Amy Hennig brings in Star Wars Project Ragtag co-writer for a new "story-driven action-adventure game"

Project Ragtag
(Image credit: EA)

Two of the key creative minds from the canceled Star Wars Project Ragtag have reunited to work on a new single-player action-adventure game.

Ragtag writer Todd Stashwick revealed on Twitter that he's working with Amy Hennig, who co-created and led the Uncharted series before leaving Naughty Dog in 2014, on her new studio's first new project. Skydance New Media was formed jointly by Hennig and former EA executive Julian Beak in 2019, and this is the most we've heard of its new project yet.

Stashwick kept specific details on the new project brief, though he did link to a pair of job openings for the project which reveal a little bit more. The listings for a senior animation engineer and senior software engineer state that the studio is "laser-focused on premium action-adventure games with rich, compelling stories" and that its first productions "will tap into the traditions of adventure cinema." Skydance New Media also plans to make products that are "best-in-class for both visual fidelity and innovative gameplay" across PC and consoles.

As for this project in particular, Skydance says it will be "a high quality, AAA single-player story-driven action-adventure game built using the Unreal Engine." This doesn't sound too far off from the vision for Project Ragtag, which would have been a Star Wars caper story starring an ensemble of heroes all working together in parallel. We'll never know what Ragtag could have ultimately become (though it was apparently further along than most people realized) but it's exciting to know Hennig and Stashwick are back at it again with a new studio and project.

Hopefully we won't need to wait another two or three years to add Skydance's new project to our big list of video game release dates.

Connor Sheridan

I got a BA in journalism from Central Michigan University - though the best education I received there was from CM Life, its student-run newspaper. Long before that, I started pursuing my degree in video games by bugging my older brother to let me play Zelda on the Super Nintendo. I've previously been a news intern for GameSpot, a news writer for CVG, and now I'm a staff writer here at GamesRadar.