Around the Internet - Uncharted remakes, Cliffy B's new studio, and more

We've got quite some time before the major releases hit store shelves this holiday season, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty going on in the games industry. In this week's collection of the biggest gaming articles from around the internet, take a look at Ubisoft's future, indulge in the Uncharted remake rumors, and more. Check out these articles and more by clicking on the links below.

GGS Gamer

What is Ubisoft Thinking?

Review: Light

GGS One Hour Tour: Zombie Driver Ultimate Edition

Brutal Gamer

Cliff Bleszinski unlocks his new studio- Boss Key

In Defense of EA (and Dungeon Keeper)

Uncharted remakes might be heading to PS4

The Koalition

The Co-op Podcast #81: Should Companies Try Harder To Secure Third Party Exclusive Titles

Kickstarter Weekly: Timespinner and Midora

GRID Autosport Review - Ashphalt Swan Song

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