All content archive
May 2008
413 articles
- May 31
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness Starter Guide
- Star Wars animated movie tie-in hits Wii, DS
- Valve's "Steam Cloud" materializes
- Great War Nations: The Spartans review
- Hirai: discless consoles "way off"
- Far Cry 2: "Crysis wasn't our benchmark"
- Mabinogi review
- Darwinia+
- Bus Driver review
- Gaming's most incongruous weapons
- GRID review
- May 30
- New Street Fighter IV screens, online play confirmed
- Kojima: "I'm not a genius like George Lucas"
- Nintendo goes after smokers
- Sleepless in Cyrodiil
- The lost Nintendo games
- Is Madden 09 too noob-friendly?
- New details on 360 MMO Huxley revealed
- Extremists use Fallout 3 artwork to threaten West
- Grid cheats
- GTA IV DLC: What will it be?
- Sex And The City: The Movie review
- Jules Et Jim review
- Zoo review
- The Unwinking Gaze: The Inside Story Of The Dalai Lama's Struggle For Tibet review
- Chemical Wedding review
- California Dreamin' review
- Dark Void
- Spore update - new shots
- First SimCity Wii details, screens
- May 29
- Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff - hands-on
- Sony: PS3 was on "life support"
- Prince of Persia first look
- Pokemusings, week 47
- The best GTA IV has to offer
- Saints Row 2 delayed
- Busted Cheats: Week 1
- Games won't be the same after Tom Clancy's EndWar, says dev
- An evening with Uwe Boll
- Age of Conan
- Soul Calibur IV - Hands on
- Michael Bay to make Ouija Board
- Wonder World Amusement Park coming to DS
- May 28
- Faith and a .45
- Fatal Frame IV dated
- Far Cry 2 single-player "close to 50 hours"
- Getting into characters...
- More BioShock PS3 details emerge
- Far Cry 2
- Far Cry 2: Exclusive dev team interview
- Tom Clancy's HAWX - hands-on
- Shaun White Snowboarding - first shots and info
- Zachary Quinto on the defensive about Star Trek
- Street Fighter IV announced for 360, PS3 and PC
- May 27
- May 26
- May 25
- May 24
- May 23
- MGS4 has '90 minute' cutscenes
- Valve: We laugh at PC dying stories
- Civilization Revolution - second impressions
- Niko Bellic Impersonation Contest
- Gears of War 2 - Interview with Cliffy B
- 100 Little Things We Love About GTAIV
- Does Wii Fit work?
- Spore Creature Creator - hands-on
- B-Boy - hands-on
- Producers chat Terminator: Salvation
- Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull review
- Cassandra's Dream review
- Shotgun Stories review
- Timber Falls review
- Garbage Warrior review
- Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
- Guide to our Guides
- Castlevania movie gets backed by $200m financing
- Starcraft 2 system specs emerge
- 360 motion controller is real, says another mag
- Dirty Dancing review
- May 22
- Things we'd like to see in a Grand Theft Auto movie
- Age of Conan Collectors Edition unboxed
- Man turns GTA IV box into computer
- Proper Prince of Persia screens
- Box art that got it all wrong
- Pokemusings, week 46
- Grand theft console: Pair steals 1,440 PS3s
- Everyday Shooter review
- Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis review
- Guitar Hero World Tour revealed!
- Bioshock on PS3 officially happening
- Madden 09: Why even Europeans will love it
- First Tekken movie shots emerge
- SingStar review
- 360 game working with 3D glasses
- Steam survey results expose the state of PC hardware
- How to make better game adaptations of movies
- May 21
- Jack Thompson in trouble for "fraudulent" practice
- Soul Bubbles
- Dragon Quest IV, V, VI coming to US
- Nintendo's Big Secret: Highly Improbable Edition
- Niko voice actor earned only $100,000
- Rare considered DS/Xbox 360 connectivity?
- Nintendo responds to Greenpeace criticism
- Dr. Mario & Germ Buster review
- Golden Joystick Awards - Make your vote count
- Guillermo del Toro swaps Hater for Hobbit
- James Cameron chats Avatar
- Jake Gyllenhaal is the Prince Of Persia
- Wii, 360, PS3 fail Greenpeace tests
- Gervais on GTA IV: 'I targeted fat people'
- Finally: Decent Lost Odyssey DLC
- MGS4 isn't the last Metal Gear, says Konami
- MGS4 pre-orders stopped
- Trial starts in case of little girl killed by 'Mortal Kombat' moves
- Free Radical: "Even GoldenEye got a 4/10"
- May 20
- Itagaki: No one takes its job as seriously as Rockstar
- Will Wright's Top 8
- Haze review
- Nintendo's Big Secret
- EXCLUSIVE Meet the new James Bond
- We were so lame when...
- Splinter Cell Conviction "back to the drawing board"
- Interview: Frontier's David Braben on LostWinds and WiiWare
- Author interview: Liz Williams
- Attack of the sci-fi novel adaptations
- John Cusack joins Emmerich's 2012
- Dinosaur King
- Drone Tactics review
- Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard hands-on preview
- Speed Racer: The Videogame review
- May 19
- AMD Introduces AMD Game!
- Asus Embeds Linux in Every Motherboard
- Take-Two: EA offer still "inadequate"
- PS3 Trophies coming in June?
- Haze dev shuns resolution criticism
- EA dev: 'Nintendo first to crack console MMO problems'
- Gears of War 2: "five times bigger"
- The Top 7... least extreme "extreme" games
- LostWinds review
- FaceBreaker - First look
- Prince Caspian reigns at the US box office
- May 18
- May 17
- PixelJunk Eden - hands-on
- PC: 2009
- Linger In Shadows revealed
- SOCOM: Confrontation - hands-on
- Lineage II offers free gender-bending
- Siren: Blood Curse
- Warhammer: Mark of Chaos - Battle March review
- TNA Impact vs SmackDown 2009
- The Incredible Hulk
- Grand Theft Radar: Art vs Game
- Killzone 2 - hands-on
- Golden Axe: Beast Rider
- Killzone 2 - 2nd opinion
- May 16
- The Devil's Advocate
- PS3 voted 'teen favourite'
- CONTEST: Name That Celebrity Sprite!
- Phil Harrison's Sony shoes filled
- Metallica "most requested" for Rock Band and Guitar Hero
- Age of Conan - Hyborian strongholds
- Valve: no demo of Left 4 Dead before release
- Yakuza 3 - import review
- Beat your mates in GTA IV multiplayer racing
- Sonic Unleashed - first look
- Bleach: Dark Souls - first look
- Valkyria Chronicles - first look
- The Air I Breathe review
- Embers and Echoes
- Rob Corddry opens Project A
- David O Russell gets Nailed again
- La Antena review
- Smart People review
- Some Came Running review
- Terror's Advocate review
- Heartbeat Detector review
- Caramel review
- The Worst Celebrity Renders of All Time
- Operation Darkness review
- Three new DDRs announced for 10th anniversary
- Metal Gear Solid 4: updated impressions
- Nintendo fined $21 million for motion control infringement
- Overclocked: A History of Violence review
- Sony losing $260 per PS3?
- User generated Echochrome levels incoming
- Nothing yet from Ubi on Beyond Good & Evil sequel
- May 15
- Emergency Heroes
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King review
- The universe at war
- Age of Conan week, day 4 - monster mash
- Cosplay extravaganza!
- Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia announced
- Rock Revolution
- Pyramid Head in Silent Hill: Homecoming!
- Pokemusings, week 45
- First details on Bayonetta, MadWorld, and Infinite Line
- Disney's online DS community launches today
- Facebook's geeky, good and weird gaming groups
- Exclusive: Frank Miller on Hard Boiled
- Jason Reitman is Up In The Air
- EA: Quality overrides ship time
- Gears 2 to crack down on Achievement whores
- New Resident Evil 5 trailer soon
- Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
- Halo Wars "not ready to show," says Microsoft
- May 14
- Six Snotty Comments: PC Gamer pouts about Gears Of War 2
- Developer interview - Mushroom Men
- Big Bang Mini
- Super Street Fighter II HD Remix
- More MySims confirmed
- Evolution of the lightsaber
- No more Ninja Gaiden
- The decline of modding
- Jumpgate: Evolution
- Age of Conan - Tortage Island guide
- Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise - first look
- Xbox 360: All the new game details
- Joel Surnow has That Face
- 10 things we already love about Gears of War 2
- BioWare fans have a Mass Effect
- "I've never heard of a motion-sensing controller..."
- SNK Arcade Classics: Volume 1 review
- GameStop: GTA IV 360 claims 64% of sales
- Speed Racer review
- We Ski review
- Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - hands-on
- Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - interview
- BattleForge - hands-on
- Battlefield: Bad Company - updated hands-on
- Get drunk on Mass Effect
- May 13
- Fable 2 - fresh look
- Fable 2 - interview
- Deca Sports review
- Doodle Hex
- PS Store search feature, video store glimpsed
- Peripheral Visions
- Guitar Hero IV gets song creation, multiple instruments
- Skate It - Hands on with Wii and DS
- Age of Conan - multiplayer
- Banned in Europe
- Author interview: Colin Harvey
- Video Games Ratings Enforcement Act rises again
- Ninja Reflex: Steamworks Edition review
- May 12
- Intel's price cuts are hidden treasure to gamers
- MMOs to be a "selling point" for PS3, says Sony
- Star Soldier R - WiiWare review
- Skate spin-off coming to DS, Wii, Skate 2 confirmed
- Miyamoto: US best at creating unique products
- Age of Conan - single-player
- BioWare backs down over copy-protection issues
- Sam Houser: I'm the most conservative guy you'll meet
- Mass Effect: Sex scene controversy an "interesting experience"
- The Top 7... games that don't deserve nostalgia
- US WiiWare service gets lift off
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 - First look
- Metal Gear Solid 4: The first review is out!
- Pulp Idol 2008 short story competition
- Iron Man rules the US box office a second week
- May 11
- May 10
- May 9
- Spaceforce Captains review
- Grand Theft Radar: Guilt-free Grand Theft Auto IV
- Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - dev commentary
- Shots of PS3 F-Zero clone Voltage speed in
- Seven Kingdoms: Conquest review
- Gears of War 2 trailer on Xbox Live tonight
- Top 10 Gaming MILFS
- BioShock movie announced
- MK fatalities are back (but toned down)
- LEGO Indiana Jones: Hands-on preview
- Miyamoto suggested first-person Ocarina
- Kane's Wrath: The FMVs
- Futuremark's Vantage DX10 Benchmark Arrives
- EXCLUSIVE: New Ninja Gaiden II characters revealed
- Doomsday review
- Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden? review
- Honeydripper review
- What Happens In Vegas review
- Mouth To Mouth review
- Manufactured Landscapes review
- Vexille review
- XXY review
- A Secret review
- I Served The King Of England review
- Cashback review
- Mass Effect - hands-on
- 12 reviews that made us cheer
- Vista SP1: Disservice Pack?
- High School Musical: Work This Out! review
- Dream Pinball 3D review
- May 8
- Activision opens Bond website
- Pokemusings, week 44
- Lord of the Rings goes Star Wars: Battlefront
- Are they still worth playing?
- R-Type Command review
- GTA IV pub trivia
- Mods of a Solar Empire
- Home was too ambitious, says Sony Europe boss
- Sudden Strike 3 continues the fight with free content
- id confirms Doom 4
- PS3 GTA fixed, Rockstar says sorry
- THQ blames Nintendo for poor performance
- So long, and thanks for all the games
- The twenty thousand dollar videogame
- Has the Wii really improved anything?
- Play Mythos before everyone else!
- Meet The Speed Racers
- Monsters and Mantis style
- What Happens In Vegas: Tom Vaughn Q&A
- May 7
- Overlord: Raising Hell
- Sam & Max Episode 205: What's New, Beelzebub? review
- Call of Duty 4: Fastest airstrike ever
- Siren goes episodic
- Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
- Indy Comic Revealed
- Political Machine 2008
- Mass Effect will use SecuROM
- Age of Conan Characters
- WWE Legends of WrestleMania revealed
- How long 'til GTA IV comes to the PC?
- Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 3 - EXCLUSIVE interview
- Nintendo tells us why there won't be a new DS anytime soon
- PC Gamer and GamesRadar: BFFs
- Warhammer 40,000 Online
- May 6
- Nights: Into Dreams [import] review
- UK Guardian: 'Games are really quite an art form'
- Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 3 - hands-on
- Boom Blox review
- Samba De Amigo to get DLC on Wii
- Audiosurf gets "a host of new features" for free
- PlayStation Day: Full Report
- MotorStorm 2 gets 4-player split-screen
- Prototype pushed back to 2009
- Bourne Conspiracy demo on US Xbox Live
- Girl traumatised by Wii Fit
- Author interview: Richard Baker
- Rumour mill: MacGyver the movie?
- fangs and farce
- Iron Man defeats GTA IV rumour
- Common joins Terminator: Salvation
- Top Spin 3 - hands-on
- Lost Empire: Immortals review
- Iron Man review
- May 5
- And the beat goes on
- The Top 7... GTA IV Easter eggs (so far)
- Depths of Peril review
- MotorStorm 2
- Final Fantasy XI '2008 edition' this month
- GTA IV tops CoD4 on Xbox Live
- Half-Life creators: "We're not PS3 developers"
- Iwata: Not concerned about Microsoft Wii Remote
- SingStar Summer Party review
- Total Film Interview - Guillermo del Toro
- May 4
- May 3
- May 2
- Saga review
- Original MGS revival in MGS4?
- GTA co-creator: 'f**k all this stuff about casual gaming'
- CNN goes MENTAL over GTA IV
- Blu-ray 360 rumors won't die
- Pure - updated impressions
- SFX Boldly Goes Where No Mag Has Gone Before
- Friday Link-a-Mania
- Rick Yune battles the Ninja Assassin
- JJ Abrams chats Star Trek
- Nim's Island review
- P2 review
- Iron Man review: "A dynamite Downey Jr. oils the rusty mechanics of a familiar arc"
- Made Of Honour review
- Tovarisch, I Am Not Dead review
- Fading Shadows review
- Echochrome review
- GTA IV Insane Tricks
- Brain Voyage review
- May 1
- Valve feels the Wii love
- Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit - hands-on
- Pokemusings, week 43
- Can game journos be TV presenters?
- Every Gamer's Nightmare: Taming the Tangled Cord Beast
- Crytek: Crysis was most pirated project
- How much will Age of Conan dent your wallet?
- Obama talks GTA IV
- Echochrome hits US today
- Okami credits cut - original director "dejected"
- 360 wins day-one GTA IV battle
- NCAA Football 09 - first look
- Left 4 Dead's seven scariest moments
- Battlefield Heroes: Too free for consoles?
- Grand Theft Auto IV: Strategy Headquarters
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness/Time review
- Echochrome - import hands-on