Armored Core 2 Cheats
Armored Core 2 Cheats
PS2 | Submitted by ananymousGet 1st Person View
Hold Start + Triangle + Square then release them and press Start. To go back to original view pause and press Start again. Use Select + Triangle + Square for the Japanese version.
Fixed View
Hold X + Circle + Start (Use Select instead of Start for Japanese version), release and press Start
Limiter release
At any time during any gameplay, hold R2+L2and then press L3 Fast. For the next 40 sec., your energy gauge won't run out no matter how much you use it. Unfortunately, after the 40 sec. you're energy gauge will be empty for the next 50 sec. If you have done this slow, and you have anything better than the first booster, you have a super boost until you run out of energy. If you use this when you have limited release, you can fly around and dodge most shots until the 40 sec. runs out)
Return to default view
To return to the default view, pause the game, then press Start to resume the game. For the Japanese version of the game, press Select instead of Start.
Temporary Unlimited Energy
Hold at the same time L2 + R2 + R3
Debt of 50000
You have to go in debt of 50000 six times to unlock all the cheats and here they are
1. Automatic radar
2.Ability to throw laserblade
3.nothing that i know of
4.shoot back weapons while walking
5.nothing that i know of
6.double energy
Easy way to win in arena
If you are having a lot of difficulty in the arena, there is an easy way to beat just about anybody. It helped me get all the way to rank 9. There is a level you can choose in which you start off on top of a tall building, if you just sit there, then the enemy usually flys out of the ring.
Beat people easily in the arena!!!
Ok in order for you to do this, your going to have to go in the very corner or at least the perimeter of an arena. When you get really near to the corner, just keep shooting your opponent. Try to turn your back on them. As you turn your back on them, try to pivot slowly either to the right or left so while your turning..., well their still attacking you from behind so they don't know that their leaving the area. This works extremely well on enemies who like to attack you from the behind. the only side effect is that your going to have to do this quickly before running out of AP! So far I've done this strategy to most of my enemies and worked out pretty well. Oh yeah, I also beat Ares this way!!!
Easier Arena Fights
As soon as you are able, buy the extension part that fires support missiles (doesn't matter which, but upgrade as soon as you can). Buy the back-mounted missile laucher that fires the vertical missiles. Pick any other parts that you want, doesn't really matter, but a fast turn rate in the leg parts will help. Now when you fight in the arena, choose the abandoned highway map. You will begin on top of a building. Just sit up there, making sure to activate your extension missiles, and rain down death on your enemy before he even has a chance to squeeze the trigger. This will not work for all opponents, but it worked for 3/4 of mine. Happy Hunting!!
Arena Cheat
I have discovered that if you are able to purchase the double vertical missile (96,000), go to the arena with the crashed spaceship in the middle. Fly to the very top of the ship and just fire down upon your enemies. I have had very little trouble getting the the number one position in arena combat. Alternate weapons are the single vertical missile; the multiple missile (122,000) and the pursuit missile (155,000).
Human Enhancement plus more!
Someone hinted at this earlier in the cheats but I will clarify and expand. When you start the game, your first mission is the destroy some MT units. Run in and waste your ammo on the ground, then get destroyed. Do this until you have -50,000 credits. Your actual goal is just to get -50,000 within 3 tries... if you fail then you keep your debt and the mission is no longer available. After you have -50,000 it will show a little movie file and you will gain a human enhancement. there are 5 of these:
1) Automatic radar. you don't need one and it shows a grid with a good range.
2) Long-range blade. well pressing x, also press circle to slash the blade across the screen.
3) Enhanced cooling. Cooling is twice as effective.
4) Improved mobility. you can now fire all weapons while walking backwards. earlier, some weapons could not fire like this.
5) Improved boost. halved energy usage when boosting.
every time you do this, your character starts from scratch. new name, new credits, everything. everything but your mech that is. so if done correctly, you could potentially earn up to 25,000 extra credits through buying things for your mech (be it upgrades or new weapons).
have an overweight AC? want it to work? once you complete all the single-player missions for the first time (that is, once you get the end credits), you can build and USE an overweight AC!
There are 34 hidden AC parts in the game. one of these parts is in the last car of the train, and if you take it, you lose the mission. see if you can find the rest!
Do you like the emblems you see int he arena? wish they were yours? Once you defeat someone in the arena, (just after you defeat them, no earlier or later), go to the screen that shows your opponent's information. then press triangle for the Spec screen. while on this screen push start and select at the same time. You may have to do this more than once. You will eventually hear a rivot sound and, viola! your enemy's emblem is yours!
Want to fight everyone in the arena? Well, some characters will disappear if you fail to get to them before certain missions take place. Also, as you move upwards, new characters will move in at the bottom of the arena. Easy to defeat, extra cash.
special hidden AC part: Go to the AC Test mode in the garage. look up at the little octagon at the center of the ceiling. fire at it. it should take about 50 hits with the standard rifle to destroy. Once it's gone, fly up it (you may have to disconnect your override by pressing R2, R3, and L2). you will land in a little room with a radar part!
final tip: if you want to earn lots of money, equip your mech with energy weapons while fighting missions (don't have to pay for ammo). Keep buying and selling back parts (a good part to use is the ZWC-LQ/2552 laser cannon). When in the arena mode, use shell weapons, regardless of the ammo cost (you don't have to pay it when in arena mode).
Secret Weapon
The weapon is hidden in the mission against Emeraude to destroy the surface weapons. Right when the mission starts, fly over the surface weapons and look over to the rocks where there is a small hill. Somewhere around there lying down is the karasawa mk-II(the weapon one the AC has on the cover). Press circle to pick it up. This is a laser weapon that is extremely powerful with 50 ammo. I think it is one of the best weapons in the game.
Fast Recovery Tip
In battle every second counts. So when you boost and hit the ground you stop completely for up to 3 seconds. This could cause up to 2000 AP points in damage in just those 3 seconds. So to recover from a boost right away I have the answer right here.
First during battles try not to hold down boost. Try to tap it rather rapidly. This conserves energy immensely. If you have a good booster it can even keep you in the air forever. Anyway, to recover quickly from a fall, start tapping boost rapidly, before you hit the ground, then continue tapping boost until your back up in the air. This is a great way to dodge attacks while combining it with the sidestep buttons.
Remember, it doesn't matter how powerful an AC is, it also has to have an experienced pilot who knows how to handle it.
High Quality Shield
Go to the level where you have to remove the disorder units [ the second one where the subway crashed ]. Before you shoot the green door on the ground, aim up and shoot the one on the ceiling. fly into the vent you shot open. Look around and you will see a shield on the ground. Note: when inside the hole/lair they made
Super Boost
Push and hold the right joystick, two boosters (depending on the type of core) come out of the top of the core. ( all cores have it)
A Special Part
In the level you have too destroy all the radars there is a special booster. After you get to the part were you go outside to blow up the radar kill all the enemy units first. Then go all the way too the right were there are 6 little building things. They all have doors on them that are black. Shoot them and they blow up. One of them have a part in them. Then finish the mission.
Big Disorder Unit
In the level were you go through the railway and come up to the big tank like disorder unit the easy way to beat it is by using the flame gun that greatly increases heat levels. Go right up to the tank and use a shield and just hold down the fire button and roast it.I wish you luck!!
A Better Way To Win In Arena
An easy way to win in arena is to by the grenade rifle for your right arm. If your not far enough in the game to bye it bye the flame gun. Also by a grenade launcher and a chain gun for your back unit. If over weight lose the grenade launcher .But bye the tank legs and equip all these parts. Play the abandon highway level. As you sit on the building you will see him come twored you,use the chain gun and shoot him as he comes. After he get by the side of the building fly high in the air and he will probably shoot at you. Try too dodge it and keep doing this till he runs out of ammo.I did this too beat Samsara,Kerehound,Splurge,the prisoner guy, and Mercilless.(he dosent come to the end of the game.
Get Best Laser Sword
In the level where you rescue the research team there is a floating platform that you can ride. Do not get on it, instead walk along the ground until you see a space that looks different from the rest shoot this and fall in you should now be it a large cave, look around and you should find LS-MOONLIGHT the most powerful laser sword in the game but also the heaviest.
Special Part (Orbiting Canon)
O.K. someone said that there is a orbiting canon in the diagonal green buildings close to the wall this is wrong it is in the middle of the green buildings on a long straight road you cant miss it. Good Luck.
More secret parts!
When you go to the level were it says elimant leos klien , there are many hall full of bombs that you need to dodge, but in one of those halls there are doors that will open. In one of the rooms there is a generator,, POWERFULL.
In both radar based missions when you first start out or need to go to , The radar roof has small partable crates that have doors that can be blown up. Inside , there are parts.
the first radar mission is infiltrat the radar base==== boosters , Not to good
Destroy the radar base===== Back rocket units EXCELLENT AND POWERFULL
True Easy way to beat Arena
Look u read all those other crappy ways but none of those work. I beat it with this and i can prove it. When u beat ARes u get 1,500,000credits. The way to do it is to buy the back part that shoots 2 multiple warhead missiles its expensive but youlll make it. Then go to the Etal Base and from the beginning fly to the platform all the way in the air and then there is a pole in the middle. Fly on top of that. That's all use the multiple warhead missile and no matter where he is they can track ure enemy....Believe me it works.
Secret Parts (lots of them]
Thus goes by levels
Destroy Containers:
I the snow level enter the crack on the right side of the starting point and blast a part of the plane to get to a small cave that where you get a option al past that powers up left weapons.
Eliminate Leos Klien:
in this level you get a new pair of energy weapon type arms: Equip with a head of hacking of 4 or greater you will encounter two sliding doors there will be a small room behind the door on the left that is where the part is this is just before the room where you will fight the fake klien.
Protect the Train:
i the second to last car there is a part that does a quick boost back part you will loose the mission if you take the part.
Infiltrate Rader Bas and Destroy Radar Base:
the two parts are the same place on each level. on the far side of the open are there will be three buildings. Shoot the door on the far side closest to the edge that is on the farthest to the right to find the secret parts.
Ground Based Assault.
on the Far side of the bridge fly under the bridge to find the most heavily armored head.
Safeguard secret Information:
Equip a head with a hacking of four or greater. turn left before the room before the elevator then open the doors shoot the crates in the center to uncover a panel on the floor. Shoot the panel to find a hidden FCS part.
Stop the Surface Weapon.
Fly past the surface weapons to find the Karasawa Mk2 beside some rocks.
Training room:
Look up to find a panel: shoot it and fly up into a room with a radar part.
Zio City Suppresiion:
Quickly look around the the city area to find the part, you must have one of the two enemy ACs to find the part.
Underground Railway
Fallow the right side branch to the end of the tunnel destroy the panel at that location there is another panel above that panel destroy it and fly up to fin the strongest shield in the game
And by the way tell that person who said a cheat about the orbiting cannons to give more detailed info on the cheat
Guarantee arena win
Get a ELC-Htt0808 (legs) with a good generator (Hoy-B999) the ZEX-RS/Hound (extension) and the best back weapon around, the EWC-GN44-AC granade launcher. use the granade launcher as your weapon, it only takes 5 shots to kill anyone! I got in 1st place in no time flat.
Mission Parts-
AC Test :
Shoot at the small gray octogon in the middle of the ceiling until it is destroyed, then boost up into a secret room to get a radar part. To get up there, you'll need the EBT-GR4300 Booster.
Escort Train:
Wait for the train to arrive and destroy the second-to-last car. You will find an extension part that boosts you back quickly. You will fail the mission if you take the part. On a personal note, I don't think it is worth it to take this part and fail the mission; the part isn't that great.
Safeguard Secret Information:
Just before the room with the freight elevator, open the door to the left (you'll need a head unit with a hacking function of more than 4). Destroy the crates in the next room and then blast the floor panel to access a secret area with an FCS part.
Ground Based Assault :
Follow the bridge to the far end, then fly underneath it. You'll find a head unit sitting on a ledge.
Rescue Research Team:
There is a long hallway with a floating platform in it. In the hallway, blast the brown floor panel to drop down into an area containing the most powerful laser blade in the game, the LS-MOONLIGHT.
Infiltrate Radar Base:
Outside the base where the radars are located, go all the way to the right to find six doors on three buildings. Blast open the doors to find a booster.
Destroy Radar Base:
A back-mounted missile launcher is in the exact same place as the booster above.
Stop The Surface Weapon:
Head forward from the starting point, past the target, and you'll find the KARASAWA-MK2 laying near some rocks on the ground. The KARASAWA-MK2 is the best right arm unit in the game.
Destroy Transport Containers:
Look for a section of a ravine wall that is colored differently than the rest (past the wreckage of the plane) and shoot it to open up a cavern with a hidden option part.
Underground Railway:
Follow the right branch of the tunnel to the end. You'll find a panel in the wall that you must destroy in order to continue the mission. Search the wall above the panel and you'll find another one in the ceiling. Destroy it and boost up into a secret area with the best shield in the game, the ZES-99/MIRROR.
Zio City Suppression:
Head to the right of the building directly in front of the start locations. Search the streets of the urban area and you'll find a back-mounting orbit cannon sitting out in the open.
Eliminate Leos Klein:
In the area just before the battle With Klein, open the left door to find a generator. You'll need a head with a hacking function of more than 4.
Arena Hidden Parts-
-Achieve a rank of 40 to recieve an option part that enhances braking.
-Achieve a rank of 30 to recieve an FCS part.
-Achieve a rank of 20 to recieve an extension part that interceps enemy missiles.
-Achieve a rank of 10 to recieve an inside part that disrupts enemy lock-ons.
-Achieve a rank of 1 to recieve a back part that disables enemy radar.
-Defeat the Animal to recieve a weapon-arm unit that is like a laser version of the shotgun.
-Obtain more than 10 Emeraude Corporate Points and defeat Grenstone to recieve a back-mounted missile launcher.
-Obtain more than 6 Zio Matrix Corporate Points and defeat Divine Bloom to recieve a powerful back-mounted dual plasma cannon.
I hope this info is useful to you. You can count on it because I got it straight from a Tips And Tricks magazine. Good Luck!
Save Credits !
To save credits you must do the following. 1. After you have earned some money from either a mission or an arena battle save the game. 2. Load your game and do any mission you like. 3. If you fail your mission and get less credits, go to the system and exit the game WITHOUT saving it! 4. When you go back to your game, you will have the amount of credits you had before you failed the mission and also you would still have your debt on the mission because the fail you did earlier wouldn't count. You could save tons of credits this way. HAPPY SAVINGS !
NOTE: If your going to use this cheat only go straight to mission or else you could lose what else you did before the mission. e.g. If you buy a new part and then go to mission and fail then not save the game, you'll lose the A.C part you bought.
Human Plus and Overweight
In the game AC2 you can get human plus and overweight in one mech. (This hint can also be used for the Armored Core game for playstation). When you get overweight this benefit will be impossible to reach, but if you get Human Plus your record is cleared of all failures so what you do is get all the human plus benefits and then get overweight. But do not fail a single mission trying to get overweight.
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