How to level up fast in Anthem: 5 tips to help you get to level 30 quickly

If you're serious about making progress through the game, then you'll want to know how to level up fast in Anthem. Completing the main story will only get you so far, probably to around level 20, so if you want to reach the level 30 cap in Anthem then you'll need to put in some extra work. It's worth it, as you'll get access to the top level 30 loot as well as the Grandmaster 3 difficulty, but it can be a challenge to get there. To get your hands on some Epic, Legendary, and Masterwork weapons you'll have to knuckle down and soldier on, so make things a little easier by following our tips to help you level up fast in Anthem.

1. Always play in squads

You might be a lone wolf at heart, but you should really consider playing in a squad if you want a big ol' lump of XP thrown your way. Basically, the more people alongside you when you finish a mission, the more extra XP you'll get as a reward for your presumed teamwork and camaraderie. So make sure to keep your game mode public, not private, however much you might want to go it alone. 

2. Set Anthem to hard difficulty 

Yes, that might sound scary, but playing Anthem on hard really isn't that...well, hard. Just make sure that you're familiar enough with your Javelin, its abilities, and how the combo system works to be able to handle tougher enemies. You'll get more XP, but be warned: in some of the story missions you'll find yourself faced with a ton more enemies. However, keep your squad open like we mention in the point above, and you'll probably find yourself being matched with higher-level players who can help you out. 

3. Remember to try to complete expedition feats

When you're playing Anthem you'll find little challenges pop up every so often, whether that's reviving teammates, getting multi-kills, or executing successful combos. These are one of the best things to do if you're wondering how to level up fast in Anthem, as each expedition feat you complete gets you a bit of XP as a reward. To find out what you need to do, go into your inventory during a mission and you'll be able to see how far you are towards completing each expedition feat. Freeplay is a great place to tick these off, but quickplay will also do the job. 

4. Quickplay is a great place to find extra XP

Quickplay lets you jump into squads that have just one slot free, meaning you can find yourself in any mission or stronghold in the game. So while you might find yourself doing missions you've already done, that XP bump is definitely worth it. However, be warned: you might find yourself dropped into the very last mission of the game, so it's best to wait until you've finished the story missions before engaging in some quickplay or you could be faced with serious spoilers. They're also great for grinding, and can help you get to level 30 in a handful of hours if you plug away at it. 

5. If in doubt, do legendary contracts 

Contracts are just a fancy name for the sidequests you'll be able to do in Anthem, which you can pick up from agents like Yarrow or Brin, or from the notice boards around Fort Tarsis. When you tick off all of the normal contracts you'll soon find yourself being given legendary contracts, which are easily recognisable by their purple icon on the map. These get you more XP than usual, and once you've done one all you have to do is kill some time (and hopefully a lot of enemies) in quickplay and wait for another to pop up. 

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Zoe Delahunty-Light

While here at GamesRadar, Zoe was a features writer and video presenter for us. She's since flown the coop and gone on to work at Eurogamer where she's a video producer, and also runs her own Twitch and YouTube channels. She specialises in huge open-world games, true crime, and lore deep-dives.