot of the same old cycle?
- J.J. Abrams discusses Star Wars secrecy
- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - challenges guide
- 50 Greatest Movie Reddit AMAs Of All Time
- Nintendo to use smartphones and tablets for game demos? Genius! (Updated)
- Doctor Who: Peter Capaldi's Costume Revealed
- New Gerry Anderson Project To Be Published By Gollancz
- January 27
- What will become of Epic Games without Gears?
- Blackguards review
- First look at Jim Broadbent in Get Santa
- Jonah Hill and Leonardo DiCaprio re-enact Titanic for SNL
- Alfonso Cuarn wins at the DGAs
- Rupert Sanders to direct Ghost In The Shell
- Hugh Jackman set to play Blackbeard in new Peter Pan
- Does anyone miss standard definition?
- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition review
- The Armstrong Lie review
- Out Of The Furnace review
- Journal De France review
- That Awkward Moment review
- Lone Survivor review
- 50 Greatest Christian Bale Moments
- Sundance 2014: Whiplash reaction
- January 26
- Nine years ago, 2K nabbed baseball exclusivity (and continued its war with EA)
- Weekly Replay - LotR Shadow of Mordor, Nintendo's poor performance, and more
- Colin Farrell wishes Ben Affleck luck with Batman
- Sundance 2014: Wish I Was Here reaction
- Sundance 2014: They Came Together reaction
- Sundance 2014: The Skeleton Twins reaction
- January 25
- Confirm Purchase: The biggest mobile games released 1/25/14
- Marc Webb describes The Amazing Spider-Man 2 as huge
- Is it worth playing through the Bravely Default Demo before you start the full version?
- RadioRadar podcast 073: Here's what you're buying in 2014 (Part 1)
- Details of Tarantino's The Hateful Eight script are revealed
- The week in gaming news - Jan. 24
- January 24
- The Top 5 Planetary Destructions
- Save the world or destroy it in the tactical RPG, Runemaster
- Would Gareth Evans make an Iron Fist movie?
- Magicka: Wizard Wars Duel mode is more fighter than MOBA
- Hang Wire by Adam Christopher REVIEW
- Could Batman Vs Superman feature two different Batsuits?
- Terminator: Genesis loses financial backer
- Ant-Man takes on Batman Vs Supermans old 2015 release date
- Daniel Espinosa to direct Assassins Creed?
- Karen Gillan stars in new trailer and poster for Oculus
- Mike Newell to direct The Day Of The Triffids
- 7 ways next-gen can rebuild horror gaming
- Bravely Default bestiary guide
- GTA 5 on PC - why the evidence is too strong to ignore
- Sundance 2014: White Bird In A Blizzard reaction
- Sundance 2014: The Babadook reaction
- Turns out Microsoft and Sony are neck-and-neck with next-gen sales
- January 23
- The best theories for Nintendo's salvation (that actually make no sense)
- Is It Just Me Or Is A Good Film Title Half Of The Battle?
- Gaming's 19 most impractical swords: A metalworker and master fencer weigh in
- The Kitschies novel awards shortlist announced
- Stan Lee wont cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy
- Gal Gadot has signed for three movies as Wonder Woman
- Joke trailer alert: Not Another Sundance Movie
- The only (fake) games your collection would ever need
- Pixar to make a Star Wars movie?
- The 9 most devastating man-made disasters in video games
- 50 Strangest Movie Relationships
- Carrie Fisher confirms Star Wars return for her, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill
- Sundance 2014: The Raid 2: Berandal reaction
- RoboCop IMAX poster revealed
- Fan theories only a GamesRadar community member would think of
- Sundance 2014: The Voices reaction
- eSports will soon win you over, and soda is the reason why
- January 22
- 8 last-gen moments we wish we could forget
- First official image from Dumb and Dumber To released
- Watch more awesome punch-kicking in the new Raid 2 trailer
- Trailer released for James Francos Child Of God
- Cut a man to ribbons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance's first person sword fights
- Fantastic Four script complete as actors test for roles
- 8 sure ways to spot an incoming boss-fight
- Tarantino shelves The Hateful Eight after script leak betrayal
- 50 Greatest Movie Singing Scenes
- Is Ditto a failed Poke-clone of Mew?
- Nintendo Fusion: Believable prototype, or outlandish rumor?
- January 21
- Titan Wins Doctor Who Comics Licence
- Here are some in-app purchases that'll break your bank
- The 18 most absurd League of Legends Easter eggs
- See Shaq, Mike Tyson, MJ (and more) go from NES to next-gen
- Fifty Shades Of Grey sex scenes to be axed?
- Dane DeHaan: BAFTA EE Rising Star Award interview
- Mark Ruffalo says Avengers 2 is "cooler, more awesomer"
- Jennifer Garner calls the Batsuit in Batman Vs Superman "unbelievably cool"
- Shailene Woodleys Mary Jane may not be in Amazing Spider-Man 3
- Will Poulter: BAFTA EE Rising Star Award interview
- New image from The Raid 2: Berandal brings the action
- Who would you want as an evil overlord? - Ask GamesRadar
- 11 of the easiest rare Trophies... and how to unlock them
- The Complete Guide To RoboCop: On Sale Now
- Building better worlds: Why detail is king in Alien: Isolation
- Sundance 2014: Life After Beth reaction
- Sundance 2014: Boyhood reaction
- 50 Funniest Movie Mash-Ups
- The Arthur C Clarke Award Reveals Female Author Submissions
- January 20
- The Top 7... Coolest penguins in gaming
- The Story Behind Frank
- J.J. Abrams confirms Star Wars script complete
- Judi Dench to play Mon Mothma in Episode VII?
- Oliver Stone leaves Martin Luther King biopic
- Bravely Default job guide
- 50 Greatest Geek Culture Movie Moments
- VIDEO: Innovation on Xbox One
- VIDEO: Entertainment on Xbox One
- VIDEO: Best Games On XBox One
- Inside Llewyn Davis review
- Grudge Match review
- Her review
- Fonzy review
- Teenage review
- Dark Days review
- Sundance 2014: Infinitely Polar Bear reaction
- Sundance 2014: Young Ones reaction
- Blake's 7: Fractures REVIEW
- January 19
- January 18
- Twenty-eight years ago this month, Nintendo won its first console war
- Confirm Purchase: The biggest mobile games released 1/18/14
- Christopher Miller talks The Lego Movies version of Batman
- Batman vs Superman delayed until 2016
- Chlo Grace Moretz on why Hollywood needs Wonder Woman
- Mark Ruffalo would like to see an eco Hulk movie
- Sundance 2014: Locke reaction
- The week in gaming news - Jan. 17
- RadioRadar podcast 072: The Plight of the Wii U
- January 17
- Nintendo doomed? Here are 8 previous catastrophes it recovered from
- Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit review
- Oh Boy review
- Zoe Saldana talks Guardians Of The Galaxy
- Gollancz Announces Inside HBOs Game Of Thrones: Seasons 3 & 4
- Devil's Due review
- Nintendo's Wii U sales are in a tailspin, but there is a (drastic) way out
- Comic Heroes #22 On Sale Now
- New poster arrives online for 300: Rise Of An Empire
- VIDEO: Xbox One opens up the next generation of multiplayer
- The 9 best ways to deal with loading screen tedium
- Around the Network: 17 January 2014
- Robert Redford reacts to All is Lost Oscar snub
- BOOK EXTRACT The Emperor's Blades
- January 16
- What gaming trend do you hate the most?
- Be inspired by these ambitious video game fan projects
- Nintendo DS games that should go mobile
- Broken Age: Act 1 review
- Oscars nominations 2014 in full
- How do Valve's new Steam Machines compare to each other?
- Game Of Thrones: Vote For Your Favourite Episodes
- Total Film Magazine - Issue 216
- Exclusive The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Pictures
- Roberto Orci discusses Sinister Six and Venom
- 50 Unwatchable Movie Crying Scenes
- MGS5 leak suggests its time to rethink Trophies and Achievements
- See Dead Rising 3's ultimate combo weapon kill 650 zombies in one go
- Thomas Kretschmann cast as villain in Avengers: Age Of Ultron
- "I didn't know what I was buying" is now a valid excuse for a gaming refund
- January 15
- Why Aliens should become next-gen's replacement for zombies
- Upcoming gaming conventions of 2014
- You wouldn't want to play these unnecessarily gritty reboots or would you?
- HOT TOPIC We Want Your Thoughts On The Future Of Women In Movies
- Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro, Jonah Hill and more talk Batman Vs Superman
- Michael Douglas talks Ant-Man casting
- Dead Rising 3 complete combo weapon guide
- Resogun tips and tricks
- Pokemon Weekly - Yamask used to be human?
- January 14
- You know what first-person horror needs? Unstoppable giants
- 13 crazy Super Smash Bros. tricks you totally need to learn
- Gotham TV Show Will Feature Classic Villains And Bruce Wayne
- Best mobile tower defense games
- DiRT 4 'to be more rally oriented.' But is that what the series needs?
- Rumour: Josh Holloway to join Batman Vs. Superman and Dwayne Johnson set for Justice League?
- Alien: Isolation - Why you need to stop worrying about Colonial Marines right now
- Michael Douglas is Hank Pym in Ant-Man
- The Banner Saga review
- 30 Sundance 2014 Movies To Look Forward To
- January 13
- SimCity owners getting the offline mode they (thought they) want(ed)
- What's your most anticipated game of 2014? - Ask GamesRadar
- What should gamers care about from CES 2014?
- 12 Years A Slave and American Hustle win Best Pictures at Golden Globes
- New images arrive from Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- Oooh... Nice stapler! The 12 most important desks in video games
- August: Osage County review
- Crystal Fairy & The Magical Cactus review
- Tim's Vermeer review
- 50 Greatest Martin Scorsese Moments
- January 12
- January 11
- January 10
- 1: Life On The Limit review
- Shovel Ready by Adam Sternbergh REVIEW
- The Girl With All The Gifts by MR Carey REVIEW
- What if these franchises went mobile?
- The greatest Sega games that never got released
- X-Men: Days Of Future Past releases two new images
- Dane DeHaan talks Harry and Peters relationship in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
- Don't Starve Survival Guide
- Games make you hallucinate, according to study. But where'd they get the data?
- First look at Ben Kingsleys The Mandarin in Marvel One-Shot All Hail The King
- January 9
- January 8
- Marvel Comics Announces Original Sin
- Steam Machines look slick, but who's going to buy them?
- Lords of Shadow 2, Lightning Returns, and 8 other last-gen games to get excited for
- Pokemon Weekly - Would you drink Shuckle juice?
- Vertigo Artist Takes On Judge Dredd
- SFX Issue 244 On Sale Now
- Matt Reeves will direct Planet Of The Apes 3
- Bryan Singer says X-Men: Apocalypse will cover mutant origins
- 2014 BAFTA Film Awards nominations revealed
- 10 abnormal things that normal people do in video games
- Guardians Of The Galaxy: The Complete Guide
- The Walking Dead: "Humanity Lies In The Balance"
- China just lifted console bans, but will it actually matter?
- January 7
- The LEGO Movie reveals first TV spot: watch now
- Why mobile games are so popular
- Ice worlds? Shadow stages? The platformer themes we want less (and more) of
- Peter Capaldi Begins Filming Doctor Who - First Photo
- 7 Amazing Run Run Shaw Movies
- Paranormal Activity creators have grand franchise finale planned
- Gareth Evans teases The Raid 3
- Rumour: More than one villain in Batman Vs. Superman?
- Transformers 4: Age Of Extinction: The Complete Guide
- Rumour: Edgar Wright to make Scott Lang his Ant-Man protagonist?
- Bounty Killer review
- After Tiller review
- Muppets Most Wanted: On-set interviews
- What could spur three EA execs to jump ship?
- 2014 EE BAFTA Rising Star Nominees Announced
- January 6
- Super Smash Bros.' most secret secrets
- Samuel L. Jackson introduces first trailer and clip for Kite: watch now
- Rumour: Disney planning Boba Fett spinoff film?
- Ralph Fiennes stars in new clip from The Grand Budapest Hotel: watch now
- What's our dream crossover game? - Ask GamesRadar
- If Movie Bots were Titans - 5 Movie Giant Bots For Titanfall
- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition makes Lara's hair look fabulous on next-gen
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier: The Complete Guide
- 12 Years A Slave review
- Delivery Man review
- Kiss The Water review
- January 5
- January 4
- January 3
- January 2
- January 1