"Are you out of this world?" Ninja scores a $100K anonymous donation while playing Fortnite for charity

Florida gaming convention GuardianCon has been running a stream to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and top Fortnite celebrity Ninja just scored an anonymous $100,000 donation during his shift. Here's the moment he spots the jackpot. 

The Charity Marathon stream started on July 5 and ended today with Ninja's segment. Overall the team of broadcasters - that also included Smashley, Datto, and Char - raised an incredible $2.7 million for the non-profit that helps provide cutting edge medical care to children across America. 

GuardianCon itself starts tomorrow, and will feature tournaments for games like Destiny and FIFA, along with developer appearances from Warframe. Attendees can also do meet-and-greets with top streamers and catch live recordings of top gaming podcasts. 

If the generous donation has inspired you, you can still donate over on the GuardianCon official site. 

"GuardianCon is an event by creators for creators to celebrate the good we do together in the world," say the event organizers. "Over the past two years we've taken the passion and love within the gaming space, and applied it to be a driving force for good in the world by raising just under $2 million for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. 100% of donations during our charity broadcasts go to St. Jude directly. We believe deeply in the sentiment that 'Gaming Does Good' and has the potential to change the world."

The rumors are that Ninja's big cash donation came from rapper Drake (who joined him back in March to play Fortnite on stream) or Fortnite developer Epic, but neither party has commented yet. 

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Rachel Weber
Managing Editor, US

Rachel Weber is the US Managing Editor of 12DOVE and lives in Brooklyn, New York. She joined 12DOVE in 2017, revitalizing the news coverage and building new processes and strategies for the US team.