Animal Crossing: City Folk cheats

Animal Crossing: City Folk cheats
(Image credit: Nintendo)

Use these Animal Crossing: City Folk cheats to unlock lots of bells by changing the date on your console, then check out all the details on the various items you can unlock.

Animal Crossing: City Folk cheats

Wii | Submitted by K26

Zipper T. Bunny Money

Do you want to make more than 100,000 bells in half an hour? then this what you do:

1. set the date and time to when the zipper comes to your town. (the rabbit will come in late march to the middle of April.)

2. go speak with him at the town hall

3. go around town and dig up all the stars you should have all the bunny eggs then crack them open and see what's inside.

4. you will probably find candy but after you dig them all up ther should be 12 bunny foils.

5. go back to zipper T. bunny and give him the foils one by one and he will give you egg items.

6. go to tom nook and sell them all.

(each item is worth 9000 bells!)

7. voila over 100,000 bells.

Wii | Submitted by Mr. crossing


This is how you get some extra cash.

1. set the time to your birthday ( to change time on the menu go to other things and say set time/date).

2. you should have some money in your mail box.

3. just go to the time/date thing again and set it 1 year ahead

and BAM! you have some money repeat to get more and more!

Animal Crossing: City Folk unlockables

Wii | Submitted by me

Mario Items

1-Up Mushroom - Found in balloon presents

? Block - Found in balloon presents

Brick Block - Found in balloon presents

Brick flooring - Found in balloon presents

Cannon - Found in balloon presents

Coin - Found in balloon presents

Fire Bar - Found in balloon presents

Fire Flower - Found in balloon presents

Flagpole - Found in balloon presents

Green Koopa Shell - Found in balloon presents

Green Pipe - Found in balloon presents

Mushroom Mural - Found in balloon presents

Starman - Found in balloon presents

Super Mushroom - Found in balloon presents

Wii | Submitted by AJ


Tortimer/Tom Nook's Shop/Shopping points


Resetti Model(Groundhog Day)

Sailboat Model(Explorer's Day)

Tom Nook's Shop(Spotlight Items)

House Model

Wide House Model

Two-Story Model

Town Hall Model

Museum Model

Shopping Points

Nook's Cranny(300 Points)

Nook "n" Go(5,000 Points)

Nookway(10,000 Points)

Nookington's(20,000 Points)

Wii | Submitted by Hoggle

Harvest Set

To get a furniture item from the Harvest Set, talk to Tortimer after 3pm on Harvest Day (this year it was Nov 27). He will give you a Fork and Knife and tell you that the Special Guest hasn't shown up yet. There will be a Turkey character, Franklin, hiding somewhere in your town. He'll give you an item from the Harvest Set for your fork and knife.

Fork and Knife - Talk to Tortimer on Harvest Day

Harvest Bed - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Bureau - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Chair - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Clock - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Dresser - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Lamp - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Mirror - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Rug - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Sofa - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Table - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest TV - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Harvest Wall - Franklin will give it to you for the Fork and Knife

Wii | Submitted by Hoggle

Pirate Ship Theme

Find Pascal and give him a scallop to get a random Pirate Ship Theme item.

Anchor - Give Scallop

Barrel - Give Scallop

Helm - Give Scallop

Keg - Give Scallop

Sea View Wallpaper - Give Scallop

Ship Cannon - Give Scallop

Ship Compass - Give Scallop

Ship Deck Flooring - Give Scallop

Wii | Submitted by Animal Man

Store Upgrades

Tom Nook's Store

These are the amounts required to get your store bigger and better!

Nook's Cranny (open 8:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m)

Nook 'n' Go (open 7:oo a.m to 1:00 a.m) spend 25,000 bells

Nookway (open 8:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m) spend 90,000 bells

Nookington's (open 9:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m) spend 240,000 bells

Wii | Submitted by zaza

Bank Unlockables

Box of Tissues - Deposit 100,000 bells into the bank.

Gold Card - Reach "VIP" status.

Shopping Card - Deposit 10,000 bells into the bank.

Wii | Submitted by Zaza

Earn Trophies

On some days there are contests. You can earn trophies by winning them.

Bug Trophy - Catch the largest bug by the end of the contest.

Fish Trophy - Catch the longest fish by the end of the contest.

Wii | Submitted by Animal Saucing

Nook's Store Prizes

Tom Nook's special prizes. Spend the required number of bells to earn the corresponding prize.

Bad bro 'stache - 2,500 points

Banana - 500 points

Hero's cap, Majora's Mask, or Samus mask - 6,000 points

Hero's clothes, Varia suit, or Wario hat - 5,000 points

Kart - 10,000 points

Midna's mask - 6,500 points

Peach's parasol - 4,000 points

Toad hat - 3,000 points

Triple Shells - 800 points

Yoshi's egg - 1,000 points

Wii | Submitted by Zaza

Tool Upgrades

Golden axe - Throw a normal axe into the fountain for a chance to get a golden axe.

Golden fishing rod - Catch every type of fish.

Golden net - Catch every type of insect.

Golden shovel - Bury a normal shovel and dig it up 4 days later.

Golden slingshot - Knock down 8 balloons, than there is a chance that a balloon present will drop one.

Golden watering can - Earn a perfect town rating for 15 days. Talk to Pelly in the town hall.

Silver axe - Throw a normal axe into the town fountain.

Silver fishing rod - Sold at Tom Nook's.

Silver Net - Sold at Tom Nook's

Silver shovel - Obtained from Resetti's Surveillance Center in the city.

Silver slingshot - Sold at Tom Nook's

Silver watering can - Buy 50 bags of seeds from Tom Nook

Wii | Submitted by Zaza

Town Upgrades

Donating Bells to the Town Fund can earn the town the following items.

A new bridge built in town - Donate 200,000 Bells

A fountain built in town - Donate 500,000 Bells

A windmill or a lighthouse built in town - Donate 1,000,000 Bells

Wii | Submitted by Animal Saucing

House Expansions

Pay Nook to expand your house.

Normal House (You start off with this) - 19,800 Bells

1st Expansion (Larger 1st Floor) - 120,000 Bells

2rd Expansion (Largest 1st Floor) - 248,000 Bells

3rd Expansion (2nd Floor) - 368,000 Bells

Final Expansion (Basement) - 598,000 Bells

Animal Crossing: City Folk tips

Wii | Submitted by COD FTW

Unlimited Bells

Wii menu

Enter your game and check your bank account, then SAVE. After that go to the Wii menu and select settings. Change the month and year forward for unlimited money.

Wii | Submitted by matty315

Money From Redd

When you have paid the 3000 bells to get into Redd's shop, he will sometimes give you an invite card. Send this to another human player in the town. They can then go to Redd's and get membership. The next time you see Redd, he will give you a cut of the membership fee!

Wii | Submitted by leosander

Male Haircut


made by me & only me. leosander


Male haircuts =)=)=)=(=(=(=. ______________________________________________________________

| Answer1 | Answer 2 | Answer 3 |==| Hairstyle |

I cute I not at all I you bet i am I == 1 I

I cute I not at all! I not so much == 2 I

I cute I totally! I no way...darlin'! == 3 I

I cute I totally! I i could care less. == 4 I

I grown-up I big brother! I um, recieve it ? == 5 I

I grown-up I big brother! I um, give it ? == 6 I

I grown-up I businesman I i'll risk it == 7 I

I grown-up I businesman I i'll run away == 8 I

I CRAZY I sure ! I a movie star ! == 9 I (this is ugly)

I CRAZY I sure ! I a rock star ! == 10 I

I CRAZY I I yeah totaly == 11 I

I CRAZY I I no,it just happends== 12 I

1= Normal, three fringes

2 = Messy (relly good)

3 = Normal, spiked around edges

4 = Normal, mushroom cut (really funny)

5 = Normal, no fringe

6 = Sticks up front and back (be carefull this can be cool to someone but...)

7 = Normal, sticks up at front

8 = Messy, long

9 = Parting through the middle, bushed to each side (dont think about it)

10 = Same as 1, but a spike in the middle (my favorite)

11 = Spiked

12 = Normal

female haircuts coming soon

questons on [email protected]

created by leosander ;)

Wii | Submitted by vidgamfreak


If you see a anything you like in Red's, don't buy it. It's just a scam to get you to pay a higher price. Wait until you see it in Nook's.

Wii | Submitted by johnyboythe pig


Put this amount of money into your bank account to earn these feathers to go on your head.

Green feather - 100,000,000 Bells

Blue feather - 200,000,000 Bells

Yellow feather - 300,000,000 Bells

Red feather - 400,000,000 Bells

Purple feather - 500,000,000 Bells

White feather - 600,000,000 Bells

Rainbow feather - 700,000,000 Bells

"You do not have to donate in to the town fund"

Wii | Submitted by Animal Crosser

Easy Bells

First get the golden shovel then bury any amount of bells with it (10,000 would be good) water it then wait about 4 days and you will have triple of what you buried (the bells will keep growing back I think).

Wii | Submitted by Chill A - nickname that the town folk gave me!

K.K. Slider

Starting at 8:00 every Saturday K.K. Slider plays in the cafe in the museum. He gives you a copy of the music he plays so you can take it home and put it in your CD player. Your first time he will play a random song, but after that he takes requests. Here are some songs he plays:


Steep Hill



I Love You





>>There may be more I don't know.

Wii | Submitted by Me and only me

Cool Town Tunes!

Go to the left station of Town Hall, click any employee and click town tunes. Now you can edit the tune that plays whenever you talk to someone or sometimes when you enter a building. Drag the frog face up and down to get lower and higher notes. Here are some examples of the many tunes you can create (lower case letters stand for the lower form of the note, higher case stands for the higher form, and underscores stand for the middle):

"Come As You Are" by Nirvana

a a b c _ f c f c c b a G a a z

"Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple

g _ a _ b _ _ g _ a _ c b _ _

Theme from The Exorcist

d _ e _ c d _ f _ G _ e f _ d

"Imperial March" from Star Wars

e e e cge cge

"YMCA" by The Village People

e _ _ d _ e d z z d _ _ c _ d c

"In The End" by Linkin Park

d A _ A _ f _ e _ e _ e _ e f d

Jingle Bells

e e e z e e e z e g c d e _

Theme from Jurassic Park

C B C _ g _ f _ C B C _ g _ f _

Theme from The Legend Of Zelda

A _ e _ _ A A B C D E _ _ z z z

Theme from Mortal Kombat

a a c a d a e d _ c c e c f c g f

Them from The Simpsons

F_ _ A _ G _ D C _ _ A_ F_ D

Theme from Super Mario Bros.

e e _ e _ c e _ G _ _ z g z z z

Theme from the Forest in Zelda

F A B _ F A B E D _ B C B G e _

"Bolero of Fire" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

f d f d A f A f

"Epona's Song" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

D B A _ D B A

"Minuet of Forest" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

d D B _ A B A or d D B A B A

"Nocturne of Shadow" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

C _ B B d B A f

"Prelude of Light" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

D A _ D A B D

"Requiem of Spirit" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

d _ f _ d _ A f d

"Saria's Song" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

f A B _ f A B

"Serenade of Water" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

d _ f _ A _ A _ B or d f A A B

"Song of Storms" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

d f D _ d f D

"Song of Time" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

A e f _ A e f

"Sun's Song" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

A f D _ A f D

"Zelda's Lullaby" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

B D A _ B D A

Wii | Submitted by gagaga

Town Hall Model

Town Hall model - Tortimer will send you the Town Hall model in the mail one year after you move in.

Wii | Submitted by Hoggle

Birthday Cake

Birthday Cake - Talk to your neighbors on your birthday

Wii | Submitted by Jobobobobobobo

Snowman Items

When there is snow on the ground there is a chance that you will find two small balls of snow on the ground. If you take one ball and make it huge while keeping the other small then you can make a snowman. The snowman will come to life and mail you a random piece of snowman furniture.

Wii | Submitted by Billasuprenant

Magic Money Rock

You have all heard about the magic money rock, you know, look like a Phizzle by running around town hitting rocks with your shovel.

But, even though you look really stupid it is a great way to make some quick money (Up to $8,100 bells)

The order is-

first hit-100 bells

second hit-200 bells

third hit-300 bells

forth hit-500 bells

fifth hit-1,000 bells

sixth hit-2,000 bells

seventh hit-4,000 bells

eight hits plus- nothing else

Okay heres the thing, you all know that when you hit the rock you get pushed back a little so you have to move slightly back forward so you don't miss the rock after getting pushed back, so you have to walk back forward once or twice before hitting again (if you want to get the last 4,000 bells you CAN'T walk forward after getting pushed back)

To solve this problem you simply have to dig a hole behind you before you start hitting the rock so you don't get pushed back while hitting the rock.


Note: If you stop hitting at any time you will not get the last 4,000 bells

Wii | Submitted by Ching_Chong_Bong

Food Festival

On November 27 at around 3 pm go to the town hall and you will see the mayor. He will give you a fork and knife and ask you to give it to some one. Instead if you find a turkey hiding behind houses or trees talk to him and he will trade you fork and knife for furniture. Do this repeatedly until the mayor is out of forks and knives.

Wii | Submitted by Taylor

Secret Club

The City in an alleyway next to the theater

Go to the city on the bus and go in the alleyway on the side of the theater.

To get in first you have to go and find someone in the club (The only person I found was Fang) and then one time when you talk to them they will tell you about it and send you a message in the mail. The club has rare stuff inside that you can buy but it cost 3,000 bells to get a membership!

Wii | Submitted by sadfasd

Tortimer Holiday Furniture

Find Tortimer on the following holidays to get the corresponding furniture.

Cool Globe - Nature Day

Leaf - April Fool's Day

Picnic Basket - Labor Day

Resetti Model - Groundhog Day

Sailboat Model - Explorer's Day

Wheat Bundle - Harvest Moon

Wii | Submitted by Falconwing

Message Bird

The Message Board outside of the Town Hall.

When there is an unread message on the Message Board, a canary will be sitting on it. When you read the unread messages, the bird will disappear and not come back until there is another unread message on the Message Board.

This is quite useful when you don't feel like looking on the Message Board just to see if there are any new messages.

Wii | Submitted by Papasmurf22

Importing From DS

When you transfer your data from your DS it can seem like nothing happened. So whats the point? If you go to the catalog (at Tom Nook's) in City Folk all your old stuff is for sale. You have to buy it all again, but you can still get your old stuff.

Wii | Submitted by Nikole273


If you look around every day at 3:00pm you will find a bunch of mushrooms in front of trees. pick them up, and 1 every day will be a piece of mush furniture. The rest you can sell at Tom Nook's for a good price.

Wii | Submitted by Nessrox

Shoe Color Guide

When you visit the city there will be a skunk-thing guy sitting on some steps. When you talk to him he'll ask you if you want your shoes shined. Depending on the color of your hair (which you color at The Shampoodle) your shoes will change to the same color. To get your shoes the way you started, select change style.

Wii | Submitted by Falconwing

Mush Furniture

All over your town, in Autumn

Scattered about your town, there'll be mushrooms of different sizes and shapes. Sometimes, when you pick a mushroom up, it will actually be a piece of a rare set of furniture called Mush Furniture. Here's what I've discovered so far:

Mush Table

Mush TV

Mush Stand

Mush Dresser

Mush Chair

Mush Stool

Mush Lamp

Mush Carpet

Mush Wallpaper

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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