Assassin's Creed director would "love Egypt as a setting"

By Leon/Louise

While we don't really know that much about the rumoured Egyptian Assassin's Creed yet, Louise has unearthed an interesting and highly coincidental link between it and the Black Flag dev team said to be developing it.

Mainly this quote from former Assassin's Creed Black Flag director Ashraf Ismail way back in 2013:

"I'm not saying we are going there, but one day I would love to explore Egypt as a setting for this game. Ancient Egypt could be a really cool place. We have a really cool explanation for how we can do this, and it is with this Animus device that allows us to go to anytime in history. It was never a set rule that we always get closer to the present day. But again, I'm not saying Egypt is where the next one is going, it's just where I would like it to go."

And what is Ashraf doing right now? Well he's game director on 'Unannounced Project', and has been since he finished Black Flag.

Sure, it could be complete coincidence but, you know, game director on a previous Assassin's who expressed an interest in Egypt and working on a secret project? You've got to agree it's all lining up here.

And, just an extra bit of info back from when Ubi gave away all its ideas through leaked surveys, this 2013 selection mentions "the culmination of the Pharaoh reign in ancient Egypt" as a potential option.

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