Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Cheats
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood guides
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - The Da Vinci Disappearance Achievements/Trophies guide
- Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: The Da Vinci Disappearance - Decoding Da Vinci guide
- Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood multiplayer strategy guide – How to be a cheating bastard
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood shop quests guide
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood treasure maps
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Sons of Romulus Lairs guide
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Unlockables
Xbox 360 | Submitted by God Of InfoCape
Virtual Training
You can unlock all capes normally, but this is a special cape. Its literally a suit of Armor called "RAIDEN". Looks futuristic and all and is plainly awesome, You unlock it by getting all Gold medals in Virtual Training.
PS3 | Submitted by Eoinh4Guild Unlockables
Assassin's Guild Crest: Reach rank 5 with the Assassin's Guild
Courtesans Guild Crest: Reach rank 5 with the Courtesan's Guild.
Mercenaries Guild Crest: Reach rank 5 with the Mercenaries Guild.
Thieves Guild Crest: Reach rank 5 with the Thief's Guild.
Sword of Altair: Complete all Assassin's Guild Challenges.
Maria's Dagger: Complete all Courtesan's Guild Challenges
Bartolomeo's Axe: Complete all Mercenaries Guild Challenges
La Volpe's Bite: Complete all Thief's Guild Challenges.
PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanetThe Da Vinci Disappearance DLC Trophies
The Da Vinci Disappearance DLC Trophy List
Airstrike (20): Kill 10 guards with a single arrow storm.
Clowniing Around (30): Beat up the 5 thirsty harlequins.
Easy Come, Easy Go (5): Pay 500 florins to an orator, then pickpocket him afterward.
Going Up (5): Kill a guard with the bag that drops from a lift.
GPS (20): Complete the Da Vinci Disappearance.
Grand Theft Dressage (20): Steal 5 horses from their riders, while remaining on horseback.
High Roller (10): Win 10000 florins playing Hazard.
il Principe (100): Receive 100% synch in ACB and full synch in all missions of the Da Vinci Disappearance.
Special Delivery (20): Double Assassinate from a parachute.
Strong-Arm (10): Throw a Long Weapon, Heavy Weapon, and Smoke bomb more than 10 m at a guard.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanetThe Da Vinci Disappearance DLC Achievements
The Da Vinci Disappearance Achievement List
Airstrike (20): Kill 10 guards with a single arrow storm.
Clowniing Around (30): Beat up the 5 thirsty harlequins.
Easy Come, Easy Go (5): Pay 500 florins to an orator, then pickpocket him afterward.
Going Up (5): Kill a guard with the bag that drops from a lift.
GPS (20): Complete the Da Vinci Disappearance.
Grand Theft Dressage (20): Steal 5 horses from their riders, while remaining on horseback.
High Roller (10): Win 10000 florins playing Hazard.
il Principe (100): Receive 100% synch in ACB and full synch in all missions of the Da Vinci Disappearance.
Special Delivery (20): Double Assassinate from a parachute.
Strong-Arm (10): Throw a Long Weapon, Heavy Weapon, and Smoke bomb more than 10 m at a guard.
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by TrillG4m3rUnlockable Guild Bonuses
Complete the following to unlock the corresponding bonus at Ezio's Hideout:
Assassin's Guild Crest: Successfully complete all Assassin's Guild Challenges.
Bartolomeo's Axe: Get each guild to level 3.
Courtesans Guild Crest: Get each guild to level 2.
La Volpe's Bite: Get each guild to level 3.
Maria's Dagger: Get each guild to level 3.
Mercenaries Guild Crest: Get each guild to level 2.
Sword of Altair: Successfully complete all Assassin's Guild Challenges.
Thieves Guild Crest: Get each guild to level 2.
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanetShop Quests
Captain's Sword: Successfully complete the Faith Shop quest (Blacksmith).
Fast Poison: Successfully complete the Venomous Shop quest (Doctor).
Large Quiver: Successfully complete the Pulling Threads Shop quest (Tailor).
Seusenhofer Pauldrons and Chest Guards: Successfully complete the Exotica Shop quest (Blacksmith).
Spada Lunga: Successfully complete the Blood Money Shop quest (Blacksmith).
Vaticano Treasures Map: Successfully complete the Trendsetting Shop quest (Art Merchant).
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanetUnlock Altair's costume
Unlock Altair's robes: Purchase for 2 tokens via Ubisoft's Uplay system
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Pat MarkinUnlock Extra Capes
Auditore: Successfully complete the Rebuilding Rome metagame.
Borgia: Collect 100 Borgia Flags.
Medici: Reach level 30 on the Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy Facebook game.
Venetian: Reach level 30 on the Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy Facebook game.
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanetUnlock parachute
Complete all the War Machine missions to unlock Leonardo's parachute invention.
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanetUnlock Dagger and armor of Brutus
Collect all six Keys of Romulus from the Romulus lairs, then go to Prospero da Siena'a Borgia Tower. There is a vault there containing the Dagger and Armor of Brutus.
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by MoristheCatUnlock the Truth
First find all 10 rifts then solve all Cluster puzzles. You can find the Truth in a secret area of the Animus.
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by ForxUnlockable Portraits
Successfully assassinate the following targets and you will unlock their portrait: Cesare Borgia, Baron de Valois, Juan Borgia, Lucrezia Borgia, Micheletto, and Rodrigo Borgia.
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Corps de EspritUnlock Rare Paintings
Completing the following tasks unlocks the painting for purchase from the Centro, Antico, and Campagna art merchants:
Unlock Christ Blessing painting: Successfully complete Sequence 8 or collect 15 Borgia flags.
Self Portrait painting: Successfully complete Sequence 8 or collect 15 Borgia flags.
Young Man with an Apple painting: Successfully complete Sequence 8 or collect 15 Borgia flags.
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanetUnlock the Desmond Costume
Unlock the Desmond Costume: Beat the game, it will unlock after the credits.
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanetUnlock the Hellequinn (Multiplayer)
Unlock the Hellequinn: Acquire 40 Uplay points via Ubisoft's Uplay system
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanetUnlock Raiden's Costume
Unlock Raiden from Metal Gear Solid's Costume: Complete all of the tasks in the Animus 2.0 training mode.
PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanetTrophies
Trophy List
Technical Difficulties ( Bronze Trophy): Complete Spain Sequence 1
Battle Wounds ( Bronze Trophy): Complete DNA Sequence 1
Sanctuary! Sanctuary! ( Bronze Trophy): Complete Present Sequence 1
Requiescat In Pace ( Bronze Trophy): Complete Spain Sequence 4
Perfect Recall ( Bronze Trophy): Get a Sequence to 100% Memory Synchronization
Déjà vu ( Bronze Trophy): Replay a Memory
Undertaker 2.0 ( Bronze Trophy): Complete LGS 1 [Catacombs]
Golden Boy ( Bronze Trophy): Complete LGS 2 [Trajan Bath]
Bang! ( Bronze Trophy): Destroy the Machine Gun
Splash! ( Bronze Trophy): Destroy the Naval Cannon
Boom! ( Bronze Trophy): Destroy the Bomber
Kaboom! ( Bronze Trophy): Destroy the Tank
Home Improvement ( Bronze Trophy): Upgrade 5 buildings in the Antique district
Tower Offense ( Bronze Trophy): Kill All the Borgia Leaders
Show Off ( Bronze Trophy): Complete 10 Faction Creed Challenges
Perfectionist ( Bronze Trophy): Get 3 Gold Medals in VR Missions
Brotherhood ( Bronze Trophy): Recruit 3 Assassins
Welcome to the Brotherhood ( Bronze Trophy): Have a Trainee reach the Rank of Assassin
Capture the Flag ( Bronze Trophy): Remove All Borgia Flags in Rome
In Memoriam ( Bronze Trophy): Collect All Feathers
Dust to Dust ( Bronze Trophy): Find 1 Artifact in the Present
Serial Killer ( Bronze Trophy): Perform a 10 combo-kill streak
Spring Cleaning ( Bronze Trophy): Kill a guard with a Broom.
Your Wish is Granted ( Bronze Trophy): Throw Money in a Well
Fly Like an Eagle ( Bronze Trophy): Jump with the Parachute from the Top of the Castel San Angelo
The Gloves Come Off ( Bronze Trophy): Win the highest bet at the Fight Club
Mailer Daemon ( Bronze Trophy): Access your Email in the Present
Synchronization Established ( Bronze Trophy): Complete an entire Multiplayer Session with at least one kill
Needle in a Haystack ( Bronze Trophy): Kill your target while being hidden in a Haystack
Strong Closer ( Bronze Trophy): Take the lead 10 seconds before the end of the session and win the game
Fast Learner ( Bronze Trophy): Kill your target and escape your assassin in less than 10 seconds
Role Model ( Bronze Trophy): Get all the COOP Bonuses in one session
Overachiever ( Bronze Trophy): Get a 750 Point Kill or more
Abstergo Employee of the Month ( Bronze Trophy): Get Every Bonus at Least Once
Ahead of the Curve ( Bronze Trophy): Perform a Double or a Triple Escape
Rome in Ruins ( Silver Trophy): Complete DNA Sequence 2
Fixer-Upper ( Silver Trophy): Complete DNA Sequence 3
Principessa in Another Castello ( Silver Trophy): Complete DNA Sequence 4
Fundraiser ( Silver Trophy): Complete DNA Sequence 5
Forget Paris ( Silver Trophy): Complete DNA Sequence 6
Bloody Sunday ( Silver Trophy): Complete DNA Sequence 7
Vittoria Agli Assassini ( Silver Trophy): Complete DNA Sequence 8
Gladiator ( Silver Trophy): Complete LGS 3 [Colosseum]
Plumber ( Silver Trophy): Complete LGS 4 [Cloaca Maxima]
One-Man Wrecking Crew ( Silver Trophy): Complete LGS 5 [Lateran Palace]
Amen ( Silver Trophy): Complete LGS 6 [St. Peter's Basilica]
.. .- -- .- .-.. .. ...- . ( Silver Trophy): Solve all of Subject 16's Puzzles
Job Skills ( Silver Trophy): During an Open Conflct, kill your target and escape
Download Complete ( Silver Trophy): Reach Level 50
A Knife to the Heart ( Gold Trophy): Complete the Game
Julius Caeser ( Platinum Trophy): Get Every Trophy
Xbox 360 | Submitted by CheatPlanetAchievements
Achievement List
Technical Difficulties (10 points): Attempt to access DNA Sequence 9 for the first time.
Battle Wounds (20 points): Complete DNA Sequence 1.
Sanctuary! Sanctuary! (20 points): Find a secure place to hide and re-enter the Animus.
Rome in Ruins (20 points): Complete DNA Sequence 2.
Fixer-Upper (20 points): Complete DNA Sequence 3.
Principessa in Another Castello (20 points): Complete DNA Sequence 4.
Fundraiser (20 points): Complete DNA Sequence 5.
Forget Paris (20 points): Complete DNA Sequence 6.
Bloody Sunday (20 points): Complete DNA Sequence 7.
Vittoria Agli Assassini (20 points):Complete DNA Sequence 8.
Requiescat In Pace (20 points): Complete DNA Sequence 9.
A Knife to the Heart (50 points): Secure the Apple of Eden.
Perfect Recall (30 points): Achieve 100% Synchronization with a Sequence.
Déjà vu (20 points): Replay a Memory.
Undertaker 2.0 (20 points) Discover the Shrine in the Catacombe di Roma.
Golden Boy (20 points): Discover the Shrine in the Terme di Traiano.
Gladiator (20 points): Discover the Shrine in Il Colosseo.
Plumber (20 points): Discover the Shrine in the Cloaca Maxima.
One-Man Wrecking Crew (20 points): Discover the Shrine in Palazzo Laterano.
Amen (20 points): Discover the Shrine in the Basilica di San Pietro.
Bang! (20 points): Destroy the Machine Gun.
Splash! (20 points) : Destroy the Naval Cannon.
Boom! (20 points) : Destroy the Bomber.
Kaboom! (20 points) : Destroy the Tank.
Home Improvement (20 points) : Upgrade 5 buildings in the Antico district.
Tower Offense (20 points) : Burn All Borgia Towers.
Show Off (20 points) : Complete 10 Guild Challenges.
.. .- -- .- .-.. .. ...- . (20 points) : Solve all of Subject 16’s Puzzles.
Perfectionist (20 points) :
Earn 3 gold medals from the Animus Virtual Training Program
Brotherhood (20 points) :
Recruit 3 Assassins.
Welcome to the Brotherhood (20 points) :
Train a recruit up to the Rank of Assassin.
Capture the Flag (30 points) :
Remove All Borgia Flags in Rome.
In Memoriam (20 points) :
Collect All Feathers.
Dust to Dust (20 points) :
Find 1 Artifact in the Present.
Serial Killer (20 points) :
Perform a Speed Kill Streak of 10.
Spring Cleaning (10 points) :
Kill a guard with a broom.
Your Wish is Granted (10 points) :
Throw money in a well
Fly Like an Eagle (10 points) :
Jump with the parachute off the top of Castel Sant' Angelo.
The Gloves Come Off (10 points) :
Win the highest bet at the Fights.
Mailer Daemon (20 points) :
Access your email in 2012
Synchronization Established (10 points) :
Complete an entire Session with at least one kill (Multiplayer Only).
Needle in a Haystack (5 points) :
Kill your target while hidden in a hay bale (Multiplayer Only).
Strong Closer (20 points) :
Take the lead 10 seconds before the end of the session and go on to win (Multiplayer Only).
Fast Learner (25 points) :
Kill your target and escape your pursuer in less than 10 seconds (Multiplayer Only).
Job skills (20 points) :
During Open Conflict, kill your target and escape (Multiplayer Only).
Download Complete (40 points) :
Reach Level 50 (Multiplayer Only).
Role Model (20 points) :
Get all the Co-op bonuses in 1 session (Multiplayer Only).
Overachiever (20 points) :
Score 750 points or more on a single kill (Multiplayer Only).
Abstergo Employee of the Month (20 points) :
Get every bonus at least once (Multiplayer Only).
Ahead of the Curve (20 points) :
Perform a double or a triple escape (Multiplayer Only).
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Hints
Xbox 360 | Submitted by mrobSecret Assassins Hideout Entrance
Start by the bank near the hideout and head north. Go onto the bridge and jump in to the river from the left side. Swim forward a little ways until you see an arch embedded in ground. Swim underneath it and you will be prompted to press B. When you do, you will appear next to the tunnel entrance in the hideout.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by TokySnowEagleEasy Way To Get Serial Killer Achievement.
Beginning of Game when Escaping with Mario. Sequence 2, memory when you have to deliver the letter
The best way to do this is to counter when a guard or Follower of Rumulous attacks you, then hold forward and X at another enemy, to do the Speed Killstreak. While in the animation of doing the Speed Killstreak, hold the action button (right trigger) and counter, when an enemy goes to attack you.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Jaborgia13Easy Shop Quest items and Money
Any Tunnel Entrance other than The Thieves Guild
Since Borgia Couriers are scarce in Brotherhood, I found a way to get them to appear easily, here's how to do it:
1) Use any Tunnel Entrance to travel to The Thieves Guild
2) Stand on top of the Tunnel Entrance
3) Wait about 5 seconds up there
4) Hop down and look down the road with the destroyed house
5) There should be a Borgia Courier running towards the Guild (If not, repeat steps 2 - 4)
6) If it doesn't work the 1st time, it always will the 2nd
Note: If you want to do this again you have to travel anywhere else and then travel via tunnel back to the Thieves Guild and do all these steps again.
Hope that helped! Beware though, sometimes they could appear behind you, listen carefully for running footsteps.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by turtlecbGet Any Sword Weapon For Free(ish)
First off, you'll need a heavy sheath from the tailor and an axe. Those are the only things you'll actually have to pay for. Once you have an axe, simply press and hold X so that Ezio is holding the axe behind his back in a throwing posistion. Let go and watch Ezio throw the axe like a beast. Next, get in a fight with someone with a better weapon and win. Walk over to his weapon on the ground and pick it up to equip (and keep) it. This will only work if you don't have a Sword weapon with you, which is why you had to throw the axe away (which you can get back from a blacksmith for free if you want).
Xbox 360 | Submitted by chobb14Easy way to get the Perfectionist achievement and uplay points
virtual training room
To get this without a whole lot of trouble, just do the three kill streak challenges. The first two are easy enough and shouldn't take long, but the third one may require a few tries. Try and get a 14 or 15 kill streak and then just go nuts and rack up the kill tally as the score is best streak x number of kills
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Easter Eggs
PS3 | Submitted by sonic3143Facebook Easter Egg
Outside the Animus, in the Sanctuary
If you exit the animus, walk over to Lucy's desk and look at the monitor on the right, Lucy is playing the facebook game Assassins Creed Legacy
Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanet.. .- -- .- .-.. .. ...- . Morse Code
The Achievement/Trophy .. .- -- .- .-.. .. ...- . is Morse code, translated, it means:
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Cheats
PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Brad LewphCheats
Note: Cheats can only be used when replaying memories.
Buns Of Steel: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 2.
Desmond Everywhere: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 8.
Killing Spree: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 3.
Ride The Unicorn: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 1.
Sisterhood: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 4.
Ultimate Guild: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 5.
Unlimited Assassin Signals: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 6.
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