American McGee wants your thoughts and ideas on his next Alice game's story outline

Alice - sprayed with blood - clasps a blood-stained knife as she stares into the camera
(Image credit: EA)

The full story outline to a follow-up American McGee Alice game has been revealed online.

American McGee – the creator of two fantastically chilling Alice games – has shared the document as part of his efforts to "crowd design" the highly-anticipated third installment of his fan-favorite horror series with the 3,000+ fans who support his Patreon.

"This is it. At last... the Alice: Asylum Narrative Outline is available for you to download, read, and join in helping Crowd Design," McGee wrote on Patreon (thanks, Eurogamer).

"The narrative contained within is still very much a Work In Progress. Some elements (dialogue for example) may seem downright clunky. The polishing phase for those things will come next as part of the Crowd Design process," he added. "After that, this content will be used to drive the production of the Design Bible."

Written by McGee and Alex Crowley, the story was finalized on August 20. However, McGee reminds readers that it is not "an exhaustive collection of everything we imagine will be in the game" and only once the document is "locked" will the team at Mysterious Studios be able to fill in additional dialogue, locations, and scenarios.

If you've read Alice's proposed adventure and fancy feeding back your views, there's a questionnaire at the end of the 150+ page document that explains how to do so. Just be careful reading the story; the Alice games are heavily macabre, and the story outline carries a hefty content warning for "scenes describing themes of child abuse and family deaths", as well as "distressing scenes focussing on traumatic and repressed memories from the main character's childhood". 

It also features "confronting scenes concerning mental health, violence, horror themes, and gore", so please take care if any of those themes might be upsetting to you.

Alice: Madness Returns is the sequel to American McGee's Alice, a dark and twisted take on Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Though lauded for its stunning visuals, Madness Returns didn't sell enough to compel EA into making a third installment, which means it's a full decade later and we still don't formally have a part three yet, even though we reckon Madness Returns is one of the most overlooked games of the PS3 / Xbox 360 generation.

Here are our picks of the very best horror games.

Vikki Blake
Weekend Reporter, 12DOVE

Vikki Blake is 12DOVE's Weekend Reporter. Vikki works tirelessly to ensure that you have something to read on the days of the week beginning with 'S', and can also be found contributing to outlets including the BBC, Eurogamer, and Vikki also runs a weekly games column at NME, and can be frequently found talking about Destiny 2 and Silent Hill on Twitter.