Anne Hathaway offered the lead in romcom from 30 Rock writer

Anne Hathaway has been offered the lead role in an as-yet-untitled romcom, based on a script by 30 Rock writer-producer Kay Cannon.

Peter Sollet ( Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist ) is in negotiations to direct the movie, which will be Hathaway's Dark Knight Rises follow-up, should she sign on.

Anything will sound like a bit of a disappointment coming straight after Nolan's Bat-threequel, but Hathaway has proven time and time again that she makes for an extremely engaging romcom lead ( Bride Wars notwithstanding), and her star status should ensure she's getting the pick of the best scripts out there.

There are a couple more grains of hope in that news. Hopefully Cannon will bring some of 30 Rock 's smarts, sass and snappy one-liners to the script, and Nick And Norah had more charm and cool than your average genre offering.

Cannon recently wrote the script for Pitch Perfect , the a cappella comedy with Anna Kendrick attached to star.

Hathaway has recently been linked to Tom Hooper's big screen take on Les Miserables , but nothing's been confirmed on that front yet.

You have to wait until 20 July 2012 to see her interpretation of Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises .

Matt Maytum
Editor, Total Film

I'm the Editor at Total Film magazine, overseeing the running of the mag, and generally obsessing over all things Nolan, Kubrick and Pixar. Over the past decade I've worked in various roles for TF online and in print, including at 12DOVE, and you can often hear me nattering on the Inside Total Film podcast. Bucket-list-ticking career highlights have included reporting from the set of Tenet and Avengers: Infinity War, as well as covering Comic-Con, TIFF and the Sundance Film Festival.