ArcadeGeddon Summer Update is coming soon - here's what to expect

The Arcadegeddon Summer Update is dropping soon, and developer Illfonic has walked us through what to expect from it as part of the Future Games Show Powered by AMD. 

IllFonic took the time to give us a look at some of the elements arriving with the Summer Update. The game is currently in Early Access on PC via Epic Games 

The headline is that the PvP arcade machine will be opening up for the first time, allowing players to go head to head against each other across a variety of minigames and brand new maps to boot. Currently, the game is focused on offering a cooperative experience for players either solo or in squads of four. 

You should also expect a host of new cosmetics to drop in the game, which range from wild hairdos to snazzy hats. There are new weapons too, along with fresh adventure tiles.  

The game's art director, Izaak Moody, took us one step further though and gave us a tease for the Arcadegeddon Fall Update. Firstly we got a look at a new biome called Downtown, which features two distinct zones - the slums and the corporate district. 

We also got a look at a brand new gang member, named Flexi. She's one of the Titans of the Top Ropes, and along with her partner Lexi, is an undefeated tag-team duo. Aesthetically she's inspired by Mexican luchadores and Olympic shotputters. 

As we've mentioned, the game is out now in Early Acces on PS5 and PC via the Epic Game Store. More platform launches will come with the full launch sometime in 2022. For now though, did you see the free Epic code giveaway during our Virtual Show Floor section? Scrub back now and see if you can nab one while you can!

Sam Loveridge
Global Editor-in-Chief, 12DOVE

Sam Loveridge is the Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar, and joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.