Another Nioh demo on the way, sick new trailer out now

If you missed the Nioh demo first time around - or if you live in Asia and you hated it - prepare yourself for Samurai Christmas. A second downloadable demo is on the way in August.

The Alpha Demo of the exclusive PS4 action game was played by over 850,000 people. It was well-received by Americans, but less so by Asian audiences, 39 percent of whom rated it as "normal," "bad," or "very bad." Koei Tecmo has acted upon that information, tweaked the game and is planning to release a second demo in August. More information about the contents and exact release date are on the way, but we can assume it’ll be very different from the first one. 

As well as this info, there also a new trailer, which you can check out above. Nioh is coming exclusively to PS4 this year, and a recent Amazon leak suggests it’ll be with us on 28th October.

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Matt Elliott
Matt is GamesRadar's senior commissioning editor. His ideal game would be a turn-based beat 'em up set in Lordran, starring Professor Layton and Nico from Broken Sword. There would also be catapults and romance.