Animated TRON TV series on the way

TRON: Legacy writers Adam Horowitz and Eddie Kitsis have spilled the beans on an upcoming TRON TV animation.

Like Star Wars spin-off The Clone Wars , the show will bring the events that took place between the movies to life.

Speaking to Box Office Magazine, Horowitz said: "There's a 10-part micro series that will premiere next summer that Eddie and I wrote."

"We've hired an incredible team; we've got a guy running the show named Charlie Bean who is an amazing director."

When asked if the movie would fit in with the continuity of the movies, Kitsis stated: "Absolutely. And we're treating it very seriously."

"The animated show will take place from when Flynn is in a safe house. It's from when Clu takes over the grid to before when Sam comes in. So if you were wondering what the grid was like before that, then watch the show."

Horowitz added some further details: "We hesitate to tell too much just yet, but it will fill in the blanks of some things and explore some new areas as well."

"Bruce Boxleitner is in it, Elijah Wood, Linda Moore, Paul Reubens, Lance Henriksen. I mean, we've got a really cool group of actors."

TRON: Legacy didn't exactly set the box office alight in the way Disney would have hoped for, so it'll be interesting to see if there's still an audience for this.

Matt Maytum
Editor, Total Film

I'm the Editor at Total Film magazine, overseeing the running of the mag, and generally obsessing over all things Nolan, Kubrick and Pixar. Over the past decade I've worked in various roles for TF online and in print, including at 12DOVE, and you can often hear me nattering on the Inside Total Film podcast. Bucket-list-ticking career highlights have included reporting from the set of Tenet and Avengers: Infinity War, as well as covering Comic-Con, TIFF and the Sundance Film Festival.