Attend the Omen by HP Bootcamp at this month’s PC Gamer Weekender, and learn what it takes to become an Overwatch pro

I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve put over 150 hours into Overwatch, but only about two of those hours have been spent playing anything other than a Tank or Support hero. Offense and Defense roles come with high expectations, and I’m just too nervous to even think about dabbling with Doomfist or jumping in as Junkrat. 

I’m sure I’m not the only one, either. There may be over 35 million players in Overwatch, but plenty of us have our own little blind spots, and we could all use the opportunity to up our game through some good old fashioned professional training. 

This is where the Omen by HP Bootcamp comes in, which is taking place at this month’s PC Gamer Weekender from February 17 - 18. By purchasing a ticket for the Weekender and attending the Bootcamp, you’ll get access to a series of tutorials, talks, and masterclasses in all things Overwatch, where you’ll be able to learn from some of the very best players out there while practicing your newly honed skills amongst fellow bootcampers. 

Hey, you might even find yourself winning one of the Bootcamp’s many tournaments and competitions.  

To give you an idea of what to expect, here's some info on just a few of the Overwatch-centric events taking place at the Omen by HP Bootcamp this month. You'll be able to enjoy character-focused masterclasses on Pharah, Genji, and Lucio, alongside in-depth lessons on how to learn a new hero, avoid tilt, and rank up, plus an intriguing talk on the science of playing aggressively as a Support hero. 

On top of that, there’ll be live interviews with high-ranking players like Realzx and Sacriel, as they talk and play to show you their own personal tips for securing those crucial wins. There’s even going to be a debate about the pros and cons of Genji and Hanzo players. I’m sure it’ll be a very civil and courteous discussion that definitely won’t entail a single mention of the word “salty.” 

All of this and more will be at the Bootcamp, which is just one small slice of all the gaming goodness going on at the PC Gamer Weekender in just two weeks time. Anyone who buys a ticket to the show now will receive four free games worth £29.99, so you really have no excuses left to miss this one out.

To keep up with the latest updates and announcements about the show, make sure to follow @PCGWeekender on Twitter, and you can find out more and buy tickets on the official site.  

Add the code: GR20 at checkout to get 20% off the ticket price!

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