All content archive
January 2012
591 articles
- January 31
- BLOGBUSTERS That Guy Who Was In That Thing Last Year
- How difficult can Kid Icarus: Uprising be? New trailer explains with intensity
- Plus Alpha: When Japanese snacks and pop culture collide
- Bungie prepares to hand off final Halo responsibilities to 343 soon
- Exclusive This Means War premiere report video
- Prototype 2 rewards early adopters with RADNET pass
- PSN+ subscribers get free Simpsons Arcade Game next month
- Check out our Soulcalibur V livestream on 1/31 at 1PM PT
- Being Human Series Four - On Set With Michael Socha
- Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker anime shines in production trailer
- Viggo Mortensen talks Dangerous Method Oscar and BAFTA snub
- Syndicate co-op demo infiltrates Xbox Live and PlayStation Network today
- EverQuest going free-to-play this March
- Trolls Can Be Sexy: Author Amanda Hocking Is Switched On
- Soulcalibur V review
- Jennifer Lawrence talks Hunger Games sequel
- Resident Evil 6 demo access shipping with Dragon's Dogma, comes to 360 two months earlier
- 20 Best Movies Of Sundance 2012
- Behind The Scenes Of Inception
- UK ONLY! Win a copy of Soulcalibur V and a Turtle Beach headset
- Soulcalibur V in slow motion is probably the most beautiful thing you'll see today
- American Horror Story "Afterbirth" TV REVIEW
- This Means War review
- Resident Evil Revelations review
- Chronicle review
- SSX and Amalur's Online Passes: EA/38 Studios defend controversial tactic
- Being Human Series Four - Toby Whithouse Interview
- January 30
- Microsoft/Sony: No new consoles in 2012
- New Soulcalibur V ad keeps it classy just in time for the game's launch
- Anomaly: Warzone Earth XBLA preview - "It was made with a gamepad in mind"
- Scarygirl review
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 review
- Andrew Garfield talks Spider-Man
- DICE hiring Anti-Cheating Administrator
- Resident Evil: Revelations Competition
- Rhythm Heaven Fever Preview - robots, monkeys and a luchador
- Indie Game: The Movie wins at Sundance Film Festival
- 999-player FPS match held for Guinness World Record attempt
- BLOG Going Through The Gate
- A Dangerous Method review
- The Muppets review
- Rampart review
- Casablanca review
- Young Adult review
- Girl Model review
- BLASTERMIND Women In Black: Now With Answers
- Why winning at FIFA 12 disgusted me so much I'll never play it again
- New on-set image from Riddick
- New Lovelace images show James Franco as Hugh Hefner
- 50 Greatest Movie Cameos
- Sundance 2012 Daily Blog: Day 11
- January 29
- January 28
- Ryan Gosling talks about Thai boxing film Only God Forgives
- First look at James McAvoy in Welcome To The Punch
- Isnt It About Time You Gave Peter Jacksons King Kong Another Chance?
- Sundance 2012 Daily Blog: Day 9
- 13 games we want announced in 2012
- DiRT Showdown hands-on preview
- High Horse: MMORPGs sort of suck and really need to change
- Double Fine Happy Action Theater Developer Demo
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Online Pass required for selected quests
- January 27
- Sony announces Twisted Metal multiplayer demo and live event
- Street Fighter x Tekken: Pac-Man and Mega Man (sort of) join Sony-exclusive cast
- The Sims 3: World Adventures Shang Simla Guide
- The Darkness II gets torn up in latest trailer
- Pure by Julianna Baggott - Book Review
- Nintendo developing Nintendo Network for Wii U and 3DS
- Nintendo reveals totally new 2D Super Mario for 3DS
- Eternal Law Episode Four TV REVIEW
- More console launch panic from Nintendo. May kill Wii U brand for new console identity. And it really should
- Doctor Who Turned Me Down, Says Drive Director
- 40 Films That Should Have Been Awesome
- Capcom releases Resident Evil Revelations with massive box-art typo. Sheet Fighter X Tekken coming soon
- Sundance 2012 Daily Blog: Day 8
- Box Score: Taking the leap, Part 3
- The Witcher 2 preview - Whats new and whats different in the 360 version
- Exclusive The Woman In Black premiere report
- League of Legends roundtable - Is Sejuani worth buying?
- Sega flip-flops on release date for Aliens: Colonial Marines
- The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition bound for Xbox 360 in April
- State of California to pay ESA $950,000 in legal fees
- January 26
- King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame demo now available
- The Grey review
- Death Valley: Charlie Sanders Interview
- Mercenaries review
- Ghost Recon: Future Soldier video preview - experience an entire mission from the campaign
- Castle Crashers and From Dust are XBLA's top-grossing games of 2011
- Trion Worlds attempting Guinness World Record for in-game weddings
- Casting Details Emerge For Green Arrow TV Series
- Capcom celebrates Resident Evil 6 by, er... opening a restaurant? Food is alternately exciting and disgusting
- Doctor Who Stars Win At National Television Awards
- Another new Xbox rumour! Now it runs Blu-ray, blocks used games. And here's why that's 50% bull
- Resistance series receives a bullseye shot to the temple, is no more, says Insomniac's CEO
- 50 Greatest Movie Bloopers
- Sundance 2012 Daily Blog: Day 7
- January 25
- A Monster In Paris review
- Anthony Head and THE Colin Baker confirmed for the SFX Weekender
- Namco Bandai announces release-date slippage for Inversion
- Ask GR Anything: What is pausing, anyway?
- The Woman In Black review
- Soulcalibur V launch party gallery
- FIFA Street hits shelves March 13 along with a Street Network
- New Max Payne 3 artwork 'Downpour' has Payne in the rain
- BioWare patching The Old Republic to get rid of that ability delay that some people complained about
- Pokemon White/Black: Mewtwo returns via DS, TCG and online TV special
- SFX Weekender Charity Auction Announced
- Rumor: Wii U will be twice as powerful as Xbox 360
- GDC to honor Missile Command creator and EMA lawyers
- Zelda-inspired Hyrulean Travel posters are an artsy tour of Ocarina of Time
- Blizzard cancels 2012's BlizzCon in favor of actually maybe possibly finishing Diablo III and other games
- Edgar Wright teases The World's End with new pic
- Lily Collins drops out of Evil Dead remake
- Behind The Scenes Of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
- Warp video preview if Solid Snake and Splosion Man had a murderous alien baby
- Mounted combat tramples into Lord of the Rings Online this fall with Riders of Rohan expansion
- And the world did let out a collective gasp of apathy, as Kane & Lynch 3 began to look increasingly plausible
- GamesRadar UK Podcast 006 - Big Hole
- Sundance 2012 Daily Blog: Day 6
- Zynga's new game supposedly a blatant, unabashed, shameless rip-off of NimbleBit's Tiny Tower
- Would you buy a Sony Personal 3D Viewer for $900 Australian dollars?
- SSX Developer Demo: Deadly Descents
- Darkness II CG-filled launch trailer reminds us game comes out February 7
- Massive Avengers superhero cameo spoiler revealed
- LA Noire DLC is 50% off on XBLA this week
- January 24
- Forget The Oscars, Here Are The BSFA Nominations
- Threadless shirts bring hipster appeal to your Xbox Avatar today
- State of the Union 2012: A Gaming Podcast
- id announces QuakeCon 2012 starts August 2 in beautiful Dallas, Texas
- Jak and Daxter Collection hits PS3 February 7 in 720p and 3D
- Oscar nominations: The Artist leads the way
- Play the original Command & Conquer in (somewhat janky) browser form
- Fortnite from Epic and Cliff Bleszinski is a social survival game
- Sims have sex 680,000 times a day in The Sims Social
- BLOG May The Adverts Be With You
- American Horror Story "Birth" TV REVIEW
- Mario Party 9 trailer steers into new territory
- EA adds 10 new partners to Origin
- Today's news from Opposite World: Microsoft claims to be better than Sony at fresh new IP for core gamers
- Da Vincis Demons Is An SFX Show, It Seems
- New images of Amanda Seyfried in Lovelace
- David Jaffe nearly made 'Silent Hill style' Twisted Metal, would like one million dollars to make a horror movie please
- Darksiders II preview Death introduces wall-running and Diablo-style loot
- Daniel Radcliffe Talks Life After Harry Potter
- Gamers are ready for a return to World War II, says man making World War II game
- Sundance 2012 Daily Blog: Day 5
- Poll: Microsoft might be killing MS Points in favour of real, actual, money. Praise be for (much belated) common sense?
- Australia is slowly getting closer to an R18+ classification
- Mario and Sonic continue to train in new trailer for Februarys 3DS version of London Olympics
- Top 50 Vampires 2012
- New SFX Vampire Special On Sale Now!
- Team Fortress 2 contest: design a map with a 'dynamic payload element'
- Madden NFL 12 beginners guide
- January 23
- Mass Effect 3 toys come with slightly randomized multiplayer DLC
- Classic Max Payne gear now available for your Xbox Avatar
- A guide to the prettiest locations in Skyrim
- Capcom Digital Collection gets release date and price tag
- Dynasty Warriors Next screens get creative
- Twisted Metal goes gold, includes ability to be Sweet Tooth in Starhawk
- XBLA House Party release dates and prices revealed for I Am Alive, Alan Wake, and more
- Russell T Davies Creates Aliens Vs Wizards for CBBC
- Diablo III's senior producer departs
- Elijah Wood talks The Hobbit
- LittleBigPlanet 2 lighting the lights for The Muppets Premium Level Kit
- Ocarina of Time's Hyrule reborn in Minecraft
- Indie Game: The Movie optioned as dramatic HBO series
- Resident Evil 6 to take a wrecking ball to fear and tension by way of six-player co-op? Don't panic yet
- Martha Marcy May Marlene review
- Bombay Beach review
- Jack And Jill review
- Man On A Ledge review
- Like Crazy review
- Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close review
- Carnage review
- Eternal Law Episode Three TV REVIEW
- Kim Schmitz is the world's top Modern Warfare 3 player
- Facepalm photo of the day: We might have found one of the reasons HMV's games business is failing
- Underworld: Awakening tops the US box office
- Len Wiseman talks Total Recall
- Sundance 2012 Daily Blog: Day 4
- Want to turn your Vita into a DualShock with a screen? Here's how
- January 22
- January 21
- What if each Resident Evil 6 protagonist had his own trailer?
- BLOG One Ring To Rule Them All
- Sundance 2012 Daily Blog: Day 2
- GRs weekend giveaway: Enter for a chance to win a copy of Final Fantasy XIII and join us in San Francisco on Jan 25
- Meet Ian Whates, Suzanne McLeod and Graham McNeill
- Before Old Republic, BioWare wanted to do a Marvel Comics MMO with Spider-Man
- Resident Evil: Revelations secrets revealed in new Iwata Asks
- Underworld: Awakening review
- Dynasty Warriors: Pokemon nearly happened instead of Pokemon + Nobunagas Ambition
- High Horse: Difficulty in games is broken
- SOPA to be revised, PIPA put on hold, ESA drops support
- January 20
- Grasshoppers Sine Mora shows how challenging it can be in new video
- SSX dev diary highlights social-play features
- Capcom Fright Club gallery
- Microsoft announces record holiday earnings for 2011
- Pick up Medal of Honor on Steam for only five bucks
- Minecraft to be the first XBLA title with frequent updates
- Netherrealm details Mortal Kombat on PS Vita updates
- 3DS box art for Theatrhythm reveals paid DLC coming to Nintendo Network
- Star Wars: Darth Plagueis by James Luceno - Book Review
- Dinosaur Planet by MJ Hibbett & The Validators - LP Review
- Judge Dredd creator talks new film
- Resident Evil 6 trailer breakdown and speculation
- New Resident Evil 6 details arrive from Japan
- Gollancz authors to attend the SFX Weekender
- RISK: Factions hits Facebook we chat with producer Spencer Brooks
- UFC Undisputed 3 demo punches you in the face next week
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss mo-cap videos require imagination
- Dreamy Kingdom Hearts 3D bundle to drop in distant Japan
- Microsoft to address Xbox 360 Dashboard colorspace issue
- Resident Evil 6 brain-dump by unstoppable, excitable games journalist (who should be on holiday)
- Gettysburg: Armored Warfare Preview - gameplay demo
- We speedrun through the Resident Evil: Revelations demo. Can you beat our time?
- Resident Evil: Retribution trailer arrives
- The best totally original PS Vita launch game? Escape Plan. Watch as we complete the demo
- Sundance 2012 Daily Blog: Day 1
- PlayStation Access visit the Naughty Dog studios for a behind-the-scenes look at The Last of Us
- 5 essential tips for breaking a gaming World Record (from an official Guinness adjudicator)
- Download of the Week: Sonic Generations leads a Sonic-powered weekend on Steam
- 50 Weirdest Examples Of Harry Potter Fan Art
- Blizzard offers list of Diablo III tweaks in lieu of release date
- 8 things we know about Resident Evil 6 right now!
- Joey King reveals HUGE Dark Knight Rises spoiler
- Bethesda readies Skyrim patch and Creation Kit
- Warhammer: Space Marine getting Dreadnought DLC
- Darksiders 2 behind-the-scenes clip makes developers confront their feelings on Death
- January 19
- We're having a GamesRadar Reader Meet-Up!
- Box Score: Taking the leap, Part 2
- Exclusive: New Old Republic trailer outs possible ability to play as other faction's races with the Legacy System
- Resident Evil 6 announced, trailer reveals November 20 release date
- Ben Wheatley talks Freakshift
- Resident Evil: Revelations 3DS demo works with the Circle Pad Pro
- UI scaling, guild banks, Legacy updates, and new Warzones all teased in The Old Republic video
- 343 Industries warns against fake Halo 4 beta invites
- Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition trailer is DLC heavy
- Kid Icarus: Uprising preview looks like Pit was worth waiting for
- Kingdoms of Amalur trailer shows off a world worth saving
- My Little Pony Skyrim mod pours one for the Bronies
- Shank 2 comes to PS3 and PC February 7, 360 February 8
- BioShock Infinite gets punishing 1999 Mode
- Anthony Mackie talks Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
- Box Score: The Podcast 001
- Soul Calibur is out today on iOS for... HOW MUCH?!
- New details revealed for The Amazing Spider-Man
- The Expendables 2 will be a PG-13
- Dungeons & Dragons Online journeys to the Forgotten Realms in its first expansion: Menace of the Underdark
- Wipeout 2048: See one of PS Vita's best launch titles doing its anti-gravity thing in this quick demo
- Bethesda says it's still on track for release of Skyrim modding tools
- Sony says 3DS' impressive sales are a positive for Vita
- Paradox Interactive announces new Magicka expansion, A Game of Dwarves and Napoleons Campaigns II
- Costume competition at the SFX Weekender!
- The Old Republic cost EA $500 million, MMO a risky bet, claims analyst
- More Abaddon And Solaris Authors Confirmed For SFX Weekender 3
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 "time travel" trailer gets all Chrono Trigger
- Ask GR Anything: Whats a game engine?
- Crush3D preview Hands-on with the multi-dimensional puzzle platformer
- January 18
- Capcom announces partnership with suicide-prevention charity CALM
- The Old Republic's Rise of the Rakghouls update is now live
- Alienwares latest desktop looks like the Xboxs little brother
- Dungeon Fighter LIVE: Fall of Hendon Myre gets debut trailer
- Mass Effect 3 demo drops in on February 14
- What do UFC fighters Jon Fitch and Mike Swick think of Undisputed 3 and... Skyrim?
- New I Am Alive trailer goes in for the kill
- Don Cheadle talks Iron Man 3
- 27 ways Uncharted: Golden Abyss uses the Vitas unique controls
- Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance directed by Kenji Saito, will be playable at E3
- Borderland 2's Lilith actress revealed
- Iron Bridgade goes off-planet in Rise of the Martian Bear DLC trailer
- UFC Undisputed 3 has a 100 point Achievement for hitting people after they're already knocked out
- New Max Payne 3 video is informative, badass
- UFC Undisputed 3 career mode preview the brand versus the experience
- Ricky Gervais talks Golden Globes performance
- George Lucas to retire from blockbuster filmmaking
- Grab yer popcorn - this new SoulCalibur V trailer is so epic it should be shown at the cinema
- Brad Pitt: The TF Interview
- Tom Hardy Profile
- Total Film magazine Issue 190
- The internet and games journalism under SOPA and PIPA: A sneak preview
- Syndicate hands-on video with Executive Producer commentary
- Mass Effect 3 hands-on preview "It feels like 1 and 2 are just the prologue"
- Cliff Bleszinski to host 12th annual Game Developers Choice Awards
- Star Trek: The Next Regeneration On Blu-ray
- 30 photos of models enjoying the PS Vita in urban locations
- Radical Entertainment teams up with Dark Horse Comics for Prototype 2 comic
- January 17
- Smithsonian to celebrate The Art of Video Games with exhibition and tour
- Lindsay Lohan and Megan Fox compete for Elizabeth Taylor biopic
- New Earthworm Jim figure is extra groovy and bendy
- Kingdoms of Amalur demo launches today with Mass Effect 3 extras
- Star Trek Online boldly goes free-to-play today
- Starhawk release date set for May 8, beta opens to public today
- OnLive fills a soccer-ball-shaped gap with PES 2012
- Street Fighter X Tekken gets six new characters, teases Pac-Man and Mega Man in new trailers
- Mortal Kombat coming to PS Vita this spring, Freddy Krueger and Kratos included
- 2012 BAFTA nominations announced
- Max Payne 3 delayed, new release date May 15
- Total Recall gets a first official synopsis
- New poster for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
- 50 Richest Movie Characters
- American Horror Story "Smoldering Children" TV REVIEW
- New trailer shows off Heroes of Ruin's heroes and ruins
- Eternal Law Episode Two TV REVIEW
- RUMOR: iPad 3 to debut in March
- Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 red brick collectibles guide
- White House Will not support current iteration of SOPA; controversial legislation put on hold
- January 16
- The Gangster Squad releases a new image
- Mario Kart 7 has a BIG shortcut glitch - but will it get fixed?
- The Descendants review
- House Of Tolerance review
- Acts Of Godfrey review
- New image arrives from The Hobbit
- BLASTERMIND From Russia With Love
- The Top 7... Amazing video game maps that do more than just show the way to go
- Saints Row: The Third getting Steam-exclusive Team Fortress 2 masks
- The Descendants triumphs at the Golden Globes
- Mass Effect 3 for PC will require Origin activation, not launching on Steam
- First purple puzzle pieces show up on 3DS Puzzle Swap Quest - and we've got 'em
- January 15
- January 14
- iPad reviews of the week: Assassin's Creed Recollection, Bag It! HD
- Quentin Tarantino reveals his favourite films of 2011
- New image of Captain America in The Avengers
- 10 games we (probably) wont see until 2013
- Does Skyrim look better on the PS3 or 360?
- See some of Super Mario 3D Lands greatest secrets in these new videos
- Secret World trailer gives you a brief glimpse of the MMOs Illuminati
- High Horse: The games of next year, today!
- CyberConnect 2 president to cosplay as Naruto in Marathon de Paris to celebrate game sales
- Shinobido 2 trailer is full of explanations for PS Vita launch game
- January 13
- Finalists announced for The Kitschies 2011
- Tropico 4 Modern Times expansion takes banana republic into space age this March
- Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD versions coming to PSN next week
- Spielberg talks Tintin sequel and Jurassic Park 4
- Pat Sharp Returns to The SFX Weekender
- AMY review
- Top 10 best-selling games of 2011 worldwide includes tons of warfare and dancing
- 77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz - Book Review
- Dark Eden by Chris Beckett - Book Review
- The Old Republics Legacy system will make alts a family affair
- Blue Remembered Earth by Alastair Reynolds - Book Review
- Saints Row: The Third getting CheapyD DLC for free, homie
- Rolling Thunder actress Linda Haynes talks Quentin Tarantino
- Starhawk Public Beta starts January 17
- Skyrim Mom is your new favorite Twitter feed
- AIAS 2011 nominees revealed, Uncharted 3 and Portal 2 lead the pack
- New image from Tim Burton's Dark Shadows
- New SSX trailer is like being punched in the face by an avalanche. But with more fancy tricks
- 50 Original Properties Slated For 2012
- Download of the Week - Dead Space 1 and 2 bundle price is out of this world
- Impossible to predict Vita's success from Japanese launch, says Sony. We make a prediction anyway
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 isn't dead after all, but it's not out of the radioactive woods yet
- CES 2012: Unit 13 preview - the bite-sized handheld shooter
- Zen Pinball 3D review
- CD Projekt Red ends pursuit of Witcher 2 pirates
- December 2011 NPD sales: Modern Warfare 3, Just Dance 3, Skyrim, Mario Kart 7 the biggest winners
- January 12
- BOX SCORE: Taking the leap, Part 1
- China Miville Resurrects Dial H Comic For DCs New 52
- Red Orchestra 2 releases SDK, brings mods to the people
- Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City trailer highlights four multiplayer modes
- 5 ways Sniper Elite V2 will make you feel like a real sniper
- Three different Silent Hill games come out in March, including HD Collection and Downpour
- CES 2012: Scarygirl preview - another bizarre side-scroller to add to the list
- BLOGBUSTERS: Youve Read The Book, Now See The Film
- Chronicle clip online
- CES 2012: OnLive now standard with Google TV
- Kristen Wiig and Jon Hamm star in Friends With Kids trailer
- MLB 2K12's $1 Million Perfect Game Contest announced
- Rockstar interview shines new light on the guns of Max Payne 3
- BioWare focusing more on story-based Flashpoints for The Old Republic moving forward
- Everything you need to know about The Old Republic's 1.1 "Rise of the Rakghouls" update
- New Poster for The Woman In Black
- Nintendo unveils another silly peripheral to improve the 3DS in case you didn't like the last silly peripheral
- 50 Greatest Arnie Movie Moments
- Claims arise that Microsoft or Sony will quit consoles at E3. Here's why that's not impossible
- Asura's Wrath demo GR GamePlay
- Have your say in Future Australia's magazine survey
- The Darkness II's weapons designer talks moody firearms
- Abobo's Big Adventure is an orgy of retro goodness
- January 11
- All 22 James Bond films are coming to Blu-ray
- How to forge the perfect Deathwing costume
- Top Sci-Fi & Fantasy Goths
- Binary Domain gets new trailer and a slightly delayed release date
- Capcom celebrates 25 years of Street Fighter
- Lend your face to a bad guy in Max Payne 3s multiplayer
- CES 2012: EA Sports FIFA Soccer preview
- BioWare explains lack of true high-resolution texture option in Star Wars: The Old Republic
- UFC Undisputed 3 flexes its star power in new roster trailer
- Everquest II gets wings, finds free-to-play success
- ESRB rates original Killzone for PlayStation 3 PSN release/HD remake imminent?
- Study says social game cheaters more likely to cheat in real life
- Win VIP tickets to the BAFTAs!
- Why Hitman Absolution may not be the Hitman game you want. Or a Hitman game at all
- Mass suicide threatened at Chinese Xbox factory in protest over pay
- 50 Greatest Action Movie Posters
- Epic video alert! See Mega Man II completed while a live band slams out its soundtrack
- The Darkness II will feature 'sex scenes'. Eww... tentacle love?
- Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D box-art: Love it or hate it?
- GamesRadar UK Podcast 005 - Dolce Vita
- SFX 218 Preview
- Choplifter HD review
- Blizzard: Diablo III not confirmed for any console platform at this time
- Reminder: Final Fantasy XIII-2 demo is live on PS3 and 360 today
- Attack Of The Clones #21
- January 10
- Is Retro Studios working on something big for Wii U?
- Sony closes Little Deviants developer Bigbig Studios
- Asuras Wrath demo angrily explodes onto XBLA and PSN today
- Plus Alpha: Comiket 81
- Kingdoms of Amalur demo hitting Xbox Live next week
- Kid Icarus: Uprising to be first Nintendo game to use 3DSs Circle Pad Pro
- Ghost Recon Future Soldier retreats to May; PC version confirmed
- Despair review
- Starhawk to be supported with free content, open beta starting soon
- 21 things you never knew about PS Vita
- [UPDATED] Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D gets confirmed release date. Woot!
- Nina Leaving Being Human Too
- Red Light Revolution review
- L'Atalante review
- First look at Nicholas Hoult in Warm Bodies
- Star Wars: Underworld Is Working Title For Live-Action TV Show
- Holy crap! Look how many Wii balance boards have been sold. This deserves a Guinness World Re... oh
- The Making Of Kill List
- BioShock Infinite: Why the characters will say more with less
- Where do you buy your games? We're guessing it isn't HMV if the company's plans are anything to go by
- Doctor Who Secret Revealed After 39 Years
- American Horror Story "Spooky Little Girl" TV REVIEW
- American Horror Story "Rubber Man" TV REVIEW
- American Horror Story "Open House" TV REVIEW
- CES 2012: Kinect coming to Windows PCs February 1
- Rockstar highlights Max Payne 3s real-world inspirations
- CES 2012: Mad Catz shipping Soulcalibur V Arcade FightStick Soul Edition
- Star Wars: The Old Republic review
- Rhythm Heaven Fever trailer spreads love via monkeys and seals
- CES 2012: Watch the livestream of Sony's CES press conference starting at 5PM PT
- Silent Hill HD Collection delayed, March release now planned
- Kuma Games designer sentenced to death in Iran
- January 9
- Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition koming soon with packed in downloadable kontent
- Bethesda now in control of Fallout MMO after lengthy court drama
- BLASTERMIND Super Pets: Now With Answers
- INTERVIEW: Lost Girl & Underworlds Kris Holden-Ried
- INTERVIEW: Lost Girl & Underworld Kris Holden-Ried
- Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City gets seriously cinematic in new, extended trailer
- The Top 7 Evil clones
- 360s House Party coming soon, Alan Wake, Warp and I Am Alive on the XBLA guest list
- Activision registers, likely continuing Treyarch's series
- CES 2012: AT&Ts PS Vita 3G data plans have no contracts, costs $14.99 or $25
- SCRIPTEASE Game Of Thrones: Season One
- Xbox Live's top games of 2011 revealed
- Dark Souls on PC could happen with petition, says Namco admin
- How do I transfer my 3DS data from one machine to another? With Pikmin, of course!
- Fox Still Uncertain Over Future Of Terra Nova
- Sam Worthington talks Wrath Of The Titans
- J.J. Abrams talks Star Trek 2
- Twisted Metal PS3 release dates confirmed - along with a special treat
- Skyrim mod replaces dragons with 'Macho Man' Randy Savage
- [UPDATED] Does this image of Voldo's crotch offend you?
- 50 Trailers That Ruined The Movie
- January 8
- January 7
- iPad reviews of the week: Super Crate Box, Kinectimals
- Eternal Law Episode One TV REVIEW
- GRs weekend giveaway: Combat Wings model kits
- The GamesRadar Anti-Awards 2011
- High Horse: Save Our Internet
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 demo coming to PSN and XBL next week
- Why Silent Hill: Downpour could be the best since Silent Hill 2
- Play Battlefield 3 with members of Metallica, Outkast, and Korn this weekend
- Valve reports seventh year of 100% sales growth on Steam
- NFL Blitz review
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus cuts its way into PS Vita US launch line-up
- January 6
- Ghost Rider 2 Directors Interview: Cranking Up The Action
- Dynasty Warriors Next: New videos and screens for PS Vita battler
- APB: Reloaded review
- Troll Hunter Competition
- First Squad and Legend Of The Millennium Dragon Competition
- Empire State by Adam Christopher - Book Review
- Total Films Goon Screening Report
- EA Publisher Sale gives old games new life
- Prototype 2 pre-order bonus from GameStop kicks ass (literally)
- Infinity Blade nets Epic Games $30 million in just one year
- Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition coming January 17
- The Binding of Isaac's Wrath of the Lamb expansion to add 50% more troubled childhoods
- BLOG Why Blu-rays Days Are Numbered
- W.E. review
- Haywire review
- J. Edgar review
- The Sitter review
- Coriolanus review
- The Nine Muses review
- Download of the Week: 3D Classics Kid Icarus... if you can get it
- The Avengers: The Complete Guide
- Rockstar reveals very cool GTA III secrets and HOLY CRAP LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT THING!!!
- 2012 Game Developers Choice Awards honoring Portal 2, Bastion and Skyrim among others
- New Music of Journey trailer goes backstage with orchestra on Jenova Chen's adventure
- 10 TV Angels
- Blizzard launches 15 year anniversary site for Diablo, Diablo III release date still a mystery
- EA quietly closed Harry Potter studio Bright Light late last year
- Box Score: A shifting landscape clouds the 2012 horizon
- Final Fantasy XIII-2: Latest trailer puts spotlight on the Moogle
- January 5
- Ninja Gaiden 3 see the first 30 minutes
- Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes brings in Dark Knights super friends
- See the OnLive Android app in action
- Paranormal Activity 4 gets a release date
- Epic: We do not support the current version of SOPA
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - see the first 30 minutes
- New trailer lands for Chronicle
- This is how to sell Soulcalibur V
- Gotham City Impostors delayed, vigilante Batman fun now starts in February
- Microsoft increasing XBL Indie Games caps, lowering prices
- The Tester 3 cast revealed
- Star Trek Online getting freemium model and weekly content for second anniversary
- Full list of upcoming Legend of Zelda concerts for North America unveiled
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown coming from Sid Meier studio
- Soulcalibur V preview - Flaming souls and fast blades
- Slick new SSX trailer goes all Tricky on us
- NGamer, the UK's only independent Nintendo magazine, is relaunched today as Nintendo Gamer
- Benedict Cumberbatch is Star Trek 2 villain
- House of the Dead 3 and 4 coming exclusively to PSN with Move support
- Fantasy Flight's tabletop games coming to iOS, PC, and Mac
- Respawn Entertainment teases new game again with mo-cap session, guns confirmed
- First Shenmue III plot details revealed
- Django Unchained: The Complete Guide
- GamesRadar editors (personal) Anti-Games of the Year 2011
- Devil Survivor 2 teaser trailer is a friendly reminder that the DS still has games
- King of Fighters XIII: New how-to videos
- New rumor surfaces of a 3DS Lite redesign coming this year
- New Max Payne 3 screens bring bullet time to single and multiplayer alike
- Ask GR Anything: How does Kirby's stomach work?
- January 4
- BLOG The Best Comics I Read Last Year
- NBA 2K12 celebrates end of 2011 lockout with new clip
- New Legend of Zelda Anniversary concerts planned for US and Canada
- ESA confirms SOPA commitment
- Back to the Future and Syphon Filter lead PlayStation Plus freebies
- Battlefield 3 developer seeks community feedback for weapon tweaks
- SoulCalibur V goes gold, contains "portions of buttock" and "jiggling cleavage" according to ratings board
- Spider-Man Musical Breaks Box Office Records
- Star Wars: The Old Republic glitch lets you boogie to immortality via an impenetrable shield of DANCE
- 20 Surprisingly Violent Movies
- The Hobbit: The Complete Guide
- Wipeout 2048 had (and might still get) zombie mode. Sounds like all the least fun bits of Wipeout in a mode
- Train Simulator 2012's 'A4 Pacific' add-on makes the original RailWorks 3 look LAUGHABLE
- Mineways makes your Minecraft creations a reality
- Skyward Sword's Hylian alphabet translated
- Oddworld: Strangers Wrath HD review
- Snakeskin 3DS to be bundled with MGS: Snake Eater 3D
- January 3
- Square Enix trademarks "Hitman: Profession"
- Plus Alpha: 24 hours in Japan
- Bastion sells 500,000 copies, but Supergiants follow-up might not be Bastion 2
- Star Wars: The Old Republic review diary, level 30-45
- Sony still developing Dragon Tattoo sequel
- Steam hits 5 million concurrent users
- Sword master Bob Anderson dies aged 89
- Epic Mickey 2 accidentally revealed by Disney, planned for 360, PS3 and Wii
- Piranha 3DD won't get a UK cinema release
- BLOG Where Have All The Extras Gone?
- Paranormal Activity 4 on the way
- Nintendo 2011 sales milestones includes 4 million 3DS systems sold in USA
- Dust 514 beta registration begins
- Interplay and Bethesda settle Fallout legal dispute
- BLOG Doctor Who: Midnight Live Sort Of
- Shame (2011) review
- BioWare temporarily bans The Old Republic players for exploiting end-game content
- Wipeout racetrack created for quantum levitation research
- God of War IV spotted in DoTA 2 composer's resume
- Has Call of Duty had its day? Skyrim sees it off over Christmas and now FIFA 12 retakes UK number 1
- Margin Call review
- Tatsumi review
- The Hunger Games: The Complete Guide
- Plagiarised iPhone games sink to new low as developer practically begs Nintendo to sue him
- Man recreates scale models of Portal's equipment, achieves hero status instantly
- PS Vita fails to equal 3DS' launch sales prompting unofficial price cuts in Japan
- The Top 7 Greatest gaming rebirths
- Street Fighter X Tekken: Bison and Xiaoyu sneak into new screenshot
- How to find and install custom League of Legends skins
- Final Fantasy X: HD remake in early development, producer Kitase on board
- Sonic 4 Episode II trailer proves series still exists, now with added Tails
- Shopping website creates Zelda contest despite being uninformed about Zelda
- January 2
- The games of January 2012
- Shenmue's social-gaming installment starts the year by cancelling support
- Crysis 2 and Modern Warfare 3 named most pirated games of 2011
- BioWare "looking at" bringing The Old Republic to Mac
- EA, Nintendo, and Sony Electronics remove SOPA support
- Fallout: New Vegas' lead designer releases free hardcore mod
- Producer talks Blade Runner sequel and Point Break remake
- 20 For 12: Sci-Fi TV & Film Highlights For 2012
- January 1