Apex Legends Season 4 trailer reveals Revenant's dark history and Rosie's origins

The Apex Legends season 4 trailer finally dropped, and it gave us everything we wanted and more, including a confirmed February 4 release date and what's likely a sneak peek at leaked character Rosie. 

After Revenant was last seen killing Forge in a surprise on-air interview earlier this week, everyone knew that he was going to be the next Legend in the arena. But we didn't know all that much about the scary skeleton/robot/man, save from a few voice lines that played during Apex Legends' Fight or Fright Halloween event.

We knew he was scary, but what we didn't know is that he used to be human. The description below the trailer reads: "Revenant used to be human. He was the greatest hitman the Mercenary Syndicate ever had. But when his programming eventually failed, he saw what Hammond Robotics had turned him into: a walking nightmare of steel and vestigial flesh. The return of Hammond Robotics to the Outlands has renewed his thirst for vengeance, and he won’t stop until they’re all dead. Of course, he doesn’t mind eviscerating a few Legends along the way."

In the trailer, we see a young girl watch as her father and mother are brutally killed by Revenant. That little girl is very likely Apex Legends Rosie or Loba character, another character that has been found by Apex Legend data miners, as reported by Dexerto. The in-game files gave us a look at Rosie's character photos: she's got dark, wavy hair, just like the girl in the video. It would make perfect sense that Rosie would become a Legend to exact revenge on the person who killed her parents.

We'll learn more when Apex Legends season 4 finally arrives next Tuesday, February 4, on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. 

For more, check out all the biggest new games of 2020 to keep an eye on, or watch our video below for a bitesize sizzle reel. 

Alex Avard

I'm GamesRadar's Features Writer, which makes me responsible for gracing the internet with as many of my words as possible, including reviews, previews, interviews, and more. Lucky internet!